Clone wars begins-part 3

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After the debate they had chased the count of the separatist alliance to a small hangar as the gunship quickly dropped the three jedi and the squad of clones off, it turns it's attention to the two approaching Genosians fighters and quickly demolishes them with sustained fire and both them go crashing into the side of cliff, " Hold this landing platform shoot at anything that attempts to leave! " Tyrone orders and Anakin follows up " Dooku can't be allowed to escape! " and they nod as all three run in, and the clones follow their orders securing the landing platform.

As Tyrone walked in to see Anakin unconscious against a wall, Obi-wan and Dooku's blades clashing, as Dooku smiles as he surprisingly over powers Obi-Wan before slashing his shoulder and leg, as Obi-wan drops to ground, a cry of pain escapes his lips and Dooku readies the finishing blow, Tyrone uses the force to leap across the room and block Dooku's blade.

" Ah young Shan, your mother knew of the corruption of the Jedi and the senate, together we can change that! " He said softly given they were locked blade to blade, as sparks bounced off the floor, Tyrone pulled out his mothers blade and pushed Dooku back "I know, but this isn't the path to take to change it" Tyrone argued.

As he then activated his mothers lightsabre taking a backwards stance, with his own blade taking the lead he strikes downwards and quickly attempts to sweep Dooku's leg, then Dooku flips over him and attempts to drive his blade across his back but Tyrone blocks the slash with his blue blade and parries Dooku strike to left bringing his left arm back round and striking downwards with his yellow blade then adding more pressure with his mother blue blade and as he begins to push Dooku down to one Knee Dooku sees the bandaged wound on Tyrone left leg and kicks it.

An off balance Tyrone is unable to block nor parry Dooku slash as his blade is cut on half by Dooku leaving him with just his mothers blade as his blade in half hits the ground he see's the kyber crystal but he allows anger to takes a hold as he wildly slashes downwards.

Dooku effortlessly parries the blow back upwards before slashing Tyrone left leg and using force lighting causing Tyrone to dropped his mothers blade, which is a direct hit but Tyrone is still able to begin approaching and getting close enough to grab Dooku by his throat and begins to push his own red lightsabre inches from his own neck the heat actually leaving a small burn mark.

Dooku looks to floor and uses the force to bring Rhea's lightsabre activating it and bring towards them both " Tyrone Look out " Obi-Wan warned him as he chucks over his blue lightsabre and Tyrone leaps back and grabs the blade and as he lands he wobbles in pain in his leg is beginning to slow him down and Dooku notices this, he rushes in striking down parring with Rhea's blade and then slicing Tyrone leg completely off with his own crimson red blade and then uses force lighting to and force push at the same time to smashing Tyrone into the Genosians column damaging it a little.

" now were where we ?" Dooku asked rhetorically as he comes to finish Obi-Wan off, Anakin wakes up and leaps across the room and stops Dooku from killing his master " Brave of you boy " Dooku pauses " But I would have thought you would have learnt, your lesson" Anakin smiles before answering " I am a slow learner " As Anakin was parried and pushed backwards by Dooku as Obi-Wan uses the force to grab the lightsabre he gave to Tyrone and chucks it over to Anakin who grabs it as strikes down with his own blade and then spins he strikes with the blude blade.

As Dooku puts Anakin on the defensive and quickly destroys the emitter of the green blade as Anakin spins slashing a conduit wire, disabling the power in the building as know all Obi-Wan can see is the reflection of there faces masked in crimson and blue as he struggles to make sense of what he can see Anakin begins to put up an offensive as they effortlessly clashing with Dooku parrying most strikes.

Anakin misses a wild upwards strike after twirling his blade Dooku took a backwards stance before slicing Anakin arm off and force pushing him right by Obi-Wan and as Dooku breathes in and out he hears something, grandmaster Yoda walks round the corner.

And that's the last thing Tyrone sees as his visions fades to black as he sees Yoda lightsabre drawn as Dooku deflects and parries a flipping Yodas strike and acrobatic attempts.

A/N-Short chapters for duels to not draw them out and if your wondering the story is from Tyrone and eventually Bee's perspective although we will get to see you the grandmaster in action eventually.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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