Chapter 24 - Day with Declan

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Declan POV

I love school, I really do but fuck me it can get repetitive. I feel like I'm sometimes doing the same thing week after week at school. I go to Kingston Grammar School and am a Year 12 in sixth form. My life is pretty boring but it's alright.

I pull myself up to sit upright in bed and push my hair back with hands, the golden locks flattening by the swoosh of my palm. I chuck the blankets off and stand up. I grab my phone from the nightstand and check the time. "7:30" it reads. Oh crap, I gotta hurry. I scramble to get dressed, wearing baggy jeans, a tight fitting white shirt, and my typical bomber jacket. I head to the bathroom and wash my face, brush my teeth and do my hair.

I hurriedly pack my bag making sure I have everything, books, laptop, pencils, notes, money for food etc. I swing it over my shoulder and head downstairs. I see my parents around the kitchen island. They adopted my sister and I quite late in life, they struggled with having kids for a long time. They are now 67 and 68 and were lovely parents to Lucia and I. Their names are Debra-Jo and Warren, I think now they struggle with keeping up with us. It was easier when we were little and they raised us with little technology considering they didn't know much about it, but now they are a little behind.

"Good Morning, bub." Mum says, she has short gray hair, in a pixie cut sort of style, bright purple thick framed glasses and has an apron on. She is reading on her kindle at the moment. She slides a plate with buttered toast across the kitchen island to me and I quickly gobble it down.

"Morning, mum and dad." I say, mouth full. Mum shoots me a look over her kindle, the mother look that all mums do the 'check yourself and try again'. I swallow my bite and repeat myself.

"Morning, son." Dad says, rather loudly, his hearing isn't the best anymore.

"What are you guys up to today?" I ask. They are both retired, they used to work as real estate agents and interior designers but retired a couple years ago. Mum works part time at the local library, volunteering and helping out now and then but she mostly does it for fun.

"Nothing much, going to some markets later today." Mum replies. "What classes do you have today?" She asks and I think for a second.

"Maths, English, Business, History, Construction and some free study." I say. I'm studying to be an electrician, so I have to take specific classes.

"Hmm." Dad hums "Homework done?"

I freeze and they both stare at me for too long.

"You haven't done it? Have you?" Mum says, a disappointed tone in her voice.

I look down at my lap.

"Not good enough Declan." She tuts.

"I'll get it done, mum and dad." I say

"You better." Dad declares, the final warning tone strong. I nod.

Lucia comes down the stairs, hair done, bag packed, makeup done all ready for school. She has a pink baggy band shirt, the neck wide and over one shoulder, blue jorts, and some gold jewelry.

"Morning Lucy." Mum smiles and hands her a bacon butty. "How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm good, I've got a presentation first period, I can't hang around for long." She says.

"See, she gets her work done! Why don't you?" Dad teases me

"Dad.." I dragged out, embarrassed. Lucia giggles and I glare at her.

"Don't tease the boy, Warren." Mum scolds, laughing too.

"Alright, let's get going lucia." I say, stand up and grab my keys. Lucia follows me to the front door.

Eighteen Years Laterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें