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Izuku has now turned 16 years old.
Aizawa:Today we're going on another field trip, but this time Class 1-B will be with us.
A smile appeared on Togaru's face.
Aizawa:No need to pack your suits,just follow me to the bus.
The students leave the class and walk across the school.
Izuku:Are you excited to see your old classmates?
Togaru:You bet I am!I always see them outside, but it's nice to actually do something with them again.
Mineta:In your opinion,who's the hottest girl in class 1-B?
Togaru:I'm not going to answer that.
Denki:Come on!
The two classes meet on a very large bus.
Tetsutetsu:How's it been with the 1-A kids? Anyone giving ya a hard time.
Togaru:No no.

They're taken to a building on top of some mountain above a forest.The class gets out and admires the view,they then hear a female call out to them.
Izuku:Whoa!You guys are-
???:That's right,we're-

Pussycats:The wild wild pussycats!The hero's drop their pose and stand side by side

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Pussycats:The wild wild pussycats!
The hero's drop their pose and stand side by side.
Pixie bob:We're here to train not just your powers,but your limits as well.
Mandalay:That's right.This training especially is for you to overcome any weaknesses and setbacks from your abilities.
Ragdoll:So get to it!We've got gear for everyone.
The students split up and get to their respective training.Izuku specifically is testing out his electricity manipulation.He pulls upon his bio electricity and sparks.Izuku tries to focus on certain shapes,but it isn't easy.He can manipulate fire into shapes way easier than electricity.He keeps going however,and eventually throughout the day is capable using it to boast his physical body,create bolts and even a barrier,but that's the best he can muster.Izuku walks to a nice manor building on top of the mountain,this is where the classes will be staying for rest.Izuku sees a small child with a red hat standing by Mandalay.
Mandalay:This is Kota,my nephew.
Izuku:Hi there.
Kota is silent,he throws a punch and hits Izuku right in the crotch.
Iida:How dare you assault his scrotum you small demon of a child!
Kota:Shut up.
Bakugo and Togaru step in front of Kota.
Kacchan:You owe him an apology.
The two students stare right into Kota's soul. Kota scoffs and walks away.Mandalay apologizes again and follows Kota.The students walk inside just in time for a trip to a nearby bath house.But as they walk in,Izuku notices someone familiar.

But as they walk in,Izuku notices someone familiar

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What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Where stories live. Discover now