Blooming Rupture - Speak Now/Folklore (Angst)

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Speak Now held the handle of the sliding door in her fingers, pulling it to the side and exiting the house. The backyard was definitely the most peaceful and beautiful place here. Folklore tended to it every day and it showed. Feeling the stems of flowers, Speak Now smiled lovingly, thinking of how they came to be.

    No doubt all of these will wilt when we leave but a small price to pay.

    Folklore and Speak Now were moving out of the Eras House. Tomorrow to be exact. The new building was much more spacious for them, and the backyard was larger as well, perfect for a new garden. They wanted to get something just for themselves, something away from all the others' drama. With how much it happened it was starting to get exhausting. And with Poets moving in they both needed to get out. Folklore had always felt out of place here, even with her sister Evermore only being one room away. There was always too much happening. Too many people and not enough privacy for both Folklore and Speak Now. Hell, the new home even has their own book nook! The two had been dating for exactly two years now, celebrating their anniversary by getting the house. Speak Now was also excited to finally get away. She loved Debut and Fearless with her whole heart, but they could be too much for her most days. Too much chaos. She'll still miss them like crazy.

    Making her way to the bench in the middle of the garden did Speak Now notice all the small things. How the bees flew so delicately when the pollen stuck to new flowers after landing. How each plant, even of the same breed, had a difference. Maybe the stem became too long and it slanted downwards. Maybe the color had a darker tint to it than the one next. It felt more like a sanctuary than a backyard. How instead of animals being forced away they were encouraged to stay. Unlike most people who built traps or tried to kill anytime one got into their own home. Taking a long deep breath, Speak Now inhaled the fresh air, the scent of flowers covering her nose. She tried to focus on all of her senses, making herself dive into this specific backyard one last time. Letting it out she found herself smiling big, excited for her new life tomorrow.

    Soft crunches of grass behind her Speak Now flipped herself around, holding the back of the bench, finding Folklore walking. She gleamed at her and as did the other. Despite being girlfriends they found each other not talking much. Well not physically at least. They communicated through sudden glances, touches, or daydreaming in their rooms knowing what was on their minds even if never saying. Admiring their own company with only kisses and smiles. No words were needed to tell them what they had. It was special. Speak Now gleamed at her girlfriend, scooting over to make room. Sitting down, Folklore threw her arm around Speak Now, placing a small kiss on her cheek. Both staring into the garden, Speak Now placed her head on her shoulder.

    "I feel we're getting to a massive part of our relationship. A part where I feel is big enough I can open up to you." Looking down, Folklore nodded, acknowledging what the other had said. "No one knows but my mother and father." Speak now lifted her head off her shoulder. "I was in a relationship before ours."

    "Plenty of people date before dating others." Folklore had a slight chuckle to her voice.

    "Yeah, well this one-" Speak Now bit her lip, trying to hold herself back. "was not good." Her girlfriend's face turned serious, despite her humorous demeanor before. She took her hand and squeezed it tightly, staring deeply into the other's eyes with only love. It took a moment before Speak Now spoke again. "I- he was very...changing I suppose is the best way to describe it." Her head hung low, avoiding eye contact with Folklore. "Anytime I picked up the phone I never knew. I never knew who exactly he would be at that moment. Would he say 'I love you'? Would he yell at me? Would he cry to me? I was never sure." Her hand was being tightened harder, Folklore still listening. "I- I mean everyday he made me so happy with bouquets. Small dates and kisses in open doors but belittled me when dropping me back home." Speak Now began to cry, Folklore wiping off a tear with her sleeve. "I was never enough. Maybe it was my fault though. Maybe I was too clingy. Maybe I should've just known." She was embraced into a hug.

    "No. No it was never thou fault. Never think that way sweetie." Inhaling Folklore's scent Speak Now felt peaceful once again. She never wanted to let go.

    "The reason I tell you this is because, well, he was twelve years older than me." Folklore let go, sympathy in her eyesight.

    "Babe, we would never do anything like that to thou. Ever. We promise."

    "I know, I know. And that's not what I was suggesting at all." Speak Now smiled a bit. "I just thought you should've known." Folklore sighed, setting her head on top of Speak Now's.

    "Thank you. We are so glad thou feel we can trust us enough to tell us this." This was the longest they had ever talked to each other. It was quite impressive in fact.

    "I worry that the relationship gave me more than I originally thought." Speak Now blurted out. Her girlfriend taking her head off looked at her in confusion.

    "What does thou mean?"

    "I don't know." Speak Now shook her head exhaling a long and low breath. "I mean you're ten years older than me. Even if I am twenty-three what if-" She gulped down a thick wad of spit. "What if my stupid trauma decided to make me have a weird thing for older people?" Her tone was a bit lighthearted but Speak Now's facial expression was nothing but serious. Folklore let go of her and looked at her with concern.

    "You're worried we are thou trauma response?" While her word choice may have sounded like she was upset from the mere suggestion, Folklore meant only sympathy in her voice. Speak Now nodded and stared back down at the ground, not wanting to see her girlfriend's face. There was no response as Folklore just gazed at the garden again, her eyes following the small insects fluttering around.

    "But I'm happy now, truly! I love you so much and of course I'm older now and can make better decisions!" Speak Now had a desperation in her voice like she was trying to get Folklore out of her mind for once. "You were the best decision I made."

    "We don't want to be a trauma response."

    "You're not! You're my girlfriend! The love of my life! The one I'm moving in with tomorrow! The one I'll marry someday. I love you."

    "And we have no doubts we love you too."

    "Then why does it sound like we're breaking up?" Folklore stared at Speak Now with tears bundled in, lips trembling.

    "We love you. We want thou to be happy. That's our number one goal in life. But-" She broke out in a silent sob. "But would thou ever be happy with us?"

    "I'm happy with you now! I'm happy with you always!" Folklore shook her head. Speak Now didn't need to say anything else she knew exactly what her girlfriend meant. "We're moving out together though."

    "We are sorry. We can't risk thou mental health. Thou is too important to me. We love thou too much." Speak Now shoved her head into her hands, trying to muffle her cries. Folklore embraced her once more, kissing her cheek again. "None of this is bad honey. We may be splitting paths but think of all the princes and princesses thou will meet along the way." She rubbed her arm, her lips forming a sad smile. Speak Now looked up, her face swollen and puffy.

    "I need you to do me one last favor."


    "Say goodbye to me now and leave before I wake up." Folklore nodded, letting Speak Now fall onto her lap. The two stared into the garden, the gradient sunset shining a glow onto the water stream in the middle. Speak Now drifted off to sleep, inhaling Folklore's scent.


    Speak Now woke up to the cold hard wood of the bench below her head. Mosquito bites burned through her legs and arms, it all felt so uncomfortable. She heard Debut's and Fearless's voice in the back, calling out to her. Dismissing them, Speak Now stared into the garden. She didn't notice yesterday but some of the flowers had already started to wilt, their colors fading from existence.

    A single teardrop streamed down her face, her eyes never leaving the mellow sunset she once adored.

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