Chapter 6

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Regulus Black

Regulus sat on his bed, phone in hand on the camera setting, just staring at himself when he was broken out of thought by a voice.
"What's stopping you from filming it?" James asked which made Regulus put his phone away "I have to admit to the world I have an eating disorder? I have to publicly denounce my mother?" Regulus said he had gotten closer to James, which meant his crush grew bigger.
"Come here, we can write a script together, yeah?" he said, scooting over a bit. Regulus didn't hesitate to come sit down with James.

They worked for hours on it till regulus was falling asleep on James. James did his best not to move a muscle.

James Potter

He looked down at the boy, even sickly as he was, he still shined like a star to Regulus. He sat there for about an hour before Regulus woke up. "Here, let's sneak onto the roof" James said when Regulus was lucid enough to comprehend what he was saying.
"But-" he was cut off. "No buts come on!" James said, grabbing his crutches, then looking at Regulus.

It took about 30 minutes of sneaking around before they were on the roof, alone which James was glad for.
"Why do you do it? You're eating thing I mean" he said without thinking. "Shit- you don't have to answer that ignore me I'm stupid." he mumbled, no longer looking at Regulus. "It's the only thing I had control of, then it got addictive, watching the numbers drop I mean." Regulus said, taking a breath before continuing "but at the same time I didn't have control over it either because my mother did." he sighed, making James frown. "Well love, it's going to get better, and I hope I get to see it."

Without thinking Regulus kissed him, but James kissed him back, albeit a few seconds after Regulus had initially kissed him.
They sat there for a while just kissing, nothing more before they were interrupted by nurse Lily. "There you guys ar- oh." she froze before grinning "alright boys i know you want to suck faces, but Remus is going mental so I need you guys back in your room." she said. "Plus, James your surgery is tomorrow you need to be in bed" she finished.

They had pulled away from each other when they had heard Lily's voice, now looking at her with a red face "I needed to talk to him in private" he groaned earning a smirk from Lily "Yeah, I'm sure lots of 'talking' happened, c'mon boys" she said.

She led them back to their rooms, muttering something about how she wished she could tell her wife Pandora about this.

It was 9 pm when Regulus started his video response. His tube tape had been covered in stickers by one of the nurses, Xenophilius.

He took a breath before starting the video and reading from the script he had prepared.

"It has come to my attention that a photo of me has been spreading. To clear things up, yes, I'm in the hospital for eating disorder treatment. Yes, I plan to make a full recovery. To add to all of this, I have a message for my mother." He adjusted himself, looking straight into the camera now. "Look me in the eyes and tell me everything's not 'fine'. I want you to beg for my mercy, admit you were toxic. You told me to starve just for another dollar in your pocket. Now I am my sickness. No one will accept your silence. Tell them how you had me counting calories and fasting at age 8. The price of your greed is your only two children. Beg me for forgiveness mum, what are you going to do when there's blood on the ice? What's your alibi mum? This is all on you. Money won't solve this." he stopped the video. Regulus and James edited it a bit before taking to Regulus' twitter account and hitting post.

Blood On The Ice // JegulusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang