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NUMBER SEVENTY-FOUR IS MISSING. The call came in during the early hours of the morning. Ramon Valjuan was arrested six months ago due to the work and evidence the organization PredExposed had. The thirty-three year old man was an elementary school principal, trying to meet with a twelve year old boy for very adult purposes. His case went to trial and because this wasn't his first offense involving children he was given nine months in jail, and two years of parole- he only served six months of his sentence and was released yesterday.

The unsub must have been keeping tabs on Valjuan in particular, because less than twenty four hours of him as a free man he goes missing.

His mother last saw him that evening, his family had a little party for him.

What are you supposed to write on that cake? 'Hooray my son the sex offender is finally home!' Or 'Hide ya kids, and ya kids because he's out of prison at last!'

In wake of the media coverage his mother is absolutely distraught. Sobbing at the thought of anything like that happening to her precious little angel. Although I'm not surprised- she tried to hide the fact her son preyed after young boys. She adamantly denied it, claiming the people in PedExposed tricked her darling child. Even going as far as calling the police on them.

Spencer and I shared a disbelieving laugh when watching that video as she stupidly claimed 'this is entrapment' and her 'son was tricked', 'his phone was hacked', 'he didn't say that', 'these men don't have a right to film me', 'they need to be arrested- wait why is my boy in handcuffs?'.

She is just as delusional coming into the station, sobbing inconsolably one moment and screaming at officers the next.

"Reid," We both look toward the door as Hotch pops his head in. "We're going to need you in this interview... she was extremely hostile and uncooperative with Prentiss and Jarue. I'm putting you and Rossi on her this time."

"Oh great," Spencer tips back his mug of coffee. "A racist, misogynistic, pedophile defending Karen." He looks to me with a deep frown. "Wish me luck?"

"Good luck, Spence." I glance his way lazily. "Break her nose for me." The last part is only low enough for him to hear, which brings a wide spread grin and a laugh that he tries to cover with a cough.

It's been eight days here in Colorado, and the team has managed to gather a profile for the unsub. A man in his mid to late thirties, with a blue collar background, and possibly a criminal record for low listings offenses. He's very organized and precise with his killings, and they believe the victim who survived was a mistake. A simple miscalculation on the unsubs part, not allowing enough time for their prey to bleed out before workers discovered it. They will have no problem holding down a job. Being very personable and being able to blend into the crowd. The unsub will have access to heavy equipment in his line of work, and would have to be strong enough to pull other grown men into a suspended position. Likely over six foot three. His organization and precision suggests a military background. And most importantly we believe they or a close relative was a victim of the kinds of monsters they hunt.

Spencer and I had managed to catch up on all of the digital evidence of the case. And as disturbing as it was at least we now have the unsubs victimology down to list of names.

The past two days he and I have been working together to compile a detailed array of each name on that list. All two hundred and eighty-seven- in hopes the breakdown of information will help us determine who best fits the victimology, and which individuals will potentially be targeted next.

Hotch clears his throat, stopping me from turning away and continuing the analysis. "I've been meaning to talk to you, Nicolette."

"What about?" I give a puzzled look, annoyed to have been stopped.

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