Chapter 14: Attack on Enchancia

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   During the night, Alberto kept having nightmares about Amber. He woke up again breathing heavily, sweat droplets dripping from his head. Shaking it off, he noticed the book he got from Rachel open with the pages turning. He got on a robe and walked over to the book. As Alberto tried to stop the pages turning, the book flew open to a certain page. The ground shook for a minute then stopped. Alberto thought it was odd then he heard voices in his head. When the voices stopped, the sky turned a dark grey and lightning struck the castle. "Help! Alberto!" Giulia called out. "Alberto! Help us!" Luca yelled. Alberto heard Jake call out to Sofia as well. Alberto ran to them calling out for help but dodged a lightning bolt. He ran as fast as he could and checked each room of the castle. Everyone was gone. "Guys! Where are you?" Alberto called out. No one answered. Alberto became hopeless. He ran to the castle doors. They were locked shut. Alberto ran into Amber's room and cried. He tried everything he could to rescue his friends and family. Where were they? How did they disappear? Alberto was so stressed that he couldn't. The Book of Fantasia suddenly lit up again. Alberto turned around and noticed the book was open to a certain page.

  Alberto read it until he heard a knock coming from the window. He saw Rachel and some furry animals. Rachel signaled Alberto to open the window and he did. The animals came in first and Rachel followed. "Phew! That was close!" Rachel said wounding up in Amber's room. "What are you talking about?! My friends are gone!" Alberto hollered. The storm got worse as parts of the castle were torn apart. "Follow me and grab the book! Don't let it go! We must leave immediately!" Rachel hollered. Alberto nodded then followed Rachel along with the few animals. They arrived at the castle doors. "They're locked! We're trapped!" Rachel said. Alberto put on his brave face. "Not if I can help it!" He gave the book to Rachel and stepped back. Running with all his might, the castle doors burst open. "Wow! Impressive!" Rachel told Alberto. When they got outside, a tornado was headed towards them. "Fall back!" Alberto hollered. Rachel and him ran toward the castle doors but they shut. "Oh no..." Rachel whimpered. Alberto protected Rachel as the tornado came closer. As the tornado died down, an evil laughter was heard.

   "Well well well! If it isn't the little girl and her so called hero!" said a red headed girl. "I could not agree more!" Suddenly something hit Alberto as he flew back and hit a wall. He looked up and noticed he was pinned down by a trident of some sort. That's when he noticed a familiar face. "Ciao, you ugly peace of filth!" It was Ercole. Suddenly, Alberto heard Rachel yell. The animals guarded Rachel but were blown away. Rachel held on to the book and cowered. That's when the red head girl started levitating Rachel while Rachel was still holding the book. "No! Let her go!" Alberto cried out. "You have what I want little girl! Either you give the book to me or your soul belongs to my Master," the red haired girl chuckled. "I will never hand over the book to you! I know who you are! You're Chernabog's new followers and I will never bow down to you or your wretched kind!" Rachel hollered. "Oh blah blah blah! You're done for! Just like your parents! Glad the nanny was there to look after you," Chelsea grinned. Suddenly, Rachel started feeling tired and had a massive migraine. She started shivering and screaming in pain. Alberto saw this and noticed Ercole got distracted by watching the horror. Alberto bit Ercole's foot and grabbed the trident from him. Rain started pouring as Ercole revealed his true sea monster form. "No that's impossible!" Alberto cried out. He battled Ercole for almost a minute. That's when Alberto pinned Ercole down with the trident. Alberto ran and grabbed his pocket knife from where he stored it on the  side of his leg. He slashed Chelsea's arm and carried Rachel. "Get him you fool!" Chelsea called out to Ercole. It was too late as Alberto and Rachel ran off into the mist.

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