Chapter 22 - The Big News

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Thanks for reading my loves <3

Happy late Valentines 🥰🥰


Nick and Charlie had been stressed, they had spent the last day very nervous and full of anxiety as they thought about the best way to tell their 10 year old son and 3 year old daughter about Declan and Lucia.

They knew there are not many easy ways to say it, especially to young kids but they have too. They chose to create a relationship with these teenagers so they must. But how do they tell them??

Alec POV

You know, ever since Papa and Daddy went to a meeting with some lady they have been acting funny. It was only yesterday but they have been acting secretive and quiet. And I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.

Millie and I are currently eating breakfast at the dining table while Papa and Daddy talk in low hushed tones at the kitchen island drinking coffee. It's Sunday today so we had a slow morning but we are now all dressed.

I'm wearing my favorite football shirt and green shorts. Millie had me pick her outfit and I chose a pink shirt and some red overalls with a butterfly stitch design on the chest pocket and a yellow headband keeping her curls off her face. Yet she still has food through her hair.

I finish my last piece of nutella toast and bring my plate to sink where daddy and papa are. They quickly stop their conversation when they notice me and stand in silence as I rinse my plate and place it in the sink.

I decide to take a risk and interrogate them on their suspicious acts. But I don't wanna tell them to their face so I decide to write a stern letter and deliver that instead.

I race to my room and get out some paper and I pen. I let my thoughts flow to the page and run out my questions for my dads. I've always sucked at spelling so it may not look right but I don't care, spelling doesn't matter.

(AUTHORS NOTE- Alec is bad at spelling so this may not make sense but just go with it ;)

Dear Daddy and Papa

I have notised that you have been acting funny and hiding seakrets from me. I want to know what it is.

Please tell me becoz I think I diserve to know. I am worieid abot you and want to help.



I sign the letter with my name and fold it up. With a smile I ran upstairs to Papa and Daddy's room and placed the letter on their bed for them to find.

I begin the wait for them to find the note.

THIRD PERSON - Hours later...

Nick and Charlie soon find the note from their 10 year old son and hesitantly read the note. Chuckling lightly at his innocent spelling mistakes.

They share a look and devise a plan to tell the kids. If Alec has picked up the secrets then it's definitely time to address the issue.

They decide the best idea is to tell the kids separately. They recognize that Alec understands the adoption process roughly and will need a more in depth version than Millie.

And Millie won't understand the technical terms or what adoption or DNA tests are.

So with that in mind they get Alec to tell him first.

Alec POV

It's later this afternoon and I'm getting sick of waiting for them to spot the letter. I'm too scared to check so I just wait.

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