Chapter 1: Catching up with Friends! Another Murder

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 1 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ichiro P.O.V
Time That Passed: A Week after Akai's Death
Time of Day: 11:21 AM
Location: Ichiro's Home

"After returning to Osaka after years of being away, Ichiro returned and has been back for about a week after finding out that two people from his past were murdered in a brutal way. He arrived where Hiroto was murdered with it slightly cleaned up, he looks where the trail led up to a bigger pile of dried blood in the middle of the stairs.....................
Ichiro: (Looks like he wasn't living normally after what happened years ago, it's deserved for what he did. But, suffering is what he deserved.)
......................he heads to the location where Akai was staying when she got murdered, he knew that he couldn't go to the hotel room. So, he goes around to find the wall where he was told that the killer climbed up to get to her apartment room, the moment he arrived he saw the stab marks in the wall shocking him at how it was close to Akai's apartment. He takes a closer look to see that there was no repeated stabbings in the holes making him realize.....................
(Y/N): "The blades must've been really sharp to easily stab into the concrete, those types of blades are unable to be made now along with the medal types to make them haven't been discovered yet. I'm starting to think whoever it is must incredibly well equipped."
.....................he went to a bar after that to think about what he saw at the crime scenes with the most on his mind was the holes in the apartment walls.....................
????: "Ichiro, is that you?"
.....................he looks at the direction of the voice to see Kenta along with another friend he hasn't seen in a long time.....................
Ichiro: "Kenta! Risa!"
Risa: "Wow, look at you. The last time I seen you was when we were in high school."
Ichiro: "Yeah."
Kenta: "When I told you what happened I didn't think you'd come back."
Ichiro: "I wanted to cause of the ones that were murdered."
Risa: "They deserved it in my opinion for what they did, it was wrong."
Kenta: "The shocking thing is that it was those two, no one else. If this was a psycho they would also kill anyone else since Akai lived in a bigger apartment."
Risa: "Yeah. More people would've been killed."
Kenta: *looks at Ichiro to see him thinking* "You cool  Ichiro?"
Ichiro: "I was just thinking, if it was those two, then what are the odds the others are going to be next?"

3rd P.O.V
Time That Passed: Two Days
Time of Day: 10:35 PM
Location: Streets of Osaka the streets of Osaka where people are seen walking home, hanging out with friends, or going to a host club. One particular person is walking with a woman to a hotel after meeting at a bar. That guy is Kenji Adachi who found a woman at the hostess club who he convinced to go to a hotel with him without her boss knowing.....................
Hostess: "You sure my boss won't find out?"
Kenji: "Don't worry, you can head back after we're done. Besides, it's still some time after the club closes."
Hostess: "You better hope I don't lose my job."
.....................they continue walking with Kenji looking around with some people looking at him while whispering which he decides to fast walk. They turn a corner to walk past an alleyway until someone appears in the darkness staring at him growling in anger until the person disappears in the darkness. Kenji and the Hostess arrive at the hotel to order a room with Kenji in the bathroom looking at his reflection in a mirror.....................
Kenji: (This is it, your night. I can finally have fund without anything messing up. And how she didn't know me, she's obviously new here and hasn't heard about what I done in the past. *raises fist in the air* Yes!) the room the hostess is sitting on the bed waiting for Kenji hoping she'll still have her job, her thoughts were interrupted with a knock at the door which she opens up peeking her head out to see no one standing there.....................
Hostess: "Hello? Anyone there?"
.....................she walks out further to see if anyone was around, she walked further down the left of the hallway not knowing someone hanging on the ceiling watching her. The person jumps in the hotel room closing the door behind them with the Hostess looking to go knock on the door, Kenji looks until he walks up to the door.....................
Kenji: "Who is it? Damn!"
Hostess: "It's me."
Kenji: "What are you doing outside the room?"
....................he goes to open the door only to have something stab through his shoulder making him scream with the Hostess seeing the blade on the other side of the door with blood on it causing her to scream in fear until she ran off. Kenji goes on his knees with a hand on his bleeding shoulder breathing hard in pain. He takes a small glance behind him until he slowly looks behind him seeing the one who threw it with another blade in hand. He looks at the blade in the door making him reach for it with the killer approaching him, he pulls the knife out to slash at the killer, but the blade gets caught shocking him. He goes to pull the knife only for it to not budge shocking him. He gets stabbed in the gut causing him to scream in pain until he's thrown across the room destroying mirrors and vases. Kenji's vision is blurry until he looks at the killer walking up to him.....................
Kenji: "Don't do it. Don't kill me please, why are you killing me?"
.....................anger is seen in the eyes of the killer which stands over Kenji to stab him repeatedly with his screams heard while being stabbed. After a couple stabs Kenji laid there lifeless with the killer dragging him to a part of the room, the police arrived at the hotel room guns drawn to kick down the door to run in with their eyes widening to see Kenji's body hanging on the wall with his hands stabbed by knifes that holding him on the wall.....................

Time That Passed: A Day Later
Time of Day: 12:25 PM
Location: Ichiro's Home

.....................after releasing news of Kenji's murder, it caused everyone to be worried since a third person has been killed with everyone scared. But, for Ichiro he invited everyone including Kengo to meet him at his house to talk about something involving the murders.....................
Risa: "First Hiroto, then Akai, and now Kenji. This is starting to look like a pattern here."
Kenta: "No doubt about that, where Kenji was murdered there was a woman that worked at a Hostess Bar with him and she didn't get killed."
Kengo: "She reported that there was a knock at the door when Kenji was in the bathroom. She went to check further until the door closed behind her and that's when Kenji started getting killed."
Risa: "Why though?"
Ichiro: "I think I know why. *they look at him* The killer was after Kenji only, the Hostess never meant anything."
Kengo: "What do you mean?"
.....................he brings out a folder and places it on the table bringing out photos of people with three of them being Hiroto, Akai, and Kenji with everyone recognizing the group.....................
Kenta: "Hang on, what's this? There guys are-"
Ichiro: "I had to bring these out to show you; first it was Hiroto that got killed. He had a small job working at a convenience store and living in a cheap rundown apartment. It was a waited attack with him walking home leading *makes an X on his picture* to his death"
Risa: "Yeah. He was easy to kill first."
Ichiro: "Then Akai, she had a good job with enough money living in a mid style apartment. The killer couldn't follow her since it was a known apartment. That lead to the killer stabbing some blade like weapons into the wall to climb to her floor and that lead *makes an X on her picture* to her death."
Kenta: "And it also happened at night, there were no lights on the building. The killer would've been seen if there was."
Ichiro: "Yeah. And finally, Kenji."
Kengo: "He was stabbed over and over until he died, found his body hanged on the wall."
Risa: "How do you think that was planned?"
Ichiro: "He was walking towards the hotel with a Hostess, during the walk the killer must've watched him when the moment was right to attack. The Hostess was obviously in the way, so she needed to not be in the area. The killer knocked on the door, she fell for it, locked her out, and *makes X on his picture* killed Kenji at the right opportunity."
Kenta: "Then why bring their pictures out? What do these asshole have to do with it?"
Ichiro: "I don't think this is random killings, I think it's a hit list."
Kengo: "Why would the killer be hunting for the rest of these people? They haven't done any- *thinks, realizes with realization on his face* No. It can't be."
Risa: "What?"
Kengo: "Years ago when we were in high school, before graduation."
Kenta: *eyes widen in realization* "Oh my god."
Risa: *eyes widen* "That day."
.....................Ichiro places his hands on the chair remembering someone with flashbacks seen while looking up with sadness not wanting to remember the saddest day of his life."
Ichiro: "Chinatsu."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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