Teach Me (Jm)

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An art peice was infront of you. Your art peice to be precise. You were majoring art in seoul university. Everyone appreciated your art, except that one teacher, Park Jimin.

Mr. Park was just 5 years older than you, didn't make much difference yet he was so arrogant. He would always say that you paintings were extraordinary but lacked one thing, warmth and light.

You always bought you new paintings to him to seek approval but he always shook his head and didn't utter a word.

The biggest problem was you was that he was very handsome and that a big flirt. You always wanted to ask him to teach you because his paintings got into the biggest exhibition of artists in the world and he even has award of excellence for them.

He had those seductive eyes, that plump kissable lips which would increase your lust and lastly his soft voice and when he hummed no in denial it sent shivers down your spine.

"Everyone into position. Get ready for class." He entered the art room alloted for your class and clapped his hands. He wore a loose yellow tee and over it his bomber jacket and black pants. He looked more of a college student than a professor.

He started teaching his normal lessons and came over to your artpeice which you were adding some final touches to it.

You painted a falling angel with one wing in the sky and blood splatters around it with red tears in the eyes of the fallen angel. The clouds around it looked just like those in that of Greek paintings.

"Mr. Park. How is it?" You turned around and asked him. He was looking at it with a finger on his chin and then his eyes looked into yours.

"Dull." He remarked. Everyone knew how pitiful you had become. The anger that was inside you finally decided to burst.

You threw the paint brush on the floor and looked at him with raging eyes.

"If you always find my art lame, dull, anyone could draw and paint better. Then teach me. " You said and glared in his eyes.

He looked down and snickered slightly making you clench your fists. He then looked back upon you with his seductive eyes and walked towards you.

He came and rested his hand on your shoulder. "If that's what you want, meet me at 6 after your last class in my office."

His voice came out more like a whisper and that's when the bell rung, indicating the end of class.


You packed your stuff and grabbed your painting carefully and knocked on Jimin's office.  "Come in." A voice came out.

You walked in and saw his table neatly arranged, a canvas holder in the middle of the room placed for you, he got up and pointed towards the stand.

This was the first time you were left alone I'm a room with him. Your thoughts going wild as he took each steps to help you fit the canvas and when it was finally done he bought two stools for you and himself.

"Where should we begin with, sir?" You asked. "When we are alone feel free to call me Jimin. We should begin with the clouds, they lack the shades of golden to represent the light coming from the sun and shades of yellow on the wings and the body of the angel to give warmth." He explained with his soft voice and picked up the colors and started to mix them with the right shades.

You kept looking at his face and then hands during the process making your heartbeat pace up.

"Start painting on the furthest cloud the most ad the sun is coming from there the most." He said and pointed the paint brush where he said and passed it on to you.

You were so anxious that you weren't able to do it properly eventhough you knew how to do it. He sighed and got up and went behind you.

He grabbed the arm which held the paint and kept your hand under his, and started to move the brush accordingly. He said a few things along with it but all you could see was his plump lips and beautiful eyes as your heart raced more rapidly.

He then finally noticed that you lost focus and looked at you and snickered internally. "What are you looking at, Y/N?"

"You." You said this in your brain but somehow it came out loud and your eyes widened and you just wanted to bury yourself in the place itself as the blush crept over your ears.

"Why?" He hummed softly as he turned towards you fully, keeping the brush aside and keeping his closeness the same. "I'm not aware." You replied avoiding trouble.

He kept staring at your face and looked at your eyes, lips, nose and ears. He found you the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The most dedicated for her goals

There was a scilence of a minute or two before you spoke, "Mr. Park. Why are you stating at me?"

He remained silent. "Perhaps, is it the same reply as me?" You raised your eyebrow slight teasingly.

"No, I know my reason." With that he held your chin as if holding a feather and and kissed your lips, your lips became ice cream for his and melted in his mouth.

You closed your eyes and your hands snaked to his neck and face as he slightly bent down to your level. He didn't touch you because he stayed in his limit until you said so.

Your arms grabbed his and put them on your waist. He smiled through the kiss and picked you up and made you wrap your legs around his waist.

Pulling back he gave you the purest smile. "Would you like to date, Ms. Y/N?"

"I would love to but, you're a professor and I'm your student. If anyone gets to-" He kept his finger on your lips and nuzzle his face in your neck, making your arms instinctively hug him back.

"It doesn't matter. We're in college and the scores you get are from the critiques that come to visit and not me. No one will care." He hummed in your neck.

"I've waited long enough." He said. "What do you mean?" You asked.

"I fell for you the moment you came in the first year class with that dancing skeleton painting of yours, I fell for your face, your dedication and everything about you." He said, you could notice his ears turning red.

"Let's date then. I don't know a lot about you but you know a lot about me. Make me fall for you all over again." You smiled and grabbed his face to look at yours, his face was losely held as he smiled like an idiot.

"Sure." He said and placed pecks all over your face making you giggle.

Maybe the fallen angel would be able to see the light and feel the warmth. Maybe the Fallen would fall for a human and get a the single wing of icarus.


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