Trails of a padawan

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6 years since the  fateful Shaak-Ti had volunteered to become his master he had found out he was her third apprentice and at first many other people in his class looked down upon him seeing him as a irregularity but that changed when Anakin skywalker came to the temple.

 but now he and Anakin where with there masters as there taken to Illum to build there lightsabres and claim there crystal's as the ship is in hyper space he and his master watched as Anakin once again clash with hologram of maul as he spoke with Huyang.

" There has only been one ever mandolarion Jedi his name was Tar Vizsla, so I have modelled you hilt just like his almost like the sheath of traditional Vibro blade" As he holds his hilt and then imitates moving his blade to get used to holding the hilt  and as Obi-wan and Shaak-Ti stood there and all though she was a member of high council they made an exception due Tyrone being a similar case to Anakin.

As the shuttle landed on the ice world and to Anakin surprise Tyrone seemed quite capable of making his way through environment " My clan settled on Orto Plutonia  and anyways my master taught me to always make sense of my environment to give in the edge ".

As they arrive at the entrance to the caves his master puts a hand he looks back to catch a sight of his master carnivorous fangs  " Remember Tyrone the cave is designed to test your emotions so try and keep yourself balanced and Rember your training manipulate the environment to your advantage " She said to him being very gentle however he didn't mind it when she sent all military mom cause it reminded him of his mother.

As Tyrone delves deeper into the caverns, he is confronted with haunting visions of his past. The image of the Kaleesh warrior, the one who had mercilessly taken his mother's life, materializes before him, a specter of grief and loss. Tyrone's breath catches in his throat as he relives the anguish of that fateful day, the pain etched into his memory like a scar upon his soul.

But the visions do not end there. As Tyrone presses onward, he is met with a chilling sight: an older version of himself, his features twisted with anger and darkness. With dread gripping his heart, Tyrone approaches the apparition, only to be met with a reflection of his own yellow eyes, glowing with an ominous intensity.

In a flash of horror, Tyrone watches as his future self raises a lightsaber, poised to strike down his beloved master, Shaak Ti. The shock of the revelation sends a surge of panic coursing through Tyrone's veins, his mind reeling with disbelief and fear.

Summoning every ounce of courage within him, Tyrone ignites his mother's lightsaber, determined to confront the specter before him. With a swift and decisive strike, he lashes out at the vision, only to watch in disbelief as the blade passes through the apparition, dispersing it like smoke in the wind.

As the echoes of his actions fade into the darkness, Tyrone is left standing alone in the cavern, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and trepidation. Slowly, he opens his hand to reveal the kyber crystal that now rests within his grasp, its vibrant yellow hue shimmering in the dim light of the cave.

With newfound resolve, Tyrone accepts the crystal as a symbol of his strength and resilience, a beacon of hope to guide him on his journey as a Jedi. And though the shadows of doubt may linger in his mind, he knows that he carries within him the light to overcome any darkness that may come his way.

And he breathed in and out he thought he would have seen the massacre of his family or his time on Shili but was not prepared to been shown killing his own master as he held to the crystal as he walked out into the cave to see his master and master Kenobi.

" My padawan do you have your crystal? " She asked and he nodded as she put his arm around him and took him back to the T-6 shuttle and as they did Huyang spoke " I had thought you'd be the first one back after all master Ti's training method are already tried and tested and if you don't mind me saying suit you well after all mandolarion are hunters and warriors 

With a steady hand and a determined heart, Tyrone carefully inserts the newly acquired yellow kyber crystal into the hilt of his dark sword-like blade. The cavern is illuminated by a soft, golden glow as the crystal settles into place, merging with the weapon that has become an extension of his own being.

Using the Force to guide his movements, Tyrone feels the energy shift within the hilt as the crystal aligns perfectly, its power pulsating in harmony with his own. With a sense of satisfaction, he watches as the blade ignites in a brilliant burst of light, casting a warm glow that bathes the cavern in its radiance.

As the yellow blade hums with newfound vitality, Tyrone can't help but feel a sense of connection to both his mother and his master, Shaak Ti. With each swing of the weapon, he channels their teachings and their spirit, honouring their memory with every step he takes on his journey as a Jedi.

Turning off the blade, Tyrone secures it onto his belt, placing it beside the weapon that once belonged to his mother. In that moment, he feels a sense of completeness, knowing that he carries within him the legacy of those who came before him, their guidance and wisdom guiding him as he faces the trials that lie ahead.

With his new lightsaber by his side, Tyrone stands tall, ready to embrace his destiny and forge his own path in the Force. And as he gazes into the flickering shadows of the cavern, he knows that he is not alone, for he carries the light of his loved ones within him, a beacon of hope to guide him through the darkness.

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