kathy looks at them smiling.

Theo holds her hand "Missing your parents ". Theo said softly to her.

" I trouble them for food everyday. Even the day they......." Kathy didn't finish the sentence and a sadness occurred in her face but she still smiled.

Theo looks at her his eyes filled with compassion and empathy for her." You were just six ".

It was so weird they both didn't have parents but still it was so different. Theo whose parents were alive but they hated him he was unwanted but kathy her parents wanted her but her wasn't alive. As if the love of parents were something from a fantasy for them .

Kathy smiled " Ok Let's not get emotional today is a great day our friends are getting engaged ".

"That's more Like it " Theo said kissing her hands .

Theo sees Lucy wandering around.

Theo moved to call her .

" Why don't you call her here " Kathy said.

" Oh that's a great idea . Because I was totally going to told her to go away ".

" Theo!!" Kathy said annoyed.

Theo called Lucy to their table. Lucy came and sit down.

" Thank you for calling me or I would just wonder Like a ghost ".

Theo Kathy lough a little.

" So Lucy you recently joined Lavian . How do you feel working there ".

" Yeah it's nice, You will meet all kinds of people while working here. It's a different kind of work to deal with all of the people " .

" You will find these people everywhere" Kathy said.

" What do you do Kathy? ".Lucy says.

" I work at verglame ".

" She is the Head of the creative team".
Theo said .

"I love verglame ".

Kathy smiled.

" The recent collection was so gorgeous and the photoshoot idea so unique ".

" I am so glad you like our work ".

" Your job is so creative and fun ".

" Oh look who is saying what, you guys get to investigate people's personal information and belongings with legal permission ".

" Oh so who do you want to investigate?"Lucy said with a little lough.

" Taylor swift ".Theo said kathy said

" Yeah she just wants to have all her old and new song recordings "

" You love Tylor swift!!! ".

" You too !!!".

" She is my women crush ".

" Now nobody needs me in this table anymore ".

Kathy and Stella both loughs .

Theo suddenly sees someone " You guys continue I'll be right back ".

" Theo where are you going?".

" I am coming back in a minute "

Theo walk to the men and says " Mr Edward ".

" Oh hello Mr Feber ".

" What a small world right ".

" It is so did you find the thing?".

" I did all thanks to you, We now have a lead for this case ".

"I am glad I could help ".

" Umm when will you be seeing Mrs Lavender again? , I thought you could help me a little in fact Mrs Lavender a more ".

" I would love to but I am going away for work tomorrow. So I won't be seeing anyone until I come back. But I will contact you when I come back ".

" That would be great. Let me give you my number " .

" I will contact you when I am back "

" Thank you, it was nice seeing you ".

" See you Mr Feber ".

Theo goes to Alan .Alan and Stella were talking to some guests.

Alan noticed Theo " I will be right back Darling ". Alan said to Stella.

" What happened mate Are you lost "

" Come on Alan be serious ".

Alan chuckled " Ok what's wrong ".

" See that men in the Cream colour suit".

" Did he steal something from here?".

Theo gave him a annoying look.

" Ok ok what did he do ?".

"He is Mrs Lavender's physiatrist Mr Edward ".

" Is he ? " Alan looked at Edward in surprise.

" Yeah how do you know him ".

" I don't actually , he is a friend of Stella's father . I meet him today for the first time ".

" Oh ".

" You should back now Stella would be waiting for you "

" I bet she is ". Alan said smirking.

" I swear you would faint out of happiness go now ".Theo said with a cheeky smile pushing Alan's arm .

Theo turned around to go back to his table. He sees Kathy and Lucy talking.

Theo sees Kathy Loughing .He thought how beautiful she is looking. Her beautiful emerald green eyes are shining. And her contiguous lough .Which made his heart flutter .How easily she became friends with Lucy. She is so easy going. She makes everyone feel at ease. He never know someone eyes could speak so much . And looking at her beautiful eyes filled with love and kindness, passion which made him fall in love with her at first sight years ago .

Ahmhm Does Theo gave you butterflies
Did he ?

Uh no he didn't gave me or who knows

Happy reading

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