Some people don't change

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Chaitanya's POV-
Sitting in my cabin, someone suddenly barged in , I shouted--"What the hell? It was Aditya bhai...
"Chaitanya did you have a look at the news?", he asked, clearly shocked out of his wits.
"No bhai! I was busy with my work..Didn't get a chance to", I casually replied.
Passing me his phone, he said," Have a look"

I am Ruchi Sharma, Mrunali Sharma's mother! We have been cheated with ..I called the press here to disclose the truth of Mr. Chaitanya Raghuvanshi ..He ruined my child's life! He might be living happily with my step-daughter, but I will not stop.. This kid you can see is his!! He is a bloody cheater. Fake promises to get married, ALL FAKE...I have filed a case against him for not taking proper care of the kid and not providing financial support for the child..

 I threw the phone on the desk as I rubbed my face.." What the f-ck is wrong with this woman.. What does she want now?"
"Chaitanya..whatsoever it is..This is really dangerous for our company's reputation"
"She has messed up with the wrong person",I hit the table with both my hands..As Bhai held my shoulder.


I went straight home as I had lost my patience, I went straight home..The atmosphere was gloomy..As I entered the house, I could see eyes staring at me..
"Where is Diya?" ,I asked
No one replied
"Bhai she is not opening the door of her room since she has heard the news."Aadya replied, her eyes moist.
I rushed upstairs, and I banged my  fist at the door.
"Diya ! Open up!", I yelled
"Diya", I kept on calling her several times but got no response..
"Diya! Open the door or I am gonna break it!", I threatened and soon heard the door knob moving .My heart was finally at peace, seeing her face..

"Diya this is---", I explained but suddenly a slap landed on my face...
"Chaitanya what did you get by lying to me? Huh? You could easily have told me the truth and taken a divorce from me if you wanted to ..I was ready to get out of this marriage! Why did you deceive me?? Why did you do all this love act.. you made me fall for you all over again but again.. again you hurt me", she grabbed my collar as tears ran down her face.

Her words pierced right through my heart as I caressed her head, still silent..

She pushed me back and went into the bathroom.. cleaning her tears..I followed her but was unable to get inside as she had locked the door..
Sitting in the front of the door, my back leaning against the door..I cried

Author's POV-
Diya locked the bathroom door hurriedly and sat on the floor, her back leaning on the door as she cried too..

Words were not of much help this time, all they needed was time, time to grieve, time to heal and make things right...


"Diya bache have some food..You haven't had food since the morning", maa said, entering the room with a plate of food in her hands.
"Nai maa..I'm not hungry" ,Diya controlled my tears.
"Diya.. Beta I understand what you are going through, but trsut me..Chaitanya can't deceive someone he loves"
"Love?", Diya huffed," It was all an act maa..he told me that Mrunali had been living with her hubby in London along with her kid.. Maa  she was happy, why would she come back to India to get into the same mess she ran away from?"
"Things happen for a reason, Diya.You are angry, I know but that should not blur your vision, to see the truth", she said, keeping the food near her.

It was 12 at night..Diya was sitting in the balcony, digesting whatever happened the whole day. Deepti maa's words still rung in her mind.

Something isn't right


On the other hand, Chaitanya was still in his office, thinking of the confrontation he had with Mrunali and her mother at their house.

Chaitanya: "Mrs. Sharma, I've come to ask you directly. Did you lie about the child's parentage?"

Mrs. Sharma [Her voice dripping with false innocence] "Lie, Chaitanya? Why would I lie about something like that?"

Chaitanya: "Because I know the truth now. You claimed the child was mine, but I have doubts. Mrs. Sharma, tell me the truth."

Mrunali: "Enough, Chaitanya! How dare you come into our house and accuse my mother of such things? You're the one who's lying!"

Chaitanya: "Mrunali, I'm not here to play games. I'm here for the truth, and I won't leave until I get it."

Mrunali: "And what truth do you think you'll find, Chaitanya? You think you're some kind of hero, swooping in to save the day? Well, newsflash, you're nothing but a coward!"

Chaitanya:  "Enough! I'm tired of your lies and manipulation. Diya deserves to know the truth, and I won't let you two stand in the way any longer! And what about the talk we had in London Mrunali?"

Mrunali: "We never had any talk in London..I didn't even meet you",she smirked

Mrs. Sharma: "Oh, Chaitanya, always so righteous. But you have no idea what you're up against. We'll bury you before we let you ruin our family."

Chaitanya:  "Try me, Mrs. Sharma. I'll tear down every lie you've built until the truth shines through. And when it does, you'll regret ever crossing me."

Mrunali: "Mom, maybe we should..."

Mrs. Sharma: [Cutting Mrunali off] "No, Mrunali! We stand united, no matter what. We'll crush anyone who dares to challenge us."

Chaitanya:" I want the kid's DNA tested..It can never be mine."

Mrs.Sharma: "Dare you touch that kid..and moreover,who knows which report is true or not.." She huffed

As the tension reached its peak, I stormed out of the room.

How do I explain Diya? Her unwavering trust on me seems shattered now..I thought,sipping the alcohol from the glass...

Sleep took over me as I sat on the chair..


Heyy guys!
Hope you liked the update...
(whipering- Ahmm! I mean Drama!! Buckle up  for some more!)
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Mistaken hearts: Love amidst the misunderstandingsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя