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Izuku wakes up earlier than everyone else,he silently makes his way to the room for requests.Izuku checks the phones and computers and sees only one request,there was some sights about a monster.Izuku suits up and heads out,he wanders the nearby forest and sees...a giant mantis?
Izuku blasts the mantis with fire,but he suddenly hears a quick shriek.
Izuku:That sounded like...
Izuku goes through some bushes to find Mahoro and Katsumo.
Izuku:Did you guys do this?
Mahoro pouted.
Mahoro:We were trying to prank the others.
Katsumo:We're sorry.
Izuku;It's okay guys.See ya around.
The kids wave Izuku goodbye as he goes back to the building.Izuku takes small calls,effects, reducing pets,or even just walking people down the streets.By the time Izuku's finished with all the tasks,the rest of the class has woken up.
Togaru:Someone's committed.
Izuku:What can I say?I'm gonna go do some training now.
Izuku goes to his room and sits on his bed to assess his equipment.He has lifting weights's, weights to put around his limbs while he's running,and a punching bag.Izuku sets up his punching bag and begins to train.

Tenko was wondering the city in a hoodie he stole.He was searching for a new base. Eventually,he finds an abandoned warehouse.He goes inside and surveys the area.Tenko looks around the warehouse and sees no one for miles.He smiles,this is perfect. Tenko sits on a table and thinks about the next step of the plan.
Tenko:Judging from my current state,I could take out plenty of pro's with no issues.But there's still all might,he may have feared me, but that won't stop the symbol of peace from acting.I need to kill him,but even with decay, that would be hard.Wait a second...
Tenko just remembered something,his partner overhaul,had special quirk enhancing drugs. But that's not all he remembered.
Wolfram:You brought this whole team together to kill one kid?
Shigaraki:Don't underestimate the boy.
Wolfram:Well in that case...nah.
Wolfram:Well,it's a secret I used to have.You see on an island far away,there's this really smart scientist,he's so smart that he developed a special piece of equipment to help enhance someone's quirk.In his own words,it could cause someone to be able to do things they could never do with their quirk before.His name is David shield.
End of flashback
Tenko:That's it,I can use both of these to boost me!Kurogiri?
A dark purple cloud suddenly appears from the center of the warehouse.It fades to reveal Kurogiri.
Tenko:Do you know where I-island is?
Kurogiri:I could find it eventually.
Tenko:Good,but what to do in the meantime?
Suddenly,the two villains hear something coming from outside the warehouse.They step outside to see a small demon holding a phone.
Tenko picks up the phone as an unfamiliar voice plays through it.
???:Hello,Tomura shigaraki.
Tenko:Who is this?
???:Call me Redestro.I have your friend.
Tenko:I don't have any friends.
Redestro:Oh really?Then who is this.
Tenko hears a familiar voice.It's the voice of his broker,Giran.
Giran:S-sorry boss,got snuck up on.
Tenko;Ah,it's you.Fine,I'll come pick him up.
Redestro:Oh?Such confidence,very well,come to Deika city.We shall have our showdown there.
The phones beeps and turns off.
Kurogiri:We're going to to deika city?
Kurogiri:Shall I collect overhaul?
Tenko:No,leave him be.Focus on trying to find the island,I'll handle this myself.
Kurogiri:Are you sure that that is wise?
Tenko:Giran's here because of me,only makes sense that I'm the one who gets him out. Besides,I could use this opportunity to see my newfound capabilities.
Tenko dashes off as Kurogiri goes back into the warehouse.
Minutes later
Tenko arrives at the city,he looks around and sees a large handful of people.He looks to the back of the city and sees a large building.
Tenko:I'll end this quickly.
Tenko generates a wave of decay from his feet, the wave quickly spreads through the city, catching the people off guard.The decay spreads to the people and turns them to dust. As the decay continues to spread and connect, it lays waste to the entire city and most of its inhabitants.As the decay spreads,Tenko stops it before it touches the large building.Tenko smiles as he views his work.

What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Where stories live. Discover now