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Note: This will be updated soon, most of these characterizations are not completely accurate.


Debut - Debut is seen more as the childish one to the other albums, even if she is a full adult. She grew up on a farm and knows way too much about livestock and agriculture. Often times she'll use terms like steer or heifer which tends to confuse people outside of that culture. She loves going to 4-H fairs and forces Fearless and Speak Now to go with her every year, sometimes able to get the rest of the albums to come too. She has a very thick southern country accent which makes everyone laugh. Debut tends to confuse platonic and romantic love which can be hard for her when making a new friend. She has a Shetland named Buttermilk across town that she sees every other day to go horseback riding.

Physical Attributes: 5'0/1.52 , super curly blonde hair that reaches to her lower chest, light blue eyes, has a bit of fat to her stomach, arms, legs, and hips, a bit tanner than the other albums, smaller lips than most. 20

Voice ~ Applejack (My Little Pony)

Fearless - Fearless can be mainly seen with Debut singing karaoke or talking to her about crushes and exes. She loves to write songs and loves chick flicks. However, despite her guy-crazy, feminine interests and voice, she has a very masculine personality and prefers to tell people straight, expressing her opinions and immediately setting boundaries if necessary. She tends to have a lot of courage in situations that is not needed, like taking risks. She loves to talk about how to become a better person, especially to Reputation and Midnights, and how to be positive even in darkest times. But, even if she preaches it, she struggles a lot trying to the light in the dark.

Physical Attributes: 5'7/1.7 , curly brown hair that reaches to her upper chest, light brown eyes, has a flat stomach and chest but more fat around the arms, legs, and hips, fair skin. 20

Voice ~ Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and The Frog)

Speak Now - Speak Now is more of the quiet album and spends most of her time in her room reading fantasy books or daydreaming. She really enjoys Dungeon and Dragons but can't force herself to join a campaign as she doesn't like meeting new people nor does she enjoy talking a ton. So lots of times she'll be online creating her own characters to make up for it. She's very much love stricken and as she says "I hope to find my prince or princess someday". She loves the winter seasons and likes to listen to rock music, despite the demeanor. She loves to collect vintage stuff, especially stone dragon statues (has an entire shelf dedicated to them). She also has a sword collection which NO ONE can touch...except for Folklore. Folklore and her dated for 2 years before splitting apart before they were supposed to move out together. Speak Now was told she would "find other princes and princesses" but she truly thinks Folklore was meant to be her knight(ess?) in shining armor. She was the princess after all. She despises trying to get together with anyone else and hopes Folklore comes back to her someday. She only hangs out with Debut and sometimes Fearless. Neither of them understands her ways but still love her to bits.

Physical Attributes: 5'3/1.6 , wavy dirty blonde hair that reaches to her upper chest, dark blue eyes although has purple contacts she likes to wear most days, fat to her stomach and hips but skinner around the arms and legs, pale skin. 23

Voice ~ Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)

Red - Red isn't the kindest album by a long shot, but she's not rude like Reputation or straightforward like Fearless. She's incredibly polite but can be snarky in her comments. Red writes a lot stories, most of them depressing and about break ups (despite being in the healthiest relationship?). She's much more of the mom in the house, listening to everyone's problems and giving solutions. Her favorite things to do is take walks in the autumn and watching movies with her girlfriend, Evermore. Red and Evermore have the healthiest relationship, despite bickering like an old married couple. When they're not fighting over the small silly stuff they're most likely cuddling on the couch. Red loves to have parties (not that much drinking) and has a more exciting personality when doing so. She adores children and hopes to adopt some with Evermore someday. Red has a lot of self-esteem issues and worries about her relationship and getting older. 

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