Goal Accomplished? Ch. 23

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Kiyotaka sent a small glare Hisoka's way. "Sorry~ I couldn't wake you at first, you were too cute, but then people looked like they wanted to touch so I called it. So don't pout at me! Please Kiyo~" Kiyotaka rolled his eyes at the childish antics. He was about to ask how long he'd napped for when a certain green haired boy 'enthusiastically' opened the door and marched right up to Illumi. What a pain.

'Why do we have to be here?' Kiyotaka kept thinking to himself. The sooner this was over, the sooner he could tell Hisoka about his discoveries. The end goal of such an endeavor being to obtain praise from the older man. If felt odd to crave such emotional satisfaction. It was quite literally the first time he'd had such a useless objective to his actions. He decided he didn't hate it, but didn't like the feeling of his skin crawling when he thought of not achieving his goal. It confused him because there wasn't anything crawling on him and only happened at the one thought, it confused him greatly.

While Kiyotaka was in his thoughts, the meeting had started and ended. He was certainly pleased to find that it was over already. He followed Hisoka outside where he had met Illumi. Gon had broken, no shattered, Illumi'd wrist, it was all swollen at his side. Illumi had spared him not even half a glacé before talking to Hisoka. They were discussing each others next moves and a time and place to meet back up. From this conversation Kiyotaka found out he and Hisoka were going first to heaven's arena, then to York New city. He was just ready to leave already, he'd gotten board.

They were finally headed to heavens arena and had a quiet moment to themselves. Perfect. Kiyotaka was actually surprised because right before he was about to bring up the long awaited topic, Hisoka had beaten him to it. They were sitting down next to each other in a private room. "So are you going to tell me?" Kiyotaka didn't need anymore context than that to know what he was referring to. "We'll, I took the opportunity to experiment with my nen." "Oh and what, do tell, did you figure out?" "Well the first move was using the, what did you call it..." "bungee gum" "thanks, bungee gum, that's how I made him punch himself. Then I sent some of my nen and encased the outside of his leg and when he moved I took the chance to manually pull his muscle by using my nen to simulate the conditions that could cause a pulled muscle. I found I could manipulate the body with nen from the outside and wondered about inside. That's why I let him keep getting almost just close enough, so I could have enough nen ended his mouth and cover his vocal chords. Once that was in place I manipulated his body to halt and raise his hand before manually vibrating his vocal chords to surrender the win to me." Kiyotaka paused for a minute before adding, "and with being able to cancel out my nen's presence I would be able to kill without being detected of foul play." Kiyotaka looked to Hisoka to gauge his reaction. He felt a bit let down at first when Hisoka was just starring, face unchanged. He went to get off the couch, bummed out by his failure, when he was grabbed and thrown in the air before being caught in Hisoka's arms princess carry style. He had a smile on his face and he began laughing. "I really didn't think I could have been any luckier when I found you, but by god! This is just amazing! You have such a free and absolute control over your nen! Incredible!" He began praising. Hisoka fell back on the couch, Kiyotaka still in princess carry position in his arms. Hisoka brought the hand that was under Kiyotaka's knees up to his head, vigorously scratching his ears in delight. Kiyotaka had brought out his ears and tail and had begun purring and nuzzling into the affectionate hands and broad chest.

Hisoka chuckled at his actions before realizing that Kiyotaka also had his tail out. In general he only had his ears out when it was just the two of them, but after the first time Hisoka had touched his tail, he never revealed it. Now here it was swaying back and forth in delight and on full display.

A/N: And this scene will continue next chapter! I know it's a bit short this week but I've had like 3-5 different projects to work on and I wanted to get at least a partial chapter out!

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