A knight of the order

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Flashback - 10 years ago Orto Plutonia 

The icy winds howled across the barren landscape of Orto Plutonia, whipping up flurries of snow as Tyrone Shan and his mother stood together, huddled beneath the shelter of their makeshift tent. Despite the biting cold, there was a warmth in their embrace as they shared a moment of quiet camaraderie amidst the unforgiving wilderness.

As they sat side by side, the glow of a small fire casting flickering shadows across the snow-covered ground, Tyrone's mother spoke softly, her voice carrying a sense of reverence and awe.

"Tyrone," she began, her eyes alight with a spark of excitement, "let me tell you a story. A story of a great Jedi named Revan, a hero of legend who once walked among us."

Tyrone listened intently as his mother recounted the tale of Revan, the valiant Jedi who had risen to prominence during a time of great turmoil in the galaxy. She spoke of his bravery and his unwavering commitment to justice, his exploits echoing through the annals of history like a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"He was a warrior without equal," his mother continued, her voice filled with pride. "A Jedi who faced the greatest challenges with courage and determination. He fought against the Mandalorians, defending the Republic from their relentless onslaught."

As the flames danced before them, casting a warm glow over their faces, Tyrone's mother painted a vivid picture of Revan's epic battles and daring adventures. She spoke of his triumphs and his struggles, his journey from Jedi Knight to Sith Lord and back again, his legacy enduring long after his passing.

"And one day, my son," she said, her gaze fixed on Tyrone with unwavering certainty, "you will be a hero just like Revan. You will face your own trials and tribulations, but you will emerge stronger and more resolute than ever before. You carry within you the spirit of a warrior, the heart of a champion."

Tyrone listened to his mother's words with a sense of wonder and determination, his heart stirred by the tale of Revan and the legacy he had left behind. In that moment, as the snow continued to fall outside their tent, he knew that he was destined for greatness, destined to follow in the footsteps of the heroes who had come before him. And with his mother by his side, he felt an unshakeable confidence that he would one day fulfil his destiny and become the hero she believed him to be.

End of flashback-

Tyrone began to stir in his sleep as his body healed from his wounds the force began to present him with something horrible 

" Don't Listen to him Anakin " He heard  a voice say as his mind bounced from one place to another " I can save the one you love " and then a mysterious world where mandolarion warriors prosper " When the time is right the Heir of Shan will be" .

" Revan, Revan ,Revan " is all he hears before he springs back up seeing the halls of Temple Infirmary and as he tried to make sense of what he had just seen he eyes laid upon his master.

"Tyrone are you alright? " He just stares still staring wide eyed at whatever the force just showed him or was he seeing things  "Tyrone " His master hand in his bandaged arm finally brought out of his thoughts.

"Sorry master I had a bad dream "He finally responded and he could feel her nervousness settle down.

" That's good well it seem your mission was a success my young padawan , now would you like to go on peaceful walk ? " She asked  and he nodded leaving his helmet and his sabres by the side of the medical bed.

As they leave they stop by two temple guards " Me and my Padawan are going on a walk if I see he degrades in health we will return immediately " One guard nodded and they walked down the hall the sun reflecting off the walls of the temple.

" You faced down a Sith and as master Plo has recommended to council you've proven yourself worthy of being a Jedi Knight after saving senator Chuchi" She finished and Tyrone stopped .

" Senator Chuchi ?" Tyrone questioned and Shaak-Ti answered " She was inspired by you it seems " And finally they arrived in  the council chamber " Tyrone I couldn't be more proud of the Jedi and the warrior you've become " She said as they entered the council chamber it was completely dark  till it was lighted by sabres activating.

" Kneel, Padawan Shan " Master Plo Koon polity asks  and so he does without question and drops to one knee as Master Yoda's green lightsabre reflects off his eyes " Tyrone Shan, by the right of the council, by the will of the force dub the a jedi knight " And with one quick slice and removed Tyrone's braid and the shutters open.

" A great honour has been bestowed upon you my former Padawan  " Shaak-Ti stated and then Plo Koon walked forward and placed a hand on his shoulder " And the council would also like to grant you some time off " He said and Tyrone Smiled as he picked his helmet back up and walked out with Master Plo following behind and as the two left.

" The right decision I feel we made, however investigate this mysterious Sith assassin we must  " Yoda says.

As the newly made Jedi Knight, Tyrone Shan, stood before the tomb of his mother, a sense of solemnity washed over him. The chamber was dimly lit, the air heavy with the weight of memories and unspoken emotions. With a reverent gesture, Tyrone approached the ornate coffin, his heart heavy with both grief and pride.

Carefully, he placed his braid upon the polished surface, a tangible symbol of his journey from Padawan to Knight. As he stood there, lost in contemplation, the comforting presence of Master Plo Koon beside him offered solace in the midst of his inner turmoil.

"Your mother would be proud of the Jedi you have become, Tyrone," Master Plo spoke softly, his words carrying a sense of wisdom and reassurance. "She believed in you, just as I do. You have honored her memory with your courage and your strength."

But despite Master Plo's comforting words, Tyrone couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of his mind. The legacy of Revan, the legendary Jedi and Sith Lord whose story had inspired him since childhood, loomed large in his thoughts. He couldn't help but feel the weight of expectation, the burden of being dubbed the heir of Revan.

As he gazed upon the tomb of his mother, Tyrone wrestled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he felt a deep sense of gratitude for the teachings and guidance he had received, both from his mother and from his fellow Jedi. But on the other hand, he couldn't ignore the daunting shadow cast by Revan's legacy, the daunting prospect of living up to the heroism and legend of the past.

Taking a deep breath, Tyrone closed his eyes, seeking solace in the quiet depths of the temple. In that moment of introspection, he found clarity amidst the storm of doubt and uncertainty. He may carry the mantle of Revan's heir, but he was also his own person, forged by his own experiences and choices.

With newfound resolve, Tyrone vowed to honor the legacy of Revan not by trying to emulate his deeds, but by forging his own path in the Force. As he turned away from the tomb, guided by the light of his own convictions, he knew that his mother would be proud, not just of the Jedi Knight he had become, but of the man he was destined to be.

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