The final battle part 2

Start from the beginning


Kacchan:HOWITZER!Touya's body burns brightly as Bakugo and him inch closer together

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Touya's body burns brightly as Bakugo and him inch closer together.Finally,they clash, creating a ginormous explosion.

The explosion brightens the entire area and creates a large light in a mix of orange and blue color

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The explosion brightens the entire area and creates a large light in a mix of orange and blue color.Two people fall from the smoke,falling all the way to the ground.The students and heroes go to the site to scope out the situation.They see Touya and Bakugo on the ground,both bleeding badly.The heroes run to Touya as the students go to Bakugo.They help get Bakugo off of his back and bring him to his feet.Touya suddenly starts laughing,confusing everyone. Suddenly,loud and large tremors surround the area.
Touya:Looks like he's motivated now.
The students and hero's group up back to back as they await their foe,but suddenly,a gigantic man literally bulldozes from the ground.The man's arrival creates large tremors as he is now completely visible.

All might:W-what the hell is that?!Touya:You remember him right?All for one?Well,ever since he died,this guy came to Shimura,asking what happened

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All might:W-what the hell is that?!
Touya:You remember him right?All for one?Well,ever since he died,this guy came to Shimura,asking what happened.Apparently a long time ago,all for one brought this guy under his wing,but told him to hide.His name is Gigantomachia,and ever since he heard of his master's passing,he's been pretty pissed.But you want to know what the best part is?HE THINKS YOU GIYS DID IT!
Touya laughs maniacally as Machia brings his arms up,preparing for a smash.
All might:Everyone run!
Gigantomachia:FOR MY MASTER!
The giant brings his arms down and creates a large shockwave,but thankfully he had gotten no one.The hero's and students were in the air, being held up by the hero majestic.Majestic flies the heroes and students over to a large building in the city as the group tries to strategize.
Ochako:What do we do?
Mineta:What can we do?!We can't take something that strong!
Momo:We can,we just need a plan.
Togaru walks in front of the group as he stares at machia.Togaru pulls something out of the pockets of his pants.It's the headgear he was given by David shield.The boy looks back to the entire group,and speaks with absolute confidence.
Togaru:I'll do it.
Fat gum:What?!You're insane,you can't beat that thing!
Togaru shows the group the headgear.
Togaru:I can with this.
Togaru puts the gear on as he starts to transform.His muscles enlarge as the flesh of his back morphs and form into four more arms.Togaru's eyes turn red and yellow as his costume begins to tear at the shirt.Togaru lets out a pained roar as his transformation is complete.

Togaru:Alright,I'll try to bring that thing down, you guys worry about that guy

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Togaru:Alright,I'll try to bring that thing down, you guys worry about that guy.
Togaru looks to Touya,who was as confused as the rest of the group.Togaru bends down as he then takes a gigantic leap towards machia.As the boy soars through the air,he puts his middle arms straight out as large connected blades emerge from beneath them,resembling wings.

As the boy soars through the air,he puts his middle arms straight out as large connected blades emerge from beneath them,resembling wings

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Death arms:What is that kid?!
Togaru flaps his arms as he takes flight across the city all the way to machia.He shouts out to the giant.
Togaru:Hey!Over here Bowser!
Machia lets out a large roar as he runs towards Togaru.The giant throws a ginormous punch, but Tomura flies right above it,he sticks his bottom arms out as long and razor blades come out of them and sticks them into machia's arm. The blades literally glide through machia's arm as the giant lets out a pained roar.Machia suddenly pulls both of his arms up at a surprising speed.He brings them together and then smashes them down and hits Togaru, smashing him into the ground.Togaru hits the street and craters it,horrifying the group as they watch.
All might:Young Kamakiri!
The group watches in fear at the dust on the street.Soon enough,Togaru emerges from the dust a high speeds.He revs his top arms back down as he flies towards machia's jaw.He thrusts them upward and hits Machia with a double uppercut.Machia's head is jerked upwards,but he quickly recovers and revs his large arm back,making it into a fist.He throws a large punch,but Togaru flips onto the large arm and runs along it up to machia's face. Togaru jumps off of the arm and onto machia's face.He pulls all three arms from his left side back and manifests axe shaped blades,and he stabs the blades into machia's eyes.Machia's eyes begins to bleed profusely as Togaru rips his blades out and sticks them in again and again in succession.Machia tries to smash Togaru,but the boy jumps off of machia's face. Machia only hits himself in the face as he stumble back.Togaru protrudes blades from his middle arms again as he flies down to machia's legs.He spins his winged arms around and slashes the giant's calfs.Machia roars in anger as he starts to fall on his back,towards the mountain.Togaru then flaps his winged arms as he flies high into the air.He pulls the wings back into his skin and pulls all of his arms back,pointing them towards the sky and making them fists.Togaru falls and then dives towards the falling giant and throws all six of his fists forward,punching Machia in the face. Machia completely falls on his back as Togaru lands on his chest.Machia's eyes glow as he tries to stand,but he gives up and lays down. Togaru stands but is surprised to see the giant...crying?

Gigantomachia:AAAAAAAAAAH!There's no point!Without him,it's all worthless!Togaru beholds the giant's sorry state in shock, what was once a demonic giant of a human was now a crying miserable man

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Gigantomachia:AAAAAAAAAAH!There's no point!Without him,it's all worthless!
Togaru beholds the giant's sorry state in shock, what was once a demonic giant of a human was now a crying miserable man.Gigantomachia's large body began to shrink as he cries more and more.
Gigantomachia:Why my master?!WHYYYYYY?!?!
Machia cries louder and louder as his body becomes smaller.Togaru jumps off of Machia's shrinking body as the once large man goes into the fetal position.Togaru gazes upon the man as he finally stops shrinking,he continues to whimper and whimper as Togaru walks up to him.Togaru kneels down and gently lays his hand on the broken man.
Togaru:You really loved him,didn't you?
Gigantomachia:He...he was my master,my everything.When I had nothing,he found me and put me back together,he gave me purpose! But then he left me,he left and he never returned!He lied to me!He promised me that he would come back,but he died!
Togaru rubs the machia's back as the man cries.Suddenly,Machia gets up off of the ground as his head still hangs low.He lifts his arms up and spoke sadly.
Gigantomachia:Just take's over.There is no point to it anymore.Togaru stares upon the sad man as he can see that the villain is already defeated.They have as good as won.It's all up to one person now...Izuku.

To be continued

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