Chapter Four

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      Midnight Pulse Club. Just two days after my accident. The sun had set over the horizon, casting darkness over the streets around me. I walked up to the entrance of the clubhouse, only to be stopped by the bouncer.

      "Name and I.D?" he requested.

      "I know the guy Ben. He'll vouch for me," I stated, trying to walk past him into the club. He moved to stop me again. "Dude, come on!" He stood his ground, without budging.

      I turned around and began to walk down the sidewalk. I stopped at a point to glance behind me. The bouncer wasn't watching now. I slid into the small alley in-between two buildings and grabbed one of the bricks lying around by a dumpster. I made my way back to the clubhouse, hiding my hands and the brick, inside the front pocket of my black hoodie.

      "Hey! No I.D, no entry."

      In an instant, I bashed the side of his head with the brick. He groaned, and brought out a taser from his pocket. I quickly grabbed the hand with the taser and twisted it. He moved his other hand to punch me but I saw it coming. I blocked his hand, smacked it aside before jabbing his face with several punches. I grabbed the taser off the hand I was holding the whole time, and before he could react, I electrified his body with the use of the taser.

      He grunted and screamed out. I didn't stop, until he was out cold. Taking the taser along, I strode into the club. It was full of hot sweaty bodies that were grinding to the music. I scanned the room for a guy in a white shirt and black leather jacket. Ben. I had followed and seen him walked into this club along with his two douchey friends.

      Someone bumped into me from behind. I spun and curled my hand into a fist. It was only some drunk lad. He had a bottle of liquor in his hand. His eyes scanned me, and a smile grew on his lips.

      "Hey, Girl," he slurred. "Here alone?"

      "Scram," I stated, turning around to walk away.

      However I stopped. There was something about him that seemed so familiar. I turned around to take another look at him. Of course. He was the asshole who stabbed me two nights ago.

      He must have recognized me now for his eyes suddenly went wide. Before he was able to dash off, I yanked his arm back and the bottle in his hand fell off and shattered to the floor, which only drew the attention of few people.

      I pounced on him, with no time to waste, I whipped out the taser and electrified him until he was out. I ignored the stares of the people watching me nearby as I searched the room for Ben. Bingo! I smirked. I spotted him sitting on a stool at the bar, making out with a girl sitting on his lap.

      I looked to my side, yanked a bottle of liquor from the female hand holding it.

      "Hey!" I heard her say, as I made my way toward the bar completely ignoring her.

      I tapped Ben on the shoulder behind him, and when he pulled away from the kiss and turned his head to face me, I smashed the bottle onto the side of his face. His makeout partner screamed and scurried away. Before Ben could react, I banged his face onto the wooden countertop. Reaching for another bottle of liquor, I smashed it into pieces onto the countertop, missing his head as he pushed me aside and sprinted.


      I took off after him. He darted down the street, and I followed at full speed. He turned into an alley and raced up and over a chain link fence. I climbed after him, jumping down to the other side. I kept going. Ben turned a corner, and I followed. His shoes scratched against the concrete and he nearly slipped. He turned another corner, and I was right behind him. There was a wall. He was trapped. I smirked.

      "You stay the hell away from me motherfucker!" he bellowed.

      He grabbed a wooden plank  and charged right at me. I dodged to the side, missing his attempted attack, and kicked him on his leg. He lost balance and hit the ground landing face down.

      He turned so he could look up at me. I went down on one knee and grabbed the collar of his jacket, pulling his upper body up. He was bleeding through his head and nose. Bloodstains on his white shirt.

      "Please. I'm sorry," he cried. "Man I'm sorry."

      "Should've thought of that before messing with me," I stated.

      "I was foolish! Man I was—"

      He was cut off as I gave him a solid punch to his cheek. Ignoring his pleas, I punched him multiple times before knocking him out cold with a headbutt.


      In wild panic, I bursted through the door to see the doctor and nurses by aunt Mae's bed. I had received an emergency call requesting for my presence.

      "Clear!" the doctor announced, before administering the defibrillators onto her chest.

      I watched with nearly tears as her body jerked up and fell back. I glanced at her eyes, they were shut. She looked like she was having a nap. However the sound of the monitor said otherwise. It was a stretched beeping sound, and the lines on its screen were straight. Not wavy. Weren't breathing lines supposed to be wavy? Right?

      "Clear!" I heard the doctor again.

      Her body jerked up. Still no sign of wavy lines. No sign of breathing. No. I shook my head. She can't die. She can't leave me! I won't allow it!

      "Aunt Mae!" I screamed.

      The doctor and nurses turned over to my direction. "Get her out of here," he ordered one of the nurses.

      She came over to me. I tried to brush past her heading for the bed, but she held me by my wrist and began to pull me out of the room.

      "No," I said to her, swatting away her hand. "Aunt Mae!" I screamed again.

      "I said take her out of here!" the doctor boomed at the nurse struggling with me.

      The sudden slow and steady beeping sound from the monitor took our attention. I whipped my head toward aunt Mae.

      "She's breathing," the other nurse announced.

      I looked at the monitor, there were wavy lines now. I let out a sigh of relief before stepping out of the room onto the hallway. A few minutes passed before the doctor and nurses came out.

      "She's stable now," he mentioned to me.

      "What happened to her?" I requested.

      "Her heart stopped beating," he explained. "This lasted for a long period of time. I thought we had lost her. But we got so lucky as usual. She really has to undergo the surgery. We don't know what might happen next. We might not be so lucky next time."

      The minute the doctor left, I hurried into the ward. Aunt Mae was sleeping now. The sound of the monitor said it all. This was my fault. I had promised her I would do whatever it takes to save her. But when the opportunity came what did I do? I turned it down due to my fears and doubts. Since when did I become afraid of taking risks? Not to mention it had to do with saving my aunt's life.

      Turned down an opportunity, just because a part of me thought and still believed she would survive through the process of medications. However I was wrong. And what happened tonight was a wake-up call.

      Once I was back in my apartment, I rummaged through my drawers until I was able to find it. The white card given to me by the man I met at the hospital two days ago. What was the name again? Cameron Houston.

      "Hello, Phoebe. I knew you'd call."

      "I'm in. Where should we meet?"

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