A Bowl Of Noodle Soup

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Serei looks at the interviewer and the interviewer looks at him.

“So you have a 5 square meter size space with the same timeline?” –That’s useless, all over his face.

Serei nods.

He asked Rook. And he said many space users only have a small space to put things on it and the biggest one is a 50 square meters storage. The variations are different but they value a space user who has a still time space where it can retain the freshness of the item you put on it. They are usually recruited by the government when doing large missions outside the safe zone.

Serei wants to be able to find tasks for himself but not put himself in a situation where he will be very valuable.

“Alright, you go and fill up this form. A doctor will be here to explain to you what you need to do and the test you have to go through for safety measures. Did you come here with your family? If you are alone, the government will assign you a place to stay and a job.”

“I’m with someone.”

“Alright.” The guy left him with a pen and a form.

He is writing through it thinking that even in an apocalypse, filling up forms is still the basic requirement to join something.

The doctor assistant called him after he submitted his form.

He went to check his physical body, and then they drew blood and asked him for his body fluid.  He waited with other people in the waiting area who were also waiting for the test results.

It takes a while, it's already hot in the middle of the day and there are a lot of people in the waiting area making the place hotter and the smell is making it more unbearable.

“Ah?” He felt a touch of cold air pass by him and looked at where it came from.

The soldiers stationed in the waiting area went inside in the rush.

Many wanted to rush inside in the middle of the confusion and the other guards started physically grabbing people who wanted to jump on the opportunity.

It was a lot of commotion but it was solved immediately.

“What happened?” 

“There is  a fight in the base. Some guys are stealing a S Rank house.”

“Isn’t S Rank the highest Magic User? Even the government bent rules for them. What kind of messed up people will do this?”

“Well, apparently they thought he was dead.”

“Wouldn’t the government give the S rank possession to his family if they died?”

“Wrong. The government will take half of it back.”

“Still, that’s half. How did they get it?”

“Someone claims she is pregnant with his son.”

“If he really died, that’s a nice deal.”

“Smart but they should at least wait if he is really dead.”

“What happened to them then?”

“Don’t know. The soldier won’t say the rest.”

“He probably killed them.”

“Is that allowed? We still have laws, right?”

“Psh..How naive are you? You think you still live in a place where a judge will be there to protect your interest? S Ranks protect bases from zombie and monster invasions. If you don’t give them preferred treatment they might go somewhere else. Guns are tanks might be useful now. But what about later? Have you not seen those advanced zombies that chase us?”

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