A mass slaughter

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A/N- 2 years before The Phantom Menace Tyrone is 8 years old 

A T-6 shuttle enters the space of Orto Plutonia " Any members of clan Shan this is Jedi master Plo Koon please respond " he questions and followed by static as the ship enters planets atmosphere  as the shuttle speeds down and lands at the entrance to the town as they get of there ship Jedi masters Plo koon and Jedi master Qui Gon Ji.

" I sense great worry in you my dear friend " Qui Gon says Plo Koon turns around a look in his eyes " She was one of us we never should have let her clan move so far away ".He simply said before turning and pulling up his hood of wintery style coat 

As Plo Koon and Qui-Gon Jinn cautiously made their way through the village, the devastation before them was overwhelming. The sight of Mandalorian men, women, and children strewn across the ground filled them with sorrow and anger. Fires blazed, casting an eerie glow over the scene, while the scent of smoke and burnt metal hung heavy in the air.

The two Jedi pressed forward, their senses heightened as they scanned for any signs of life. Amongst the chaos, they spotted the unmistakable figure of Rhea Shan, former Jedi Master and leader of the Mandalorian clan, sitting motionless on her throne. Her Armor, once a symbol of strength and resilience, now seemed hollow and lifeless.

Approaching cautiously, Plo Koon and Qui-Gon Jinn took in the grim sight before them. Rhea's lifeless form held her lightsaber tightly in her hands, the weapon that had been her constant companion in battles past. But it was the single lightsaber mark in her chest that spoke volumes, a cruel testament to the violence that had befallen her.

Silence hung heavy in the air as the two Jedi paused to pay their respects to the fallen warrior. Though Rhea Shan had been a formidable adversary in life, her death served as a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked in the galaxy.

With heavy hearts, Plo Koon and Qui-Gon Jinn vowed to uncover the truth behind the massacre and bring justice to those responsible. But for now, all they could do was honour the memory of a fallen comrade and steel themselves for the battles yet to come.

Just then her lightsabre flies out of her hands and into the hands of young boy as it activates he points it towards them and both look at the boy as Plo Koon walks towards him " We are friends of your leader " He says then Qui Gon looks at the boy closely " I don't remember Rhea having a son " He whispered.

Plo Koon extends his hand and uses the force to turn the sabre off and bring the boy into a hug as his tears soak his robes " It's okay your safe now " As he hands the lightsabre to Qui Gon and picks him up making sure he doesn't see any bodies.

" Qui Gon get all the kids belongings we are taking him and his mother back with us ".

A Week later They had returned to return and funeral was being held as the cover was put over her.

" The boy how is he? " Saesee Tiin asked as he stood next to Qui Gon Jin " Deeply traumatised the young boy is "  Yoda speaks just Infront of them as they look across the room to see the boy standing next to Plo Koon and Shaak-Ti as the pair looked at him curiolsy.

" Mister Plo what will happen to me now ?" and he looks down from his friends resting place to  her son " You will be trained in the ways of the Jedi one way or another that I promise in the memory of your mother " He says as they look to the pyre where his mother lays finally at rest.


The next day as the young Tyrone Shan stands in front of the Jedi council as Yoda holds a data pad Infront of him.

" A dauntless class fighter " Tyrone said without hesitation and Yoda tapped the pad " A Greater krayt dragon, Ten legs ,Two horns adorn it's head and a whip like tail " he said and then he tapped one last time and took him a bit more time " A jungle Rancour native to planet Felucia ".

" Intuitive  you are done well your mother has teaching you ". Eeth Koth said as they all seem to debate mentally " I'm to old to made a member of the order or that's what my mother said " He spoke.

" Yes but an exception should be made in honouring our friends memory " Plo Koon said and Yaddle, Eeth Koth and Saesee Tiin all approved of his request while Windu and Yoda where against it.

" Tyrone could you wait outside while the council comes to a decision " Plo Koon asked and then he turns and leaves looking left and right releasing he's a bit lost and the as he paces up and down he bumps into a Togruta and she turns around putting a hand on his shoulder " You must be the Rhea's boy " She says quite gently and he nods " Master Plo told me to wait outside " He stutters.

She looks down to see him fidgeting with something in his hands " What have you got there?" She asked " It's the teeth of Frynock the pantorians don't know much about the fauna of the planet my mother said that hunting with all my senses including the force " He said with a smile.

Then the door open and Plo Koon was there " Tyrone the council is ready for you now and master Ti your more then welcome to join us ". and they both come in as Plo Koon takes his seat back

" We have decided to train you in the ways of the Jedi to honour your mothers memory " Mace Windu spoke rather bluntly.

" In agreement we are about training you " The grand master Yoda spoke " Due to his age a more strict teacher is best I think " He follows it up.

" I would volunteer to be his master 2 apprentices I have lead to knight hood all ready and his mandolarion training all ready matches up with my own training methods " Shaak-Ti spoke as silence as she did  and they all seem to think about it for a second before Plo Koon spoke up " Well then I feel this is all cleared up as long as you are all right with it Tyrone? ". He asked 

And Tyrone nodded his head " Yes I'm fine with master Shaak-Ti teaching me ".  

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