Chapter 22

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While changing channels, I found a home shopping program selling products from a sleeping beauty brand and tuned in. They were selling an aroma sleep kit that was said to help stabilize your mind and body while you sleep, induce a good night's sleep, and help you wake up refreshed in the morning. A bust cut captured foreigners waking up in a bed in the forest, stretching and smiling. This is it.

I dialed the home shopping order number on my mom's cell phone and connected the call. There was a credit card inserted into the cell phone case. I knew that my mother's card and bank account passwords were the same as the front door lock password.

I grabbed my cell phone and quietly entered the room. I lowered my voice and whispered to the agent who connected the call.

"I'm going to order a sleep kit."

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It was the school's opening anniversary, so I was sleeping at home, and someone came to visit. Rubbing my eyes, "Who are you?" When I asked, the person outside the door said, "Delivery." A voice was heard. I opened the door and took the box. I checked the product name written on the shipping invoice. It said, "Aroma sleep kit." Nice timing.

I thought that the delivery of the package on the school's founding anniversary was definitely a revelation from heaven telling me to deliver it to Seonjae today, so I put the box down on the table and hurried into the bathroom. The going out clothes will probably be Jagam High School gym clothes.

He came out wearing a Jagam High School gym uniform and a tteokbokki coat. She boarded the bus carrying a shopping bag containing a box of aroma sleep kits. She took out her phone and checked the time. It was 1:50. If the schedule is similar to our school, the 6th period class will probably end at 3 o'clock. Then, after cleaning, 7th period will start around 3:30.

My plan was to sneak in during cleaning time and hang the shopping bags on Seonjae's seat. I wrote Ryu Seon-jae's name in large letters on the box with magic in case he didn't take it because it wasn't his.

I got off the bus and headed to Jagam High School. There was no one at the front door, but I couldn't enter. When you enter that door, as if there was some kind of barrier, a man holding a short sword shouts 'Hey, man!' It seemed like he was going to come running and shouting.

I wandered around in front of the main gate and headed toward the wall toward the auditorium. The auditorium blocked the playground, so we had to climb over the wall here to safely pass without being seen. I wrapped the shopping bag strap around my wrist. She raised her hands high and grabbed hold of the wall. I put my foot in the gap between the bricks, climbed up, and crossed one foot over the wall. They placed her breasts on the wall and moved her entire body into the school.

I held on to the wall with my hands and struggled with my legs that were not touching the floor. Maybe the ground was higher outside the school, but if I tiptoed outside the school, I could get to the edge of the wall, but inside the school, no matter how hard I stretched my legs, my feet wouldn't touch the ground. I lowered my eyes to get something to step on and made eye contact with a person sitting close to the wall.


It was Baek In-hyuk. The gaze moved from Baek In-hyuk's eyes to his mouth and then to his hands. That thing that is currently between Baek In-hyuk's fingers. I was so surprised that I opened my mouth wide, and Baek Baek Hyuk flicked out the cigarette ash with his finger, extinguished the light, straightened his knees, got up, and looked at me hanging on the wall.

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