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KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE. Statistics show you are more likely to be murdered, assaulted, or abducted by someone you trust as opposed to a stranger. Someone you've worked with and known for years could secretly be a serial murderer— with you on the top of their list.

Unfortunately that became a reality for Cheif Goss.

We don't think he even saw it coming. The younger and stronger man forcing him to the ground using the element of surprise. He had to watch someone who he believed to be an ally standing over him, pressing his shoe against his windpipe.

Joshua Boklen had help from the Goss, escaping the interrogation room when the others weren't looking and sneaking out the back. The Chief wasn't trying to be nice, he was trying to save himself from being labeled as the boss of a serial killer. He was trying to protect his reputation.

He had stood by Officer Boklen and even helped him escape. But that wasn't enough.

I don't think anything would have been enough.

Joshua Boklen had just been waiting for an opportunity, he had always been planing on murdering the Chief of Police. He had been planning it for a long time. But taking the breath from his lungs wasn't enough. No. He needed to destroy everything.

He needed to become the enemy in order to destroy Chief Goss's career and life. Becoming a serial killer and igniting the fear of tourists, watching the press put pressure on the police— in some sick way thats how he shined light on the corruption in the department. He even assisted in gathering evidence from his crime scenes, making sure however that whatever was found couldn't be traced back to him. His plan was to get the officers and the Chief fired even imprisoned for their malfeasance, and with them out of the way he would move to the top of the ranks, making the changes the older officers would never allow.

Rossi and Prentiss searched his home and storage unit, finding evidence of his ultimate plan along with trophies he kept from each victim.

Hotch and Morgan found him. Folded on his knees a few hundred yards from his final victims body. It was as if he was trying to get away, but realized it's finally over. When the two pointed their guns in his direction, he obediently clasped his hands behind his head for them to cuff, not wanting to fight anymore.

Afterall his purpose was served— The officers that wanted change got it.

"Hey hot-stuff!" A stentorian voice breathes in my ear, making me flinch.

I turn on my heel, masking my fear into a lazy glance. Eyeing the woman with a teasing glint. "Penelope, what have I told you about sneaking up on me?"

"Awe, I'm sorry my lil' sugar cube." She laughs, her bracelets jingling together as she swings her colorful bag over her shoulder. "You're so stone faced all the time I forget you get scared."

"I don't get scared." I try but she doesn't seem to notice, her gaze focusing behind me to the menu. "What are you doing here?"

"Clubbing." She chuckles at the confusion on my face. "Getting coffee. We're in a coffee shop cutie, what do you think? Reid and I just got back from this Star Trek convention across town and we're in desperate need of some caffeine."

As if she had summoned him, Spencer comes out of the washroom crumbling a paper towel he used to grab the door handle into the nearby garbage bin.

He heads our way chattering on as if he had never left her side. "Penelope, you have to try the—"

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