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Izuku was so excited,he heard that he's got a quirk!And a pretty strong one too.Bakugo... wasn't as excited,he had been used to being the "strong one".No one could really lay a hand on Izuku or anyone else in front of him.The child was a kind one,but if he had to, he WOULD break out his quirk,which literally NO ONE could stand against.Izuku was beloved by all his classmates,and even his teachers,Izuku had the personality and heart of a hero,but now he's got the power and strength too.Bakugo even started listening to him a little more,their bond grew stronger and even more positive than the original one.They were an unstoppable duo.As the years passed,Izuku took inspiration from the flaming pro hero, endeavor.He tried to master and replicate the hero's infamous "flashfire fist".He also learned to let small burst of flames out,like his friend Bakugo,he even made wings with his flames taking after one of his classmates quirks.But the one he took inspiration from most...was All might,the number 1 hero of Japan.Although Izuku's quirk only helped him so much physically,he kept trying to mimic all mights smashes.Bakugo also gave him some physical advice.
Kacchan:Your quirks strong,but you'll never make it far if that's all you work on.
Izuku then started working out at the age of 5. He had built up quite the body.It has been up to ten years now,Izuku was fifteen.Middle school was ending,and now it was time to choose career paths.The teacher called out the ones who had put their reports in.
Teacher:Bakugo and Midoriya,you applied for U.A?
Everyone was shocked...before immediately remembering who exactly they were talking about.Izuku would get in 100%,1,000%!Izuku was walking home through a shortcut when a manhole cover behind him popped open,and a massive green being came out.

Izuku would get in 100%,1,000%!Izuku was walking home through a shortcut when a manhole cover behind him popped open,and a massive green being came out

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Sludge villain:Come here!
The man made his way towards the boy until suddenly,he was entrapped in flames and brought to the ground hard.The sludge man's quirk should grant him incredible mobility,but he can't budge an inch!Suddenly,a large man comes out of the sewers as well.
???:Tell me young boy,is this your doing?
Izuku:Y-yes it is.Wait a second,that body,that HAIR!Is it-

Wait a second,that body,that HAIR!Is it-

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

All might:Yes,it is I...ALL MIGHT!And I'll take it from here young lad.
The sludge villain surrendered and was put into a soda bottle all might had,before Izuku could ask anything,the hero lept off.Izuku didn't give up however,as he decided to fly alongside the hero,his clothes might get a bit burnt,but to the boy,this meeting was worth it.
Izuku:Um,sir!Sorry,but can I ask you something?
All might was shocked to see a boy flying next to him,even with whatever his quirk is,the hero is shocked a boy could catch up to him so shortly.They land on a rooftop,as Izuku admired the full sight of his idol.

They land on a rooftop,as Izuku admired the full sight of his idol

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The man was large and muscular.He had the strength and the courage to be a hero!
All might:No offense,but can we make this quick?
Izuku:Y-yes,you see,I-I wanted to ask you-
All might's eyes widened as he realized it was time.Suddenly,the large man started shrinking rapidly,until...

Suddenly,the large man started shrinking rapidly,until

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

All might:Um...I can explain.
The man lifted his shirt to reveal an injury.
All might:I got this pretty bad injury from a fight I had a long time ago,the surgery's have worn me down to...this.But enough about that, what did you want to ask?
Izuku:RIGHT!Um,I wanted to ask you you...think that I can be a-a hero?Like you?
All might:Honestly,yeah.
All might:I may not know you well,but I can see you can handle your own,and you seem like a nice person.So...yes,you can become a hero.
Izuku didn't know what to do,the man he idolized,the man he held in such high regard... believed in him.Izuku was moved to tears from the hero's words.
Izuku:Th-th-thank you so much!And I have one more favor to ask!
Izuku asked for the man's autograph,at which the man chuckled.Izuku opened his journal to see...the signature was already written.
Izuku:WHOA!That's the number one for you!
All might:He he.
The duo walked down the building onto the public street and were about to bid each other farewell until they heard screams.They go to where they heard and saw a street occupied by pro heroes and civilians,the area was on fire as flames spread to the center of buildings around the street.The duo was shocked to see that the sludge villain was at the center of the chaos.
They look at the soda bottle ands see a small hole in the side.They are then horrified to see that someone's been captured.Izuku looks closer to see...Bakugo?
All might:Why are the other heroes standing back?
Izuku ignored everything he heard and shot towards the sludge villain like a bullet.No one hurts his best friend,NO ONE!He flew by the other pro heroes as he ignored their calls.The sludge villain was terrified to see the boy who shut him down so easily coming back with a vengeance.
The villain was terrified,as he instantly spat the boy out and got to his knees and pleaded.
Sludge villain:OK!OK I GIVE UP!
Everyone was shocked at the immediate surrender as Izuku checked on his friend.
Bakugo:I'm fine I'm fine.Just do your thing.
Izuku then opened his mouth wide as the flames swirled downward Ms toward the boy, and to everyone's shock,the flames went directly down the boy mouth into his stomach.
Izuku gulped as some smoke let loose from his mouth.
Izuku:Ooh!Those were some hot ones.
The heroes went to check on the boys,they praised both Izuku and Bakugo.
Izuku:Can I have an autograph?!I love you guys!
Kamuu woods:Of course.
The hero made 2 wood boards.
Kanji woods:But only if we get yours too!
Izuku signed the boards as the heroes signed the boy's journals.
Izuku was walking home when suddenly,all might appeared before him.
All might:Young man,what you did today...was nothing short of a hero's work.I...would like to train you.
Izuku literally jumped at the chance.He was so excited.All might asked him to meet the hero at a beach.Izuku the following day then saw him at the beach and almost screamed for him out loud.
All might:Shhh!
The hero explains that the beach was heavily dirtied with trash.Izuku looked across the area and saw exactly what the man meant.The place was a DUMP.
All might:Without using your quirk,try to clean up this beach,build up some muscle!Even though you actually have some that I think about it,you're quite buff.Well extra muscle never hurt anybody!
Izuku got to work and was cleaning up the beach swiftly.It took him a whole of 5 months to get it done,all the while getting in some extra exercises during time at school and home.To say all might was shocked would be an understatement.He was ASTOUNDED!
All might:You even cleaned outside where I told you!Holy...oh my...GOODY SUPERCRAP!
Izuku:Um...what does that mean?
All might:...Of means your doing,well, AMAZING!I'm proud to have you as my student.
All might showed Izuku some of his smashes as Izuku was taking notes.Izuku went home to his mother,who was happy to see him.
Inko:How was school honey?
Izuku:It was amazing.
Inko:Oh!Did something good happen?
Izuku:Sure.Thanks for dinner!
Inko:Of course sweetie.

What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora