"Please never say that again, you sound like my dad." Alyssa joked, causing Paige to look with fake hurt and shock before looking at me.

"Do you hear this craziness?" I hold my hands up at the blonde's words.

"I'm not in this." An amuse smirk on my lips as I speak.

"Glad to see you still have your humor." Maia speaks, coming out of the kitchen before doing her best friend routine check of the injured girl. Causing Paige and I to hide our laughter

"You're going to make her run away from home, love." Paige jokes, gently pulling Maia away from Alyssa, arms around the girls waist from behind as she leans head on top of the brunettes. The blonde just sending a wink Alyssa's way, preassumingly distracting the other from being fussed over even more.

"Thank you." Alyssa laughs, moving to sit down on the couch before fully laying on it. "God it feels good to be home, this weekend was not it..."

"We assumed." Paige speaks up again and I blink, I don't know what I missed but a pouting Maia was thrown across her shoulder now, my twin laughing as she goes to the other couch, sitting the both down and holding the smaller girl in her lap. Maia quiet.

"Were you silent or were you silenced." Alyssa says, giggling at the scene and making Paige laugh harder as I join in.

"How does it feel to help bring Uconn a tournament title though?" Paige asks, still holding to Maia who ends up sinking back into the girl's chest, a smile on her face.

"Okay, first."  Alyssa says, pointing at the couple, "That's gay. Stop being gay I'm homophobic." She finishes causing the room to erupt with laughter. I look at her with an amused smile. "And second.  "Really good, besides, well the obvious." She gestures to herself and her injuries, "I won't lie though. I was really nervous when I had to switch positions in the middle of the game."

"I was going to ask how that was for you." I pipe up, sitting on a stool near the kitchen that looked into the open living room. "You didn't seem too bothered when it happened."

"Yeah... honestly I had a feeling it was going to happen, our libero was having a really tough time in warm ups so I guessed it prepared me a little bit."

I nod, watching as Alyssa tries the adjust her sling in a more comfortable position.

"Sucks huh?" Paige asks and the girl just nods. 

"You have one before?"

Paige looks at her, answering. "Yeah when I was younger. My little brother drew also had to have one before, he was super bothered by it."

"I don't blame him." Altssa grunts out, "Like I want to move my arm, stretch it out, anything. But I know I cant." I see Maia stand up from Paige's hold, the girl going to get the cookies from the oven.

Turning to face Alyssa on my stool, I start talking. "What do you want to eat so you can take your painkillers?"

"Anything honestly, just something so I can take them." She chuckles, already moving to try and find the medicine in her bag.

"Sandwhich and chips?" I ask, Maia holding the ingredients up at me out of their fridge. 


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