Chapter 16: Revelations

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" head..." Jake said. Jake sat up as he shook his head as he looked at his surroundings. "Sofia! Where are you?!" Jake called out to his girlfriend. "Jake is that you?" James called out. "Yeah man!" Jake hollered back. As Jake backed up, he touched backs with James. Jake got out his sword thinking James was an intruder. "Oh James, it's you and Luca!" Jake said hugging his friends. "Have you guys seen Sofia?" Jake asked. "No, Giulia is missing too." Luca said. "We gotta find them, come on!" Jake said. Suddenly, Jake ran into jail bars. "Someone trapped us here and I don't like the looks of it." Luca shivered. "You're telling me." James mentioned. Jake heard voices down below. "Jake! Luca! James! Down here!" Giulia hollered. "Giulia, you're okay!" Luca cried. "Where's Sofia?" Jake asked Giulia. "I don't know. Last time I saw her was at the castle until..." "Until now!" Chelsea yelled. Everyone gasped in horror. Out came Ercole with his arm around Sofia's throat. "Is this the princess you're looking for?" Ercole snickered. "Let her go!" Jake yelled. "She's ours! I'll take that!" Chelsea said, snatching Sofia's amulet necklace off Sofia's neck. "Stop! You don't know what you're dealing with!" Sofia told Chelsea and Ercole. "Boo hoo hoo hoo! You're all pathetic!" Chelsea said. "Not for long!" Sofia said as she kicked Ercole in the foot. She tried running away, but she ran into someone.
    "Chelsea, Ercole, don't be rude to our guests. They just got here." the demonic voice said. Sofia looked in horror as Chernabog disguised as Alberto walked in. "Alberto!" Giulia and Luca hollered happily. "Uh guys, I don't think that's Alberto." Jake said.
Just then, Chernabog's minions started surrounding Giulia and Sofia while unknowingly to the boys, they were hanging in a barred cage up above. To their horror, Chelsea turned into Queen Nerissa and Ercole into a sea monster. "Santa Ricotta!" Giulia yelled. Ercole then put Sofia's hands behind her back. "Well done, Nerissa and Ercole. You finally got the power we all deserved!" evil Alberto grinned. "What have you done with Amber?!" James hollered out. "And Alberto!" Giulia hollered back. "Oh silly me, I almost forgot. Alana, your destiny awaits!" evil Alberto called out. A strong hurricane like wind occurred as everyone held on, except the villains. From out of the darkness, Alana (Princess Amber in she demon form) appeared from above and landed with a big boom on the ground. Alana wore a red amulet choker around her neck. She stood up tall and walked toward to evil Alberto a.k.a Chernabog with something in her hand. "Meet Princess Alana, your new queen and my lovely fiancé." evil Alberto kissed her hand. "Charmed I'm sure." Alana grinned. Sofia knew Amber wasn't with them until Sofia heard Amber in her head. Sofia, help me! Amber seemed to say. Alana's amulet seemed to glow brighter than before. "Where's Amber?" Sofia asked Chernabog. "You mean...this?" Alana held up Amber's amulet necklace. Alana then threw it down and shattered it. "Your princess is no more. Now you have a new queen!" Alana bellowed. "Amber's...gone?" James said. He started tearing up. "You fool! I AM Amber!" Alana cackled. Gasps and horror filled the air. "Alberto? Where is he?" Luca asked, trying to be brave. "The sea monster you greatly call a friend is no more!" Ercole told the group of friends. "That's not true! I know he's alive!" Giulia hollered. "Shut your ginger trap!" Nerissa bellowed. Sofia looked at Alana. "Amber please come back! Alberto needs you! We all need you!" Sofia called out to her sister. "Silence!" Chernabog screamed. "Let the whole Tooniverse know that they have new rulers in their universe that will bow down to every command!" Chernabog said. "Prepare for the wedding! And don't disappoint me!" Chernabog told his minions as they scattered away. Chernabog looked over at Chelsea and Ercole. "As for you two, keep an eye out for any potential enemies getting in our way. I can sense some heading over as we speak." Chernabog mentioned. "And what about the so called friend group, Master?" Chelsea asked. "Destroy them all! Interference isn't tolerated here." Chernabog said, walking out with Alana. "With pleasure," Ercole said as he used his sea monster tail to turn on a machine that was used to destroy Jake, James, and Luca. "Make the girls watch. This bloodbath will be entertaining for them. Come on and let's get ready for destruction of the Tooniverse!" Chelsea said as she chained up Sofia along with Giulia for the ground. "Come back here! This isn't over!" Giulia hollered. Ercole and Chelsea disappeared into the shadows.

The Princess and the Sea Monster: Attack of Chernabog Where stories live. Discover now