Chapter 18: Rescue Mission/Rachel's Demise

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The machine started moving the boys closer and closer to the molten lava. "Oh no, I can't look!" Luca trembled. That's when James noticed Jake's sword in Jake's pant pocket. "Jake! You're magic sword! Can it get us out?" James asked his friend. "No, the sword has magic powers. Magic is too weak here...unless..." Jake had an idea. He took his sword out of his pocket. "Sofia! Catch the sword and throw it! It can try and press the button to stop the machine!" Jake called out to his girlfriend. Sofia nodded, telling Giulia the plan. Giulia agreed. As Jake tossed his sword to the girls, the girls used their hips to hit the sword toward the button. It slid and fell off. "We're doomed!" Luca cowered. Suddenly the cage got so close to the lava started pulling up. "Huh?" The boys said in unison. Just then the boys saw Sofia and Giulia as they got the boys to safety. "Wait, how did you save us?" Luca asked Giulia. Suddenly out popped Alberto and Rachel. "Alberto?" the boys said in unison again. Alberto used his strength to pry open the bars. The group of boys then started punching and attacking Alberto. "Guys! Guys! Wait! It's the real Alberto!" Giulia said. The boys looked at Alberto and gave him a big bear hug. "We've missed you, Berto!" Luca noogied him. "Same, you guys!" Alberto smiled.
  Alberto was so happy to see his friends again. Jake swung Sofia around, giving her a kiss. "Jake, I'm so glad you're safe." Sofia told him. "Alberto, help!!!" cried a voice. "Rachel!" Alberto cried out. "Who's Rachel?" James asked. "No time to explain! Follow me!" Alberto told the group as they followed him. As they followed Alberto, they saw Ercole holding Rachel hostage. "Hello, Sea Monster. Come to get your little friend? She's no more!" Like a blur, Chelsea used her trident to stab Rachel in the side. "Rachel!" Alberto called out. He ran to her as Chelsea disappeared. Ercole just let Rachel go as she lied on the ground, holding her side. Ercole also disappeared into the shadows, feeling bad for the group. "Rachel, you're gonna be okay. Stay with me!" Alberto told her. Jake used his red bandana to stop her bleeding. Alberto noticed that Rachel was turning into ash. "Alberto it's no use. I'm going home." "No Rachel don't say that! Silenzio Bruno, remember?" Alberto started tearing up. "Goodbye Alberto, I know you will save us all." Rachel said as she passed away in Alberto's arms. "Rachel? Rach? Rachel!!!" Alberto cried out. Giulia lowered her hat off her head and all the group bowed in sorrow as Alberto held Rachel in his arms as she faded away.
"What do we do now?" Luca asked. Alberto got up and stood his ground. "I may not be able to bring Rachel back but I know I can bring Amber back. Guys, this means war." Alberto said, putting black lines under his eyes. Everyone else nodded. "Underdogs?" Alberto put his hand in. Everyone followed. "Underdogs!" they all said. "It's settled. Let's go get my girlfriend." Alberto said.

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