Chapter 5

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Evan Rosier
Evan was in the middle of receiving head in Hawaii when he got a call. Sirius Black? Why the hell was Sirius calling him? How did Sirius get his number? Eh this could be fun. He clicked accept.
"Sirius what the hell do you want?" He asked, his tongue laced with poison as he guided Bartys head with his free hand. "I'm not Sirius dumbass, it's Regulus. I'm in the hospital" .... What? "What?" He grabbed Barty's hair, pulling him up which earned a groan, ignoring it, Evan put the phone on speaker. "I passed out during practice, one of the coaches called 999, and well I'm in Eating Disorder treatment." Regulus explained, Barty's expression turned from annoyed to concerned. "Reg, what the fuck?!" Barty rushed out, Evan sighed. "What he means is why didn't you call us sooner? Barty, book us a flight home" Evan demanded, in return he got a "yes sir" before Evan lightly smacked his head.

Barty Crouch Jr was a 5'6, latino trans man. Piercings covered his face, tattoos covered his arms and neck, rings covered his hands. The hands Evan was obsessed with. "We have a flight." Barty stated. "Guys you don't have to, I was just calling to let you know.'' Regulus sounded guilty, his friends were on vacation. "Yes we do Reg, It's in the totally real friendship contract we made at uh, 13." Evan said "No but seriously, we want to. How is treatment?" He asked, his hand running through Barty's hair. "Well, I have an annoying roommate. "HEY!" You could hear a voice next to Regulus, clearly in pain. "As I was saying, I have a feeding tube, haven't gained anything, and my mother released the worst statement ever." Regulus sighed, you could hear someone whispering to Regulus as if someone was holding him.

Hours later, Evan and Barty were on a plane.

Sirius Black.

Sirius had been sleeping in the waiting room when he was shaken awake.
"Pads, you have to eat." A familiar voice said to him. They opened his eyes only to see the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Sirius had memorized the scars on his Moony back in highschool. "Don't have my wallet." Sirius responded, looking straight into Remus' chocolate eyes. Sirius liked those eyes, they didn't know why.
"C'mon, I'll buy you food, up up Sirius." Remus helped Sirius up as he spoke, he was so gentle with them.
Sirius felt as if they were in a daze, he hadn't seen or talked to Remus in years.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin made their way to the cafeteria, Remus' cane clacking against the floor as they walked. Sirius liked this, it was cozy for some reason, like a warm hug.
When the two made it to the cafeteria, Remus ordered a club sandwich and Sirius? A spinach wrap.
Sirius chose a place to sit down, a small table with two seats across from each other. "So, Remus, how have you been?" They asked. Oh, he wanted to kiss that boy. "Well, I became a nurse, found out I'm gay, and now I'm taking care of your little brother. He missed you, y'know?" Remus said, sipping on his what used to be, warm coffee. "He never showed it." Sirius said. "I'm glad you're taking care of him, means he's in good hands. Oh! I found out im bisexual, I also use he/they pronouns now." Sirius came out, it was scary every single time they did. "Noted." Remus responded. "Sirius, how have you been getting along?" The browned eyed boy asked. Sirius could listen to his old friends' voices forever.
Sirius ran through all of the responses they could give.
Well my little brother is in the hospital
I've been sleeping in the worst chair ever
I watched james' ankle break in person
"Good as I can be, considering everything, I mainly miss my bed." He admitted before continuing "I live an hour away and I worry about Reggie and James so I don't want to leave them." Sirius finished and took a bite of the spinach wrap. Ah yes, the taste of hospital food. "You're staying at my flat tonight." Remus said, more demanded. "Usually I get taken on a date first." They joked.

Barty Crouch Jr & Evan Rosier

Barty and Evan made it to the hospital, luggage still in hand.
"Regulus Black." Evan said to the receptionist, who gave him a suspicious look. "Name?" She sounded annoyed as if she had been asked for Regulus' room by fans multiple times already. "Evan Rosier" "Barty Crouch Jr" She checked the list on her computer, and with a sigh she said "Room 1979" The top floor Evan thought. He was brought out of thought by an impatient Barty pulling him towards the elevator. After Evan came to it, he followed Barty to Regulus' room. Barty almost ate shit on the way to his best friend's room.

Upon entering Barty let out a gasp, he hadn't seen Regulus in 2 months and he looked terrible, sickly even. It almost made Barty throw up. That was his best friend dying. He looked over at Evan and saw him trying to hold it together "You're dying.." Barty mumbled, holding back tears.
"Ah ah, was dying. was being the keyword. I'm getting better." Regulus stated before the voice Barty heard on the phone spoke "You're not getting better, it's more like you're in limbo." James chimed in. "Fine with me." Regulus didn't realize he had said that out loud until he heard Evan speak. "Regulus, I can't sit here and watch my best friend slowly kill himself." He choked out. "Listen, I'm sorry, I really am trying to get better." He felt like he was 12 again. Evan sighed and sat on Regulus' bed. "Good, that's all I ask, I love ya Reg.'' Evan said, earning an "I know" from regulus.

Sirius Black

Sirius waited for remus' shift to end. He still had an hour. He had seen Evan and Barty leave 2 hours before now, and he knew James and his parents were eating in the cafeteria currently, so they decided to visit his little brother. The first stop was the vending machine. He got a candy bar for Regulus. Sirius tapped on the candy bar as they stood in the elevator. Should he be doing this? Of course they should thats his little brother.

After a minute or two, Sirius ended up in Regulus' room.
"Sirius" regulus said, looking up from his phone. "Reggie!" They exclaimed, smiling. "You look happy." Reg was glaring at him, Sirius didn't know why. "I got you that candy bar." Sirius tossed it to him.

It was like Regulus just split.

"I don't want your fucking candy bar! I'm fucking anorexic or did you forget why I'm here Sirius?! I'm here because you fucking left me with mum! Because you didn't give a shit! Even when you heard me throwing up over summer breaks, you didn't do shit to help me! Do you think this high calorie piece of shit will fix all of that?! Fix me?!" Regulus snapped.
Sirius' face wrinkled. He had stayed up and held Regulus the summers he heard him throwing up. "Reggie.."
"No! Fucking save it Sirius! Go! Go away!" Regulus was crying now.
Sirius left, wiping his face.

An hour passed as Sirius sat in the waiting room. Remus came by, a smile on his face. "Let's get you in a bed" Remus said, making Sirius stand up. A short ride in the car later, they were at Remus' flat.

Sirius followed Remus to his room. Sitting on the bed once he was there. "I fucked things up with Reggie.." Sirius murmured, tears filling their eyes. "Why do you say that?" Remus asked. "I gave him a candy bar and he flipped on me. Told me everything was my fault then he told me to get out." Sirius was close to sobbing now. He just got back a relationship with his brother and they ruined it. "Sirius, Regulus is going through a lot right now. He probably doesn't mean it. Here, let me get you a drink" "Make it string." "Amen" The conversation took off from there, the more shots Sirius took the less he cried. They mainly talked about alcohol, next thing you know, the two of them were tipsy.

"Y'know Moony, I always liked you, more than a friend." Sirius admitted.

That one sentence led to a makeout session, Remus' lips were on theirs, and Sirius' were on his. A hand was in Sirius' hair, the hair he never let anyone touch but it was okay for Moony to touch it.

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