Vanilla Hair (JH)

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You were currently in the bathroom of hoseok's apartment trying to find the shampoo that he uses his for the vanilla hair he has.

It wad the morning after you guys did it for the first time.

"What are you doing, sweetie?" You heard the knock of the glass rim of the bathroom. Flinching for a minute and then turning around with a frown as you held the towel wrapped around your body.

"What shampoo do you use?" You asked. He smiled and then walked to you, taking off your arms from the towel and putting them on his shoulder as the towel fell on the cold bathroom floor.

The coldness of the bathroom hitting your body making you his slightly.

"Why do you wanna know?" He hummed as he planted a soft kiss on your neck.

"Because I want the smell of your hair on me." You pouted as you pulled his face in for a kiss.

He pulled back and opened the shelf above the sink and pulled out a blue bottle of shampoo.

"You've not taken a bath yet, right?" He asked and you nodded as you saw him turn on the tap of warm water in the bath tub.

"Let's take it together and you will wash my hairs." You smiled as you poured some shower gel in the bath tub so it will make the water foamy.

"But I just took one." He said and rested a hand on his hip.

"You'll take another." You smiled as you tugged his tee upward, telling him to remove it. Sighing in defeat he pulled over his tee and got naked.

You finally saw his perfect body, his waist just the right size for perfect hugs.

"Now, get in the bath." He chuckled as he saw you gawking.

He sat down first and you sat in between his legs. He opened the hair tie that was keeping your hairs out of the way.

He brushed his hand through your locks giving them a slight massage. His smell intoxicating you from behind as his long fingers felt cold on your scalp.

He poured some water from the tub on your shoulders before taking the hand shower and soaking your hairs.

He massaged along as he soaked them with warm water, you closed your eyes and exhaled loudly due to the amount of relaxation you felt.

"You're enjoying this, hmm?" He laughed softly, his breath brushing against your bare shoulders.

You nodded as he poured some shampoo in his hand and started to massage your scalp and let the foams form.

"Lean back, baby." He kissed your cheek from the back as he let you slide down and rest your back on his chest while leaning.

He massaged the scalp for good five minutes and it felt like heaven after the hang over head ache that you were having.

Without knowing, you fell asleep. As weird it may sound but you did. Hobi kept you railing it 4 in the morning and currently it was nine. It did not allow you to get decent sleep.

"It's done, sweetheart." He cooed but noticed that you fell asleep and smiled, before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.

Getting away from behind you, he rested your head on the tub as he got out himself. Bought two towels and wiped himself first before taking you out of the tub and draping you with the towel.

You squirmed in his grip. "Shh...just sleep. I'll wipe you."

With that you felt his warm closing in after he laid you on the bed and cuddled you. His legs locking with yours as he buried himself in your chest and stomach.

This day, gave you a glimpse of how it would feel to be the wife of Jung Hoseok.


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