Let's Play Iron Ball

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"Get Behind Me!"

Steven Universe, once Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst got behind him, immediately summoned a "Bubble Shield" to protect them all from being grabbed by the Omnidroid V10. After failing to grab the Crystal Gems, he tried breaking the shield with two of his claws, which did crack it a little bit, but it was clear that needed more force behind it. All of the Gems couldn't help but quickly gasp and worry once they saw the Omnidroid standing over the entire group and brought down his entire body upon them, which was definitely enough to completely shatter the entire bubble; luckily those with in the shield sphere didn't get crushed, thanks to the red gem and her holding back against V10.


As everyone, with obvious hesitation, tried to escape and leave Garnet behind, the fusion slowly began to push and lift up the Omnitrix off her body, with immense struggling, but just as she was able to stand fully, she was suddenly grabbed and tossed away by V10, crashing into a nearby rock wall of the canyon they were in.


Steven couldn't help but yell out the name of one of his guardians, no doubt very worried for her safety, though all that earned him was the attention of the Omnidroid, a blaster popped out of the side of his head as he then took a shot at him, fortunately for the boy, he was able to summon a large shield to block the incoming blast, once this happened, V10 tried reaching out to the young Universe in the hopes of grabbing him with his claws.

"No You Don't!"

But, Omnidroid was quickly stopped by a whip wrapping around his claws, which made him turn his head to see the one responsible for this was none other than Amethyst herself.


Amethyst was trying her hardest to pull back the Omnidroid, though he only responded by spinning his claws and pulling her towards him, which did startled her at first, but then she just used this chance to change her form into someone much more muscular, pulling back her fist before throwing a punch that was aimed at V10's optics, unfortunately for her though, he just simply retreated his head back into his metal ball body, not only making her miss completely, but also made herself crashed into the side of the canyon walls.

"D-Dang it, n-not again..."

Amethyst started to glitch out slightly as she saw that her purple Gem was cracked, this not only resulted in less control of her power and form, but made her unable to avoid being stabbed by the Omnidroid claw, piercing right through her body and then causing her to go poof.


Steven once again caught the Omnidroid's attention, as his head appeared from the bottom of his body and noticed a human Gem running under him towards a purple Gem that was about to hit the ground. V10 quickly sent out many arms and claws in hopes to stab him with them, but unluckily he missed as the white Gem both grabbed Universe and made them both avoid multiple stab attacks before getting into a safe distance while also catching Amethyst before it could hit the ground.

"Just go and hide Steven!"

Pearl, after putting down the young boy and not giving him a chance to speak, she ran back towards the Omnidroid, as she does so, she quickly summoned multiple Holo Pearl to her sides, giving them all swords and different melee weapons of all kinds, once assembling a small army, all of them did not hesitate to pounce and aim swing their weapons at him, though only the white Gem was able to do some damage on V10 with her spear, as all of the other Holos had their weapons shattered once it made contact with his solid metal skin, yet even then, all the spear user was able to accomplish was leaving a scratch on the giant metal ball, which made her extremely worried and concerned.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 17 ⏰

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