It really was an adoring sight watching the little chicks settle onto his lap one by one. As the little things quickly fell asleep, Sebastian was fully trapped in place. As he couldn't move a muscle, he just followed me work with his gaze.

"Did you go to the checkup you had earlier this week?" He suddenly asked. I guess he had seen a peek of the bandages while I raised my arms, since how else could he have remembered such a pointless thing.

"I forgot. I'll go next week." I stated, trying to fight the excess hay back down the silo. "It's not that bad anyway, anymore."

I pulled the shirt up a bit without a thought as if to check their condition myself. I hadn't really given a thought to them for a while. They had been a bit sore and painful when touched, but I hadn't expected as poor of a sight as it was.

"You should go to Harvey." Sebastian urged, grabbing a hold of my arm. This nearly woke up the chickens, and I told him to stay still. He did but kept his hold of me. Maybe this was to make sure I listened, maybe it was to keep me from working.

"Can you go today? I can go with you, if it's open."

"No, it's fine." I brushed it off and without thinking started to crouch down from my shoulders. Noticing Seb's expression I tried; "Okay! Okay. I'll go see Harvey when I find the time- FINE, I'll go... tomorrow. Happy?"

"Ugh, the visits always cost a fortune." I whined. If he was going to force me to go, he could hear about it, too.

But things on the farm had already started to go better. After the rather pathetic first try with the crops I had managed to sell them to Pierre for a poor price. But money was money, so I had taken the deal. After that I cleared the whole yard for a nice cornfield that only needed some watering every other day.

The field even looked nice in the front yard. It would look even better once it grew a little higher, but I could already see the money that it would bring to the plot. The untaxed money from the blacksmith went to good use as well. And once the chickens grew, I could sell their eggs.

The money was making itself at this point.

The summer was already halfway through, and I'd have to start planning for the fall. With the plot in such good condition, I could sell it for a little fortune. I could go back. I could go home.

Sebastian stayed with me until the late evening. Robin had to call him back home and even then, he didn't seem too keen on leaving. To my surprise I didn't want him to go, either. I watched him from the porch until his figure was no longer visible.

The next day came by faster than I had hoped for.

However much I would've loved to just walk past the clinic that day, I couldn't bear to lie to Sebastian. What if he asked about it and knowing him, he definitely would. So instead of gladly waving it off, I hesitantly stepped inside the clinic.

"Hello!" A cheerful voice greeted me from the counter. Maru's large eyes were unnervingly fixated on me as I tried to make my way to her looking as normal as possible. She waited for something, and when I didn't say anything, she continued; "Do you have an appointment?"

"I- Uhm, I did. A few days ago..."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Harvey is a little busy at the moment, but you can sit down and wait. I'm sure it won't take too long." She pointed at the long line of hospital chairs leaning against the back wall next to her.

Following her orders I sat down and waited. It must have taken hours, or so it felt like. So why did the clock only say ten minutes had passed. It must have been wrong. The only company I had was Maru, who restlessly shuffled through huge piles of paper.

Lily of the Valley - Stardew Valley - SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now