Without another thought, I ran down the remaining steps as fast as I could and made it to the door. I went to whip the door open, and my heart broke instantly when I realized the door was still locked.


Before I could even turn around I felt someone tackle me, causing me to fall onto my stomach. I screamed out in a panic, feeling a hard grip around my throat. I don't know who it was, but I tried to gasp for air and claw at the fingers wrapped around me. The panic set in as my oxygen started to dissipate. My vision grew hazy, wondering if this was how I was going to die.

Everything went black.

When I came to, I awoke on the wooden floor of a dark room that I did not recognize. The creaky, wooden floor boards were riddled with old rusty nails popping up out of the corners. The walls were destroyed with years of graffiti and flaking wallpaper. There was a musty aroma that made my stomach churn, the dust from years of abandonment making my nose itch.

I looked around, panicking and putting my hand over my stomach, remembering I fell earlier. The tears came back, standing up and rushing over to a window I noticed, trying to drive my elbow through it since there wasn't anything around me I could use. It hurt so much but I was desperately wanting to try and bust the glass open. I heard footsteps behind me in the darkness and I screamed as I felt someone choke me from behind.

"You stupid fucking bitch!" I heard Ryan snarl and he forcefully slammed me up against the wall.

"Stop fighting me!" He screamed and grabbed me forward and shoved my head into the wall behind me again. He left me to after I winced with pains I started coughing as he unhanded me, the air rushing back into my windpipe.

He was so evil, grimacing at me with pure disgust. I saw his eyes travel down to the floor, looking even more enraged. My eyes followed his, noticing the of droplets of my blood gushing from my elbow.

"Look at this! Look at the fucking mess you made!" He growled.

"Take your fucking clothes off."

I froze, tears streaming down my face, wanting so badly to just wake up from this nightmare.
I couldn't handle this torment.

"NOW!" I jumped at his sudden outburst, he snatched his cleaver from his back pocket, holding it out in front of him, his eyes protruding with insanity.

Humiliation took over me as I stripped myself of my bloody clothes with trembling hands. My body was only for Noah, and I was horrified that at nine months pregnant, Ryan was forcing me me to show him everything. I wanted to disappear.

He smirked at me, causing me to get nauseas, disturbed by the way he was looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

"I always knew one way or another, I was going to have to you, Evie." He took off his hat and shirt and started toward me. I wrapped my arms around myself, in a way to try and give myself some comfort. I was terrified as he got close to me, entangling his fingers in my hair.

"Ryan..." I thought all I could do was try one last time to get him to change his mind. "Whatever you're thinking of doing...please don't do this to me...to my unborn child..." I sobbed.

He completely ignored me as he leaned in, biting my neck really hard causing me to scream out in pain. I felt my blood rush to the surface where he broke the skin, causing me to cry harder. He pushed me down forcefully onto a blanket he had laid down earlier and I heard his pants unzip.

"If you try fucking anything at all, I'm slitting your goddamn throat." He threatened me, and I believed him. I knew his cleaver was close by.

As he got on top of me, his hand forcefully wrapped around my throat to pin me down, and used his other hand to pin my arms above my head so I couldn't get away. The tears left my eyes as he violated me in every way. With each passing moment of pure agony, I think my soul left my body. Everything became hazy and dreamlike. All I could manage to do was lie there and take it, trying to pretend that this wasn't my reality. When I tried to let my mind wander somewhere else, I thought about Noah. His perfect, porcelain skin and his deep, dark eyes that always looked at me with love. I wish he were here. I wish he could save me from this. I wanted him to somehow burst through that door at any moment and get me out of this. But that moment never came. As the long minutes passed, pacing footsteps echoed in my ears. Ryan's sidekick was pacing, looking out to make sure no one was around to hear us.

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