Chapter 8: Rise!

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Ercole kept running. He couldn't find Chelsea so he stopped and looked around for her. "Very funny, you can't outrun Ercole!" As Ercole walked through a bush, he couldn't believe where he was. He was in front of a mountain range similar to what Amber saw. He had a bad feeling about this place. He walked, rubbing his knuckles together. Then he spotted Chelsea in an abandoned house window. He saw her again in another and another then another! "Looking for this?" She held up Amber's green amulet and waved it back and forth. Ercole jumped at each of the individual windows of the abandoned houses and seemed to miss every time. Sinister laughter was heard. "Can't catch me? You don't stand a chance!" Chelsea laughed. "Ercole doesn't mess around! Show yourself!" Ercole hollered. The ground trembled and that's when Ercole started to run when something caught him. As Ercole looked up at what caught him, it was a hideous creature. Long behold it was a harpy. It snarled in Ercole's face as Ercole cowered in fear. Chelsea arrived on Ronno and nodded at the harpy. "Take him up to the mountain, he'll be of good use." Chelsea cackled as she rode off. Just then, Ercole knew something was going on, perplexed to find out. The harpy flew Ercole back to the mountain where Chelsea told it to bring him.

Amber tried to stop herself from moving toward the mountain but it was difficult. She put her foot in a rock crevice and tried to take the choker off, unsuccessful. As she kept coming to the mountain, she stopped right in front of it, her nose just touching the bottom. She looked up high and gulped. As she tried a second attempt to take off the choker, the ground started moving and stopped. "Weird," Amber told herself. Out of the blue she heard something. "Come here often?" a voice said. More voices were heard in her head. Out of the darkness, Amber saw Alberto but he looked different. "Alberto!" Amber said giving him a hug. "Miss me, princess?" Alberto chuckled. "I was right, Ercole is up to something. He might have someone with him, I can feel it in my gut." Amber cried into Alberto. "There there, it's okay you're safe," he comforted Amber. "But we need to stop Ercole! I need you Alberto," Amber cried. "Don't worry, with Ercole's help, I can help you remove that choker." Alberto grinned. Amber paused. Wait a minute, Alberto would never side with Ercole...would he? Amber thought. Voices continued in her head. She looked at Alberto. He did look different but like a bad boy. His hair was slicked back and he had a black leather jacket on. He looked like a greaser. "Oh no put me down!" a voice hollered from above. As Amber got distracted, the bad Alberto grabbed Amber and kissed her hard. Amber pushed him away. "Come on Amber, we're just getting started," he said. "Don't touch me!" Amber shouted. "Fine, it's either me or your dead boyfriend," the bad Alberto said. Amber stopped in her tracks. " dead?" Amber questioned. She did realize the waves were pretty rough that day. She thought a tsunami took Alberto's life after the earthquake. "No, no that's not true!" Amber hollered back. "No wonder he doesn't love you. He sided with your enemy this whole time! It got to the best of him," the bad Alberto said. Amber started tearing up. What if it was true? Sure, Alberto was pretty stubborn but he had a good heart and would protect Amber at all costs. It made no sense. "I can let you see him again if you want," the bad Alberto mentioned. If this all was true, Amber had no other choice. She wiped away her tears and stood tall. "What would it take for me to see Alberto?" Amber asked him. The evil Alberto grinned. "If you marry me," he grinned. Amber gasped. The voices in her head started growing and getting louder by the second. Amber fell on the ground, holding her head. "The clock is ticking, you don't have all day," the evil Alberto told her. "Okay! Okay! I'll marry you!" Amber hollered back. She laid flat on the ground and breathed heavily. "Great choice," the evil Alberto told her, disappearing into the shadows. Amber felt faint and passed out.

Ercole stirred and woke up. It was completely dark and he couldn't see anything. "What type of tom-foolery is this? Where am I?" Ercole yelled. "You're in good hands." Ercole turned around and noticed Chelsea floating in the air. "You! Where is my gem?" Ercole scolded Chelsea. "You mean this?" Chelsea held up the amulet and then tossed it behind her. Ercole tried to run and grab it but was forced back by a strong wind. His body slammed against something hard and fell to the floor. "Oops my bad or should I say my master's bad?" Chelsea said. Ercole got up, wiping the blood from his mouth. "What is the meaning of this?" Ercole asked. Chelsea then started to sing as music box noises played in the background:
You poor innocent fool
Think I would fall for a guy like you, ha!
Let me make you my tool
And then we will see who is cool!
But don't make any mistakes
Cause you will get your fate
Let the chaos embrace! Hahaha!
Come on down!
Don't be shy!
Let's make him
You'll meet
The being
Who makes nightmares
Come alive!
Make Master Rise
Don't tell me who is in charge
I will tell you it all
Meet the leader of this place
It's better off than Heaven's sake
Come on down!
Don't be shy!
Let's make him
You'll meet
The being
Who makes nightmares
Come alive!
Make Master Rise
Need this and that
A Tit of a tat
Need to bring him out of his hood
I just need a drop of blood
*Ercole's hand is mysteriously cut and it draws blood as Chelsea takes it*
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Come on down!
Don't be shy!
Let's make him
You'll meet
The being
Who makes nightmares
Come alive!
Make Master Rise
Make Master Rise
Make Master Rise

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