Prologue: The Massacre Begins

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the Prologue to this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V
Time of Day: Night, 10:39 PM
Location: Japan, The Streets of Osaka

"The streets of Osaka, Japan where people are walking through the streets are driving in cars either hanging out with friends or getting home from work. Right now someone is walking home after a long day with grunts of anger heard from him.....................
Hiroto: "Another bad day at work. *grunts in anger* My life wouldn't be where it is after what happened years ago. I would've had a good job."
.....................he continues walking until he arrives in a quiet alley walking to his home, he continues until the wins acts up causing him to stop to cover his face until a whooshing sound is heard making him jump in fear.....................
Hiroto: "Who's there?"
.....................he looks around to see nothing along with no one else though there's no activity around to which he sighs in relief, he turns around until someone appears yelling out in anger with pain on Hiroto's abdomen which he sees a cut on his gut with gasps heard. The attacker delivers another strike on the right side of his face cutting his eye along causing him to fall on the ground in pain to run off from the attacker holding his gut in pain while trying to see with his only eye now while leaving a blood trail.....................
Hiroto: "Help! Someone help me!"
.....................he arrives at an apartment complex running past a light pole with the attacker's arm appearing with a knife in hand watching him run. The pain and blood loss was too much for Hiroto where he falls in the middle of the stairs to start crawling up to get to his apartment, but the attacker walks up from behind for him to look in fear with the attacker slamming down the knife to deliver the killing strike with his screams echoing until it died down.....................

Ichiro P.O.V
Time That Passed: A Day Later
Time of Day: Morning, 08:17 AM
Location: Yokohama, Japan a high rise looking apartment in Yokohama, an alarm is going off leading to someone waking up to stretch and yawn. That person is Ichiro Watanabe, a very popular CEO of a well organized company he started a year ago, he gets outta bed to go take a shower getting ready for the day since he's on vacation after releasing an amazing product. He walks in the living room wearing a bathrobe while reading the newspaper, it was interrupted by a phone call to see it's someone he knew from childhood.....................
Ichiro: "Yo Kenta, what's up my man?"
Kenta 'on phone': "Turn on the TV, change it to the news you don't want to miss this."
Ichiro: "Woah, what's wrong man?"
Kenta 'on phone': "Don't ask questions now, turn on the news!"
.....................he turns on the TV to start changing to the news to see what Kenta was talking about.....................
News Man: "Last night, a gruesome murder happened during the night with the body identified as Hiroto Adachi. *Ichiro's eyes widen* On his way to his apartment he was attacked by an unknown assailant who we can't identify on the cameras, not because of just wearing a mask; but the picture being blurred somehow. Hiroto was convinced of a crime him and others committed years ago, police have yet to find out the one responsible. It may take some time to find the perpetrator."
Ichiro: "Holy shit!"
Kenta 'on phone': "Yeah. It's wild, the bastard got what he deserved. But, from what we saw he was attacked even before he arrived back at the apartment complex. It was a planned murder."
Ichiro: "After what he did he deserves it, but now someone must've decided to take him out. Question is, who?"
Kenta 'on phone': "He has made a lot of enemies through the years, but they never had trouble with him in a while. Plus they moved from Osaka."
Ichiro: "Yeah. But, who else in the area would kill Hiroto? If it wasn't from anyone in the area, who would want to kill him?"

Akai P.O.V
Time That Passed: 14 Hours, 32 Minutes
Time of Day: Night, 10:49 PM
Location: Osaka, Japan

.....................back at Osaka where everyone knows about the death of Hiroto, one person by the name of Akai Ito who is a close friend of him is quickly arriving home after a long day at work. After hearing of what happened to Hiroto she was terrified thinking she could be next if he was killed. She locks the door behind her to lean on the wall sighing in relief.....................
Akai: "Thank goodness I made it home, at least I'll be safe now."
.....................after some time she decided to take a bath laying in the tub relaxing until she felt a cold breeze making her shiver.....................
Akai: "Why is it so cold now?"
.....................she wears a bathrobe to see a window open which she closes until she realizes she left the window closed when she went to work. She slowly looks behind her to grab a long vase to protect herself while slowly walking around her apartment making sure she's the only one there. She walks in her room looking around in fear until a noise is heard in her closet making her yelp, she reaches for the handle to open the closet quickly to see nothing which she sighs in relief.....................
Akai: "Must be my imagination."
.....................she turns around only to be stabbed in the gut which she slowly looks down seeing a knife with a hand on it, she looks up to see the attacker wearing a mask until the attacker brings the knife up her body cutting her open. She slowly felt her life starting to fade with the attacker yanking the knife out from her body slowly walking backwards until she falls on the ground dying with her vision blurring with the killer standing over her shifting their head left and right until she saw complete darkness.....................

Ichiro P.O.V
Time That Passed: 18 Hours, 38 Minutes
Time of Day: 8:10 PM
Location: Osaka, Japan

.....................after hearing that Akai was killed after Hiroto was killed, Ichiro decided to return home to Osaka to figure out what's going on since Akai was also someone from his past. He stops at a road to see the city in the distance gripping the steering wheel having flashbacks leading to a headache until it stops with him sighing. He hears a knock at his window making him jump to see a police officer standing there will, he rolls down the window to look out the window at him.....................
Ichiro: "Yes officer?"
Kengo: "Well I'll be damned. Ichiro!"
Ichiro: "Kengo? You're an officer now?"
Kengo: "Yeah. Man, it's been years. What brings you back to Osaka?"
Ichiro: "I thought I'd come back, it's been some time since-" *looks down sad*
Kengo: "Yeah. And those two who got killed, it's the group that- I won't bring it up. But, Akai's death was inside a hotel and whoever did it didn't take the stairs. Just climbed up the building."
Ichiro: *looks at him shocked* "How?"
Kengo: "Stab marks in the building, I mean no blade can be stabbed into concrete, shocking thing is that no one heard the sounds."
Ichiro: "Whoever it is must be an expert then, thanks for the heads up."
Kengo: "Be careful Ichiro, it's good to see you again."
Ichiro: "Same here."
.....................Kengo walks back to the police car with Ichiro sighing to start driving to the city, he keeps going seeing the buildings and people walking by. He kept driving until he arrives at his old home that hasn't been touched or entered in years, he gets out the car looking around some rocks until he finds the house key to unlock the door to walk in. He looks around until he goes to the car to grab his stuff, he walks in placing the suitcases down, closes the door and locks it. He walks in the living room to slam his hand on the couch removing the dust causing him to cough until he sits down to relax after a long day of driving. "
Ichiro: "Home sweet home."

3rd P.O.V
Location: Old Bunker

.....................somewhere in Osaka inside a tunnel leads to an old bunker that's been around for years with someone walking in to the main building to see a wall of pictures of certain people on it. Footsteps are heard with an arm raising in the air cutting a pic half Akai with another picture of Hiroto that was also cut. Six more targets are seen on there with breathing in anger heard from the one responsible looking to choose the next target."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this Prologue. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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