The start of the end

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Izuku wakes up as it is time to head back to Japan.The class bids the island goodbye and boards a large boat all the way back.
Islanders:BYE!THANK YOU!
The class waves goodbye as they sail away.They arrive at Japan hours later.They are escorted back to their dorms and rooms,the students acclimate and relax.Izuku however,is already up and about,he leaves the dorms to go to the hospital.Izuku makes it there and proceeds to his mothers room.As Izuku opens the door,he is surprised to see his mother in a wheelchair facing the window.He's even more surprised when she turns around and looks at him.
Inko had a very bright smile,Izuku was at a loss for words.One second,the doctors weren't sure he'd make it,the next second,she was conscious and talking.Izuku's eyes water as tears begin to fall form his eyes.Izuku starts to walks towards his mother as more tears fall from his eyes. Izuku falls to his knees right in front of his mother.She wraps her arms around him and pulls him into a warm embrace.
Izuku:I-I-'m so glad.
Izuku wraps his arms tightly around his other and stands up.Inko starts to cry a little bit as well.
Inko:I am too.
Izuku smiles and holds his mother's hands.
Izuku:I owe you an apology.I'm sorry that I didn't spend enough time with you,I'm sorry that I took the time we spent together for granted.I'm sorry that I wasn't there to defend you.
Inko:Shhh,it's alright.This wasn't your fault. And the hospital wasn't actually all that bad anyways.I get food I didn't have to cook,I don't have to leave my bed,and I even get to watch TV.
Inko points to a tv attached to the wall left of her hospital bed.Suddenly,the channel on the TV changes as a news woman appears.
News woman:This is an urgent message! Tartarus prison has gone into complete mayhem!Every single prisoner has escaped,and from what we've seen,there are two confirmed casualties.The villains known as all for one and Stain have been reported dead.
Izuku's eyes widen open in shock,the man who had given him so much trouble,the man who he had once feared...was killed in a prison break?And then there was stain,he was also a very tough villain,and he too was killed?What kind of monsters were in that prisons to begin with?
News woman:And,we have also seen the villain known as Tomura shigaraki at the lead of the prison break,leaving the prison with his former teammates Dabi,toga,and the other former members who were arrested for their attempted crimes at a camping event.
As the news channel ends,Izuku turns around towards his mom.
Izuku:Mom,I-I have to-
Inko:It's okay,I understand.Go.
Izuku nods and goes to the the window of her room.He opens it and then steps back.He then runs towards it jumps out and makes wings of fire and flies out to the city.
Inko:Be carful.
As he flies across the city,he sees absolute chaos.Buildings collapse and explode,he can even hear people screaming. Izuku stops mid-air,he needs to prioritize the civilians first. Izuku floats down to the air and sees numerous villains ransacking banks,stores,and even people's homes.Izuku creates a multitude of fire balls and sends them out,the fire balls open into hands of fire and grab the prisoners.The hands pull back to Izuku and slam the prisoners into the ground. While the villains are stuck into the ground. Izuku puts his hands out to the air and creates multiple small fists of fire,he slams them down as the fists hit the prisoners in their faces and knock them out.People arise from the destroyed buildings and cheer for Izuku.One of the civilians walks up to Izuku.
Civilian:There's a giant villain up ahead to the north!
Izuku:Got it,thanks!
Izuku flies to the north and sees a large section of the city destroyed.Izuku looks into the center of the destruction and sees a very unwelcome familiar face.

Izuku looks into the center of the destruction and sees a very unwelcome familiar face

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What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Where stories live. Discover now