Mk1 guys x Zatanna reader ✨

Start from the beginning

- But after a few months, he realizes that you don't really pose a real threat

- You both are pyromancers which is a nice touch

- He thinks of you as a God/Goddess yourself with your powers, you're flattered every time

- He enjoys studying and learning about you, it's one of his favorite pass times

- There's always something worth noting about you, you fascinate him more than anything

🐉Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)🐉

- Finds you really cool!

- He loves your powers and utilizes them in sparring

- Telepathy helps you two communicate silently

- He's a bit worried about the fact that you can bend reality willingly, but after a while he stops

- Wants nothing more than to cuddle with you after finding out you can shift your body temperature

- When you heal him, he feels the most connected to you

- He wants to spend eternity with you

🐉Syzoth (Reptile)🐉

- Heating powers? Hello!

- He's such a sweetheart, he just loves to lay himself on you when you purposely make your body hot

- He's a bit freaked out by your telepathy, he doesn't like it

- Loves to spar with you, your powers give him an added challenge

- He likes to carry you around on his back whenever you shrink your size

- He'll use you as a big heat rock if you make yourself bigger and then heat yourself up

- Loves you so much, you'll never know how much


- You are the most perfect thing he's ever come across

- He finds you so intriguing

- The way you can generate fire and ice from thin air through the vapor of his water is astonishing

- The way you can bend reality to your will to create things the way you want it  is beautiful

- The way you look at him when you heal him

- Rain is endlessly fascinated with you. He finds you to be the best thing that ever came into his life

- Promises that the both of you would rule Outworld together


- You both are a chaotic duo

- You both go around and terrorize everyone you see

- You love how he scares people while you place ice cubes down people's clothes

- How you light beautiful gardens on fire while he beats some poor civilian with his arm

- How you force people to obey you and he admires it from a far

- You two are perfect for each other

- Including the pitch forks and torches people throw at you two

(Additional characters that were asked for)

🐉Scorpion (Kuai Liang)🐉

- Finds you fascinating

- Loves that you're a pryomancer

- A bit concerned about how powerful you are, but grows to trust you

- When you heal him after coming back from a mission, he is only staring at you with heart eyes

- You two talk silently through telepathy a lot, it brings him comfort

- Overall really sweet towards you

🐉Sub Zero (Bi Han)🐉

- Loves you

- He uses your powers as an advantage to gain more power

- Bending reality helps him tremendously

- Using your cryomancer powers while sparring with him is also a joy he shares with you

- He's you're everything, and you are his


- He's intrigued

- He loves how you can change your body size, it's a charming little trick to him

- Your cryomancer powers are fascinating to him

- The same with your fire powers

- Is a bit intimidated by your powers but learns to trust you

- You wish so badly that your healing powers could cure his disease, but he comforts you

- It took him a long time to fully trust you, but once he did, he has never left your side

- Your powers continue to fascinate him and he grows even more in love with you every day

🐉Shang Tsung🐉

- Oh he likes you

- He loves your powers, he likes to test their limits often

- He finds your powers to be interesting, and something that truly should be looked into

- He studies how you can Master fire and ice. And how you can bend reality to your will

- Your healing powers are his favorite

- The more he studies you, the more he falls in love

- He truly thinks your the best person on earth

*This one is a lazy one. I'm not really a fan of writing these types of headcannons mainly because I run out of things to write about. But I thought I might get a request out the way so I can free up some space. Thanks reesescup10 for the request! I'm also sick and I a performance for my school's drama production tomorrow :'D.

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