The Full Moon (KTH)

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It was a tiring day at the office. I just want to go home and sleep. Switching off the lights of my office room and picking up my purse I left my office building.

The sky was beautiful today as it was such a big full moon. They said something about the fact that it is going to be the biggest this year.

While walking home I took the shorter path today as it wasn't that late. It is also a safer path even though there are lots of alleyways around it.

As I was walking from the last alleyways I heard whimpering sounds. It sounded like a dog but it was stronger and more deep.

Maybe it is a bigger breed like a mistchiff. I looked around to check if anyone is there I can ask to help me but no one was there.

Swallowing the nervous lump that formed in my throat I walked inside the alleyway and allowed my steps to guide me to the source of the sound.

Taking a peak behind the dump box I let out a low shriek and took a few steps back. The handbag falling from my shoulder to the ground with a thud.

It was a wolf, a big wolf. White fur with crimson blood eyes. He was bleeding from his abdomen. Groaning in pain.

The wolf locked his eyes with mine and growled. Showing off the teeth to scare me but poor wolf didn't know I'm a wild animal expert.

Taking small steps towards the injured wolf I walked and it only growled further but I made shush sounds and kneeled in front of its head and touched it with my palm.

I could feel the breathing calm down as I stroked its head and smiled. "Who bullied you to such a state?"

"It was you human, who else." A sudden voice booked from its chest and I backed away but hit the dumpster. Too stunned to speak as it just looked at me with a confused look.

"Did you just speak?" I asked, my body pinned to the dumpster. "Is there anyone else?"

It replied back. It had a masculine and deep voice, though I knew it was a male but this is unexpected. Was this wolf a werewolf?

Then I saw a bright light come from its body and then I saw the wolf shrink to a human...TO A HUMAN.

A yell was building up on my chest but before I could open my mouth a hand covered it. It was him! The wolf! Wait no the human?!

Before I could process further and actually look at his face I felt my lights getting knocked off as I felt myself fainting.


A sharp headache woke me up. I groaned as I lifted my body from the softness of the mattress. "Fuck, what is this headache."

"Oh? So you're finally awake. Human girl." My eyes snapped open at the voice and I sat straight up. My vision blurring due to the blood rushing to other parts of my body.

I tried to focus and look at the man's face and I gasped. He was so damn stunning. His facial features were cut sharply, from the jawline to the tip of his nose. Gifted by both kind of lids: a monolid and double lid. Perfectly plump lips.

Eyes blood shade of red and oh those darned soft blue hairs.

He was wearing a singularly draped cotton cloth all over his body. Covering what was necessary to be covered.

That was when I realised I was wearing the same sort of clothing. "Who are you?"

I asked with confidence, trying to conceal my fear of him. He just scoffed at my make up daring behaviour and sat on the edge of the bed before passing me a glass of water.

"Kim Taehyung. I already know your name I checked your ID card."

I looked at the glass as if it was poisioned. "It's not posioned, we wolves are not as deceiving as you humans."


y eyes narrowed at that comment. Of course, it is true but hearing it head first is a bad experience for sure. I got off the bed and looked at him with confidence which somehow made him smile a bit.

"I'll go home now. Thank you for your care." I bowed to him and looked around the room for my purse and found it laying next to a small chair with a cushion. I picked it up and as I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist.

I looked at where he gripped my wrist and then at his face. Raising an eyebrow which led him to release me.

"You can't leave."

"Excuse me?"

His lips thinned and he let out a lowly groan. "You human woman had no idea what you did while saving me yesterday. I was injured and had my blood all over me and apparently you had a paper cut."

He pointed at my finger and I looked at the paper cut and it was there as he said. "So?"

"My blood mixed with yours through that open wound....there are only two ways how we find our is of course through the obvious and the other is mixing of blood."

He spoke with all seriousness and I kept looking at my finger in shock. My breath started to get uneasy as I looked at him and me knees began to grow weak.

Fuck, I was having an anxiety attack. "Hey..hey." He walked over to me and supported me from the shoulders and guided me back to the bed.

"So-so you mean..I" I pointed fingers between us while breathing heavy. "You. We we."

Oh god I can't breath now. No way this happened. I am literally a human, how can their rules apply to me.

He cupped my face with both of his palms and made me look at him. He's too good looking to be real. His eyes are so damn beautiful and have this calming effect.

"Breaths, Y/N. Breath." He guided me by removing one plam and taking my hand to his chest that followed the rise and fall of his lungs. I slowly began to calm down and I tried to breathe naturally.

"What will I do now?" Tears started to well in my eyes as I looked at him. His palm still on my face wiped the incoming stream before it could fall softly. His fingers were long and thin and were almost the size of my cheek to forehead or maybe more.

"First, you have to calm down. Second, we'll figure this out. I know you want to go back and I will take you back but not before we resolve this." He softly stated in that deep voice before pulling his palm away from my face and I missed the little warmth.

I kept looking at his face as he stared at the floor, possibly thinking of something.

"You know it's rude to look at me like that, but I'll allow you since you're my mate." He suddenly got up and winked at me. My ears turned red due to embarrassment and a little of something else.

Maybe this isn't so bad...


Oh god this is absolute trash lmao. I've never written a werewolves kinda thing. So please feel free to trash talk

On the request of: _strvwberry_009
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to explore smth new💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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