Chapter 5 - In deep trouble

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Alec POV

I like school. I like school more than most kids my age. I like school more than I should. I do well in school. I do better than most kids my age. I do better than I should in some subjects. I behave in school. I behave better than most kids my age. But I still mess up sometimes, we all do. But this time I really messed up. I go to Kingston Primary School and I really like it. I have nice friends, like my best friend Max. My teacher is alright, Mrs Roberts she's nice when we do subject's I like but not nice when we do spelling.

But today I don't know what happened. I just flipped. This annoying kid in my school, Logan was being, well, annoying and picking on this girl in my class Sophia. She's really sweet and kind but he was stepping on the back of her shoe, pulling her pretty blonde hair, knocking her glasses off her face and saying she still wets the bed. Sophia was too shy to do anything so she just kept getting picked on, day after day. This has been going on much too long for my liking and when I saw him push her into the grass on the field I went up to him and kinda hit him. In my defense it wasn't hard but he then pushed me to the ground and kicked me. Another thing about Logan is he's in grade 6 and I'm in grade 5 so it hurts a lot. But then the teacher came and stopped it before it could get worse.

So now I'm in the deputy principal's office who also happens to be my dad. When the teacher came Logan was sent to the office but I was sent to my daddy's office. At school I don't see a lot of my dad, he sits in his office doing adult stuff and I am in class. My dad's office is nice, it's got white walls with a desk that he works at, bookshelves and a small table with four chairs and some photos of Me, Millie and Papa. I'm sitting at a chair across from him at the desk, I also have an ice pack on my ribs to soothe the pain from being kicked. Daddy is now rubbing his face against the palm of his hands and I look down at my lap.

"This is not what I thought would happen today." Daddy spoke and I listen but keep my head down. "Alec what happened?" he asks me. I honestly don't know what I was thinking but whatever it was I was sure I wouldn't end up like this. So I shrug my shoulders in response.

He did not like this

"I need a real answer Alec." Daddy said but not in his loving, caring daddy voice but in his stern, direct deputy principal voice.

"I'm not sure Daddy. Logan was being mean and I didn't like it." I say truthfully.

"Being mean to you?" He asks

I shake my head. "No to this girl Sophia, he's always picking on her and she doesn't do anything so I did." I tell him truthfully but once again he didn't like that

"So you hit him? Alec, you and I both know when someone does something wrong you do not go to violence." He says sternly and makes me whimper and for the first time I'm afraid of my daddy. He isn't acting like my dad, he's acting like my teacher which he technically is but he's never acted like it. I look down at my shorts and let a few tears roll down my cheeks and tuck my hands under my bum, something I do to calm myself, I'm not sure why I just like weight on my hands.

Daddy picked up on my crying and moved out of his chair to crouch in front of me at eye level, he then took my hands and grabbed them from under me and talked.

"Sweetheart, I'm not happy with what happened today, I'm glad you stuck up for the girl but I don't like how you stuck up for her. So what's going to happen is papa and Logan's parents are going to come and we are going to have a little talk. Okay?" He says softer now. But I don't want papa to know, I don't want them both mad at me.

"I don't want papa to know. You'll both be mad." I say quietly

"We aren't mad hun, but we are disappointed with how you handled this. So we are going to talk about it. I'm going to go to the front office to meet Logan's parents and papa before the meeting. I want you to stay here and do your homework until we need you." he tells me and then stands up, gathers some papers from his desk and his laptop. He also comes to me and kisses my head before leaving.

Eighteen Years LaterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin