13- Surprised Enough

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The woman felt relived to be back home, even if it was only a month if felt like a lifetime. ​She soon saw her assistant waiting for her with a warm smile "Welcome back" he says. She smiled back, comforted by his familiar face.

"It's good to be back," she replied, a hint of exhaustion in her voice. She felt exhausted from all the running around the past month and the familiar surroundings of her home felt welcoming. Maybe she truly wasn't ready to face her truth.

Rapid footsteps are heard on the corridor as her daugher runs up to her, jumping into her mother's arms. "Mother! Please save me from Loray!" the pink haired girl cries out, looking up with desperation.

"Leraje, what happened?" before the woman could ask any other questions, another presence appears. A strong grip pulled Leraje away from her mom, trowing her on the ground with a loud thud. "next time don't steal my food"

My mistake, I should present them to you. Leraje and Loray the youngest and the twins you'll have the pleasure of meeting, both of them are very skilled in technology coming from Fontaine and Sumeru respectively.

Leraje was know fow her looks, being like an idol. Her carecteristic long hair, stryled in two ponytails and her crystal white eyes added up to her charm. But at the end of the day, she was the one fan girling over any pretty boy. Hanging out with them to make competition.

Loray liked to keep herself away, spending most her time at cafes or bakeries. The girl was gluttony itself, the unhelthier it was, the more she ate. Most of the waitress already know her memoriezed, short lavender hair and green eyes, pretty hard to miss, make sure to restock after she visits.

Together, they were hell. Making all sorts of contraptions and mechanisms for fun. But dont think if to help the people, no, no. One day they creater a scanner that projected what it scanned but, distorted and with unflatering features. Forcing their sibling to let it scan them.

"Beleth, where's Mare? He's usually the first to great me" The woman crosses her arms, watching as Loray oulls her sisters hair and drags her. "And Livi?" she continues, feeling a bit sad by the lack of welcomes.

"Master Amare left around a week ago. He said he was going meet with an old pal." Beleth awsers honestly, knowing the chances of this ending horribly were high. "He told me he'd be back by the time you came so, I'm sure he'll be here in no time"

She glared at the floor, if he messed her over she would waste no time on him anymore, send him directly back to where he belonged. "Livianna should be on the training outside"

"let's go then, I'm sure my early visit was not on her calender." She grins, walking down the long corridor. It felt so good to be back, she couldn't have asked for something better. Even if escaping was a bit tricky.

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The forest was dark, if not for the laterns on the side of the path and the moonlight making it's was trough the leafs, pich black. She walked along the stones, looking at the archon next to her.

"Why are you taking me to a shrine, wouldn't it do more effect to take me to Liyue?" Violet smiles, this felt stupid to her mainly because they knew her greatest fears, yet didnt want to use them to their gains.

"it's not necessary, i would have taken you somewhere else but Miku asked to see you." Raiden doesn't look at her, making her was up the muntain stairs. "you wouldn't take me here just because fox lady asked. What are you really up to, i wonder.."

Violet was only following her this far for her own propusesse too, there were only a few places where she could teleport back. Most of them are close to the statues of the seven, not direcly above but around them.

Luckly enough, there was one very close to the shrine, the chance for her to go back home. She knew it could be dangerous and hard, expecially with Raiden going as far as to handcuff her.

They're finnaly at the shrine, the building looked pretty and fresh, not like how she remembered it throusands years ago. The place looked like it could croumble at any second.

The kitsune is standing inside, in front of the wierd shaped tree. "Hello, Raiden. Hello, Violet" she says, smilling sadistically. Thise girl wasn't in her roght of mind obviosly, from what the woman knew she was a bit crazy at times but really cunning.

"I'd like to make a deal with you." Miku starts explaining "no" the girl says, turning to the god next to her "can you uncuff my now? You promised" Raiden lookst her her, a bit flabbergasted before doing so.

The kitsune felt quite offended, I mean, who in their right of mind would refuse a deal without even hearing it first. Expecially from someone like her "i don't thinks you meant that, let me tell-"

"I said no, you wanna make a deal go do it with other yokai" she cuts the fox again, before having her mouth co vered by the archon. "thank you, Taiden" Yae says, smilling. The girl tried to pusht Raiden's hand away but she didn't let her.

"So, how about I give you this." she pulls out a talisman, the same kind the woman had been serching for ages. "In return, you only need to awser my questions" Miku finished, as the god lowered her arm.

"You had one of those all along.., should have robbed this Shrine sooner." In truth, one of her children needed one of those, the kind the kitsune was holding was created to suppress evil energy and corrusion given by rifthounds.

He needed it dor the very reason that he suffered from it, and what mother would want to see their children in danger. It was the reason why he stoped being a general at this very island, and why she took him in.

"it's said that these talismans last a life time" Violet questions, still uneasy about this. "they do, these talismans were created long ago and with the best quality as they didn't know when the catastrophes would end"

"Alright then, you have a deal" The woman finally agrees, raising her hand to recive the talisman. miku smiles not handing it just yet. "awser me first" The woman glares at her looking around with her eyes "I just knkw you're gonna ask me some brain killing qiestions."

"I'll save us both the trouble." she chuckles, grabing the object from the kitsune's hand and jumping out the tall mountain. She had a very slim chance of safelly making it back home, it had to be in the right moment.

Raiden runs after her, trying to find where she is, but she's anywhere to be seen. Miku walks up to her "don't worry, our little bunny will be back soon enough" she confornts her friend, after all it's a pity to be so close to completing something but failing at the end. "I hope you're right"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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