Chapter 2: Two Murders in One Day

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 2 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ichiro P.O.V
Time That Passed: 96 Hours since Kenji's Murder
Time of Day: 10:53 AM
Location: Ichiro's Home

"After Kenji's murder it was a realization from Ichiro that the killings aren't a random occurrence, but a hit list instead. He sets up a board with the previous three who got murdered with where and how they got murdered with Kengo's help of the crime scene photos that were copied. On another board were what he believes are next targets, on his mind was who is next.....................
Ichiro: (I never paid attention to these guys after what they did, I mean why should I? But, I have no choice now to see what the killer would do next. *looks down sad* Also I never brought up Chinatsu's name in a while and I just remembered her. Damn them!)

3rd P.O.V
Time That Passed: 20 Minutes
Time of Day: 11:03 AM
Location: Penthouse a Penthouse in Japan with guards standing by the door guarding someone in the room now who is watching the news with the murders being brought up.....................
News Man: " In other news, the culprit who killed three people hasn't been found yet and it's been a total of four days since the third murder. People are claiming that the killer probably stopped and killed who he or she killed with some saying the killer is waiting for the next victims. Is it still in Osaka? Or did they move somewhere else for more victims? Who knows."
.....................the person filled a cup with Sake to take a drink from it until a gasp of air is heard from the person to look at the TV.....................
????: "Three of them dead and they say who's next, why does that matter?"

Time Skip: Two Days
Time of Day: 8:27 PM
Location: Club the streets of Osaka where people are headed towards a club where a bounced is checking IDs of people if they're old enough to enter. Two particular people are next in line holding hands getting ready to enter with the two being Juro Hirata and Fūka Hiraoka, a couple who has been dating for years going on another dat.....................
Fūka: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Juro: "Of course it is, what's got you so worried right now? It's been like that for days."
Fūka: "It's the murders and who they were, our friends. How do we know the b killer won't come for us next."
Juro: "Cause we're going into a club and it's full of people, the killer would not risk being seen in a public area to kill someone."
Fūka: *smiles* "Yeah. Yeah, you're right."
Juro: "So, please don't worry about anything and let's enjoy our night to have fun at this club. Worry free."
.....................they walk up to the bounced to show their ID, unbeknownst to them someone is watching them on the rooftop across from the club seeing them walk in. That person jumps high onto the club's rooftop to enter a vent carefully to not bump the metal walls inside it. Inside the club everyone is either sitting at booths, dancing, drinking at the bar, or inside private rooms while enjoying themselves in the bar. Right now Juro and Fūko are on the dance floor dancing together with a vent opening up to land on the scaffolding above them to focus on them without getting distracted. While dancing Fūko looks up to see the killer which she freaks out.....................
Juro: "What? What's wrong? *looks to where she was looking to see nothing, looks an her* What is it?"
Fūko: "Sorry. I must've been seeing things, still nervous on the murders. Kinda got me on edge."
Juro: "Then how about we go in the back to calm you down?"
.....................they walk in the private rooms with the killer sneaking in through the ceiling to follow them, they sit on the couch with the door closing.....................
Juro: "What do you think? Our privacy."
Fūko: "You planned this didn't you?"
Juro: "Hey, I gotta surprise my girl somehow for us to be alone. I thought this might be the opportunity."
Fūko: "You never fail to have fun for us, *looks at the table* looks like they forgot glasses. I'll be back."
Juro: "Don't keep me waiting."
.....................she walks out heading towards the bar for two glasses which gives the killer an opening while Juro rests his head on the cushions. The killer grabs a bottle and approaches him to open it.....................
Juro: "That was fast babe."
.....................the moment he opened his eyes to see it's the killer he goes to react only to get kneed in the guy screaming in pain giving the killer an opening to shove the bottle in his throat. Juro tried to push the killer off, but to no avail while he chokes with being unable to breathe. After some time the killer applies pressure shoving the bottle further breaking his jaw which makes him unable to remove the bottle, he touches his throat until he goes limp with blood seeping from his mouth. Fūko returns from the bar, enters the room to open the door and locks it behind her.....................
Fūko: "I hope you don't mind, but I paid a little for premium cups. So, I think we-"
.....................the moment she looked at his body seeing the bottle in his throat with blood seeping out his mouth causing to start screaming in fear. She goes to leave only to see the killer and have another bottle smashed over her face hitting her eyes causing blood to come off the wounds with glass in her eyes, the killer looks at the broken bottle to raises it in the air stabbing the broken bottle in Fūko's head killing her which more blood dripping on the floor with her body flopping on the ground with the killer disappearing in the ceiling.....................

Timeskip-Next Day
Time of Day: 10:46 AM
Location: Club (Closed Down from the Murders)

.....................after two more deaths happened on the same night, the police forcefully close down the club until the murder is cleaned. Ichiro with the help of Kenta sneaks him in the club to see the crime scene, they go past the police tape to see the blood of the ones murdered.....................
Kengo: "So much blood, even from Fūko that was a bloody mess."
Ichiro: "How'd they die?"
Kengo: "Juro a bad way to end, a bottle was shoved down this throat leading to his jaw breaking and Fūko got broken glass on her face with the broken bottle stabbed in her head. This one is crazy."
Ichiro: "Define crazy?"
Kengo: "We checked everything on how the killer got in. We asked the security guard if there was anyone sketchy which they said it was nothing, security cameras didn't catch anything, and the door was a one way lock, so the killer couldn't get in if they invited em in. How did the killer sneak in?"
.....................Ichiro looks around seeing the blood everywhere until he took a small glance to the ceiling to look back at it seeing part of the ceiling tile is moved. He grabs a small ladder to go up towards the ceiling to move the tile with Kengo looking.....................
Kengo: "What are you thinking?"
Ichiro: "The killer was in the rafters in the ceiling back on the dance floor, Juro and Fūko were dancing until they arrived here. The killer couldn't walk in the door, so it was decided to use the open space in the ceiling to crawl in and made the move."
Kengo: "The killer is smart. First the stab marks at Akai's apartment and this? This is gonna be a lot harder to figure out who it is if they're this clever. I'm actually getting scared right now."
Ichiro: "Which means I was correct, since these two were killed. It's definitely a hit list."

Location: Killer's Bunker
Time That Passed: 10 Hours, 23 Minutes
Time of Day: 11:09 PM

.....................back at the hideout the killer cuts an X on Juro and Fūko's pictures showing that they are dead now leaving the rest to be killed. The killer walks off until a picture frame on a desk is seen with the killer looking at it, a hand touches the picture with a tear goes down the killer's face.....................

Ichiro P.O.V

.....................Ichiro is getting ready to sleep until he gets a feeling in his heart like something is missing which he looks out his window looking at the city thinking about that feeling which made him curious. "

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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