A test of strength

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A day after the island,Izuku was back at the beach,training with all might.
All might:So,electricity now?
Izuku:Correct,it's my own bio electricity.But it's really tiring to use at the same time as fire, so for now I'm just trying to see what else I can do with fire.I just don't know where to start.
All might got to thinking,there was a few heroes he could think of.
All might:Can you manipulate smoke?
Izuku:Sorta,I control fire and heat to control the smoke to an extent.
All might:I know of a hero who has sadly passed away,he had the ability to create large smoke screens.And...another hero I knew from back then,he could create tendrils of energy. Judging by your current control over your flames,I think you should be able to replicate those powers
Izuku:Thank you!
All might gives Izuku some journals not the pro heroes he mentioned.Izuku spent that day and the next replicating their powers and attacks.
It has now been two days since the island event.The next day,the class is told to suit up.
Izuku steps out in a new suit.

Izuku steps out in a new suit

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Izuku goes to U.A as the class is taken to the same field of the entrance exam.
Aizawa:Your going to have your final exam for the first term.
Iida:Who or what do we face now sir?
The principal came from behind their teacher.
Nezu:You will be facing...
A bunch of pro heroes land.

A bunch of pro heroes land

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Nezu:All of us.
Togaru:We're going up against pro heroes?Fine then.
Togaru smiled confidently.The students were assigned teams.
Nezu:Due to the odd number of students,one of you must go through a special but more difficult test at the end.We will randomly decide who now.
The teaches pull a card out of a box.
Nezu:And Togaru Kamakiri is our lucky,or unlucky student.
Togaru:Who am I going up against?
Nezu:That's a surprise.
The teams are set.Izuku is set on a team with Bakugo.
Kacchan:Who the hell would be stupid enough to come at us?
???:I would!
Suddenly,all might lands in front of the students.
All might:You two must fight me!
Aizawa:The rules are this.You pass by either escaping the zone or apprehending the "villain".We can go to a room and watch whoever's participating.
(Also,the heroes will not be using weights.)
The matches proceed.Most of the students pass.Izuku and Bakugo come up for their match.
Kacchan:Got a plan?
Izuku:You might be surprised.
Kacchan:Hit me.
Izuku:We're goin to try to take him head on,I have new moves that I'm trying to test out.
Kacchan:Someone's confident,you DO remember that this guy is the number one right?
Izuku:More than anyone.
Kacchan:Hell,you think we can do it,I'm behind ya 100%.
The duo steps out into the city field.A whirlwind suddenly hits them.All might speaks in an intimidating tone.
All might:Remember boys,I'm the villain now!
All might smiles menacingly as he charges at the boys,but they roll out of his aim and evade him.Bakugo and Izuku let loose gargantuan explosions,but only do minimal damage.
All might:Impressive fi-
Suddenly,all might realizes he cannot move.He looks around to see a sort of net of electricity.
Denki:Electricity?That's my thing.
Fumikage:He continues to surprise us.
The duo walks up to him smiling.They're about to put the cuffs on him,but all might starts struggling and struggling until he's able to move a little.Izuku realizes this and pulls Bakugo out of the way just in time before all might breaks out of the energy restraints. Bakugo pulls the pin on his gauntlets and hits all might dead on.Izuku grabs Bakugo and takes flight at high speeds towards the end of the field.All might eventually makes his way through the smoke and jumps up to the boys. Izuku throws Bakugo out of range towards the end of the field as all might tackles him into the ground.
All might looks down at Izuku,hoping he didn't actually gravely injure the boy.All might stands up and see a ready to pursue Bakugo,as he shoots off however,he is pulled back into the ground.
All might:W-what is-
All might looks at his own body and sees he's been wrapped in tendrils of fire.
Izuku:Flashfire Fist!
Izuku bursts with flames so hot that all might begins to have trouble breathing.The tendrils tighten around all nights body and lift him in the air.Izuku molds fire in his hand into an arrow.

What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Where stories live. Discover now