Dancing with the Prince (SJ) Pt 1

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I gasped as my lady servants tightened the corset beyond belief. The knots just kept getting tighter. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

I snapped at them and they finally stopped. My hair was open because they were let to be styled after I wore my gown. "My child, it is important for you to look beautiful. It has been 4 years since you debuted in higher society. It is time for you to become a countess or viscountess."

My mother, to be precise my step mother hissed through her teeth. She just wishes to take over the house after I leave. She may be the Duchess right now but all the reins of the house handling were in my hands.

She used to be just a mistress to my father but once my mother died my father bought her in for pity at me.

"Mother, I'm the next heir of the Dukedom. I shall bring a groom and not go away." I gave her a sarcastic smile as the lady servants dropped the gown on my body.

Patting it to get rid of any tension and creases. My favourite lady servant who used to be my nanny gave me a small rebuttal glare that told me that I should just stay quiet for a while.

"See you at the ball, my child. I have to leave early with your father." The woman got flustered and left. She may be wicked but I'm more evil than her. She can't beat me at my own game.

I smirked in victory as my servants sat me down to finish doing my hair.

My servants escorted me to the carriage and I gracefully bowed to them before the coachman helped me on the carriage. Our family was prestigious enough to afford a comfortable carriage so the ride to the palace was no problem.

As soon as the huge palace building starged to come into view I started to feel a little jittery. This is my first ever palace ball and there are rumors that it is organised for the prince.

The prince was said to have recovered from a chronic illness and to celebrate that they have organised this ball.

I looked outside to see other carriages coming and I sighed in relief. I was not late then, it would have been very embarassing if that was the case.

The carriage soon came to a halt infront of the palace gates along with a few other, I recognised one immideatly.

It was of Viscount Kim, a royal family blood but his predecessors did something to get them kicked out and be made viscounts.

Viscount Kim Namjoon is my best friend since we were kids. I was happy to see a familiar face.

My coachman helped me out of my carriage and when Namjoon saw me he waved at me, before nodding at his coachman and walking towards me.

"Good evening, my lady." He bowed and garbbed my gloved hand from his and kissed it. "Good evening, Viscount Kim."

I knew he hated that and when I said it he just gave me a glare. "You didn't come with your family?"

"You call them family?" I rolled my eyes as he offered me his arm to escort me inside with him.

He was wearing a wine colored suit with his badges of achivement sticked to it. His gloves were dark blue and complimentes his shoes.

"I thought you hated wine red?" I raised an eyebrow with a smirk. The thing was that he was having an affair with the crown princess and her favourite colour was wine red.

No one knew about their affair except me and the crown princess' lady servants' head.

We entered the room and I was given a dance card. I usually keep my dance limited to one formal dance and I do it with Namjoon but today he is going to announce his affair.

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