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That evening at the hospital, the hallways seemed longer and more somber than usual. Annie moved through her rounds mechanically, her thoughts drifting frequently to the morning's goodbye. Her usual spark was dimmed, each patient's smile met with a gentle, yet distant, response.

Lizzy noticed her friend's subdued demeanor as soon as their shifts overlapped. After a few moments of watching Annie struggle to maintain her usual level of care and compassion, she found a quiet moment to pull her aside.

"Hey, you're a thousand miles away right now. Talk to me," Lizzy said softly, her voice a comforting nudge in the sterile hallway.

Annie sighed, the weight of the day settling visibly on her shoulders as she leaned back against the cool wall. "It's just... the base was so full of farewells, each one heavy with promises of waiting and safe returns. Leaving Bucky there—it felt like I was leaving a piece of myself behind."

Lizzy reached out, placing a supportive hand on Annie's arm. "He'll be back before you know it, and he's going to be fine. You both have something beautiful to look forward to, remember? All those plans you've made, they're not going anywhere. They're just on pause."

Annie managed a weak smile, appreciating Lizzy's attempt to lift her spirits. "I know, it's just hard. The hospital feels emptier without him, even though he's not usually here. It's like I can feel the absence everywhere."

"Let's focus on what you can control," Lizzy suggested, her tone turning practical. "Keep busy, help people, save lives. And when it's time for you to head out with the medical squad, you'll be taking steps back towards him. Every day done is a day closer to being reunited."

"You're right," Annie admitted, nodding slowly. "I just need to keep moving forward, one day at a time."

"That's the spirit," Lizzy encouraged, giving her a gentle shove. "Come on, let's grab some coffee. My treat."

The offer sparked a small flame of normalcy in Annie's day. As they walked towards the cafeteria, the act of discussing future joys seemed to lighten the load of the present. With each step and each shared plan, the gloom began to lift, reminding Annie that though the evening sky was dim, the stars of hope and love still shone brightly, guiding her forward.

Later that day, as Annie tried to divert her thoughts from the lingering sense of emptiness, a nurse approached her. "Excuse me, Doctor, I didn't want to interrupt, but there's someone here to see you. He claims to be a doctor from the military base and mentions urgent matters to discuss," he informed her.

"Oh, is that so? I'll be there shortly, thanks for letting me know," she responded, appreciating the heads-up.

Exiting her office, Annie was met by a somewhat elderly man, his hair thinning noticeably. He appeared to be in his sixties and wore a pristine white lab coat, which led Annie to assume he was a fellow physician, though she didn't recognize him. "Are you Dr. Lopez?" the man inquired.

"Yes, indeed, that's me. And you are...?" Annie asked.

"Forgive my lack of introduction. I'm Dr. Abraham Erskin, a doctor and scientist affiliated with the army. It's a pleasure to finally meet you; I've heard quite a bit about your work, Dr. Lopez," he said with a courteous nod.

"Oh, is that so? I do hope it's all favorable," Annie replied, her tone light and playful.

"Ah, of course, it is. I see we share a sense of humor; I'm certain we'll work well together. May we discuss some business matters in your office? I have a research proposal that might interest you," Dr. Erskin suggested, his accent hinting at foreign origins, perhaps German or Irish.

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