Not together anymore?

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Author's POV-
Diya couldn't sleep the whole night, her eyes were red and heavy. Her brain and heart were on total opposite sides, having a war which made her go crazy. One was trying its best to support Chaitanya and believe in him and the other one was explaining her that there is no question that the child is his ,as he and her sister were in a relationship.
A sudden knock jerked her out of her thoughts ,as she opened the door, trying to wipe off the tears on her face.
"Diya! Please listen to me--",Chaitanya entered the room ,his hair disheveled, his face did not have that glimpse of confidence that he usually carried.
Diya raised her hand, forbidding him from uttering another word and left the room..


"What do you want Mrunali ?",Chaitanya spoke up, looking out of his cabin room ,outside the window as Mrunali sat on the chair.
"What do you mean?",she held her head high.
"Leave that bi--h!",she smirked
Chaitanya's fist tightened as he continued looking at the window.
"What? Aren't you gonna say something?",her restlessness was visible on her face.
"You freaking girl! What do you think of yourself huh?",his eyes were blood red
Mrunali smiled and said,"Accept this kid is yours and marry me! Divorce Diya!"
"Ain't gonna happen",Chaitanya growled
"Then you don't have any other option baby..Face the consequences",she traced his face with her finger and left.

"Vijay ! I want the reason why Mrunali left London..Every SINGLE DETAIL.."


"Diya where have you been? We tried calling you for so long?", Megha said getting up from her seat and caressing her head as the other family looked at her,relieved.
  Chaitanya too was sitting along with them,his face hardened looking at Diya who rolled her eyes at him and went upstairs.

"Diya where did you go?", Chaitanya angrily opened the door with a thud. Diya flinched.
"How does that concern you?", she replied looking at him through the mirror, removing her earrings.
"That does concern me ! YOU ARE MY WIFE!" ,he walked closer to her.
"Oh am I?", she laughed
"Yes you are and you will always be!!",Chaitanya turned her around and looked straight into her eyes," YOU WILL ALWAYS BE"
Her eyes moistened," Then where did the matter of divorcing me came from?"
Hearing her, he was obviously taken aback as he clearly remembered not mentioning the whole incident to anyone.
"Whom did you meet Diya?", he tightly gripped her shoulders.
"Don't worry! Divorce papers shall be ready by tomorrow!"

"Everyone please pay attention!", Diya called everyone, rushing down the stairs.
"What's wrong?", Mukesh asked..
"Papa..Everyone.." ,she said, her eyes fixed on Chaitanya who was looking at her from the first floor.
"Your son is getting married to Mrunali.. We are getting divorced", she exclaimed with a huge grin on her face, though her eyes were explaining another story inside her.
"What are you saying Diya?",Deepti cried and the hall was full of gasps. Deepti held her head in her hands as Diya neared her.
"Maa! It's for everyone's best! Your son will be happy, Mrunali will be happy, a kid will get his father back!", she rubbed her back,her doe shaped eyes still stuck on Chaitanya who stepped down the stairs.
"I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT THE CHILD IS NOT MINE! Why are you not trusting me Diya?", he held her hands in his.
She ignored him and spoke. "I'm gonna leave soon maa! Atleast spend some good time with me..Everyone smile please,your son is finally getting his love back..", her eyes glistened with tears.
"What about you bhabi?",Aadya yelled.
"Me? Oh don't you worry Aadya ..I'm gonna get a good job somewhere, I am happy with this decision."

Chaitanya was dumbstruck, he could not utter a word, he was simply shocked at here behaviour , as if she didn't care.. she simply didn't care!

All the eyes of the family hopelessly stared at him, leave.


"Sir! Mrunali's husband left her for another girl in London. He did not even take up the kid's responsibility and she didn't have a job either..She then decided to come back to India.", Vijay said on the phone.

"What is her motive of coming back?", Chaitanya asked coldly.

"Sir! She probably has hidden her past and her mother has helped her, they have basically erased all of her past evidence quite cleverly..And she wants money and an identity for her kid due to which she has filed a case against you"

Chaitanya cut the call, he had no evidence against the mother-daughter duo..He was feeling helpless for the first time in his entire life...

It was tough to pass the night.. the time seemed to stop for everyone.. especially for Diya and Chaitanya.

Diya strolled through the garden, staring at the night sky.

"Pretty isn't it?", she heard a voice.

It was him. She turned to leave but he grasped her hand.
"Why are you being like this? Huh? Don't you even have a little bit of love for me in this heart of yours?" ,he asked.
"I did, now it is meant to be ended I guess." ,she chuckled. "I am doing this for an innocent life that has nothing to do with this mess...If I have to sacrifice our relation for this ,then I'll not think twice before doing that."

"Then do come to my wedding. .You shall be the first person I invite", he clenched his jaw and left her.

Diya just wiped off a lone tear that escaped her eye, thinking was what lies ahead in the future, for her.


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