New Clothes Ch. 3

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They walked for about another hour before the trees finally started to clear, and a town made it's way into view. "Here you are!" Hisoka said, "The closest city!" He turned around to look at Kiyotaka, who bowed slightly. "Thank you for the escort, I'll get going now." As he went to step around Hisoka, he found he did without any trouble. He was a bit hopeful this was the last time he'd have to see the clown that had caught him earlier. Of course though, luck wasn't on his side, he could both smell and hear Hisoka following close behind him. In response he stopped and turned around, "Do you need something from me now?" he asked, feeling like he already knew this wasn't going to end well. "I think it's you who will still need something from me." "I don't ne-" Hisoka cut him off "You have no money, you don't know your way around the city, and I'm not to sure how long those clothes are going to stay on you." "I can handle all those things by myself." "But what kind of person would I be if I didn't stay to help a cute little stray such as yourself?"

When Hisoka realized Kyo was going to fight him more on this topic then he did earlier, he simple stepped closer to the boy, who tensed in response and was clearly on guard. In one swift movement, he'd grabbed Kiyotaka and slung him over his shoulder. "You may not think you need me, but that doesn't matter since I'm coming whether you like it or not! The first stop is to get you some clothes!" Hisoka waited for a response or even a protest from the boy, but he got nothing except for an exasperated sounding sigh, and even though it wasn't the response he was looking for, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

They'd walked for about five minutes, Hisoka refusing to let Kyo down, before finally stepping inside a clothing store. He let Kyo down but held lightly onto the back of his neck. Hisoka guided him over to the counter where he was warmly greeted by a young woman in rather questionable clothes. "Hey!!" She said, "Back again so soon? What can I do ya for?" "Hi there~ Yes I'm back but not for me this time." "Oh, so for the boy in your grasp" She'd leaned over the counter to get a better look at Kiyotaka, and that's when she'd noticed his level of undress. "You poor boy! being paraded around in so little clothing," she turned to Hisoka, "I'll get him dressed right away!" She had grabbed Kiyotaka's shoulders and was about the guide him to a dressing room when she noticed Hisoka's hand lingered on his neck. She looked up at him with a curious glance, to which he responded with a smile "Just a tip, use gyo. I think you'll find him much cuter if you do" With that he let go and watched her get him situated.

Within a few minutes the girl had come back out to Hisoka. "Well~" She smiled, "He's absolutely adorable! I didn't know somebody's nen could take form like that!" Hisoka chuckled, "I meant about his clothing situation?" "Right, well, I'll have you pleased to know that I found the perfect outfit for him." "Well, do I get to see it?" The woman turned around and saw nobody behind her "Well, I told him to follow me out." She walked into the dressing room, and Hisoka was surprised was he heard a ruckus start. "Come. On.!!" He heard his friend yell, sounding like she was struggling, but was more interested in the calm voice that answered back, "No." He heard them go back and forth, the woman even rolling out of the dressing room one time before she rolled up her sleeves and charged back in. When he had his fill of amusement from the situation he walked over and tore open the curtain.

Hisoka didn't quite know what he was expecting to see, but he certainly didn't expect Kiyotaka to be wrapped up in another curtain, and clinging to the ceiling. As a response, Hisoka broke out into laughter. "My~ My~, as cold as you are, you're quite the trouble maker!! Now, why don't you come down from there?" All he got was a small head shake. This annoyed Hisoka slightly, but it was no issue for him, "Well, that's no matter" he said as he reached up, using one hand he grabbed the clothing at the back of Kiyotaka's neck, with the other grabbing the curtain. All in an to pull him down, and he had, in one swift movement. He dropped the curtain and set Kyo on his feet, holding his shoulders to keep him in place.

Imagine this outfit, but on Kiyotaka (also full credit to the person who drew this because I did not, but I love it!):

Hisoka, after having taken his time to look Kyo over, turned to his lady friend, "You really~ out did yourself this time, didn't you" "Of course! It's like you don't know me at all!" "Oh don-" That's when he was interrupted by Kiyotaka

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Hisoka, after having taken his time to look Kyo over, turned to his lady friend, "You really~ out did yourself this time, didn't you" "Of course! It's like you don't know me at all!" "Oh don-" That's when he was interrupted by Kiyotaka. He was lifting his arms and observing his sleeves, "I really don't want to wear this." "Would you like something more revealing instead~?" The woman asked, "because I could whip something up real quick" Kiyotaka looked to Hisoka, but all he saw was a creepy grin on his face, "I'm good." "Glad to see you've come to your senses, now, it's getting late so we best be on our way." he turned to the woman, "Thank you for the clothes!" "Anytime!"

As they exited the store Hisoka leaned down, "Now, should we find a place to stay for the night?" Kiyotaka looked back at Hisoka, as cold as ever, before returning his sights straight ahead. Kiyotaka had no idea when or how he would be able to put distance between the two of them. Sure, he had a chance in combat, in fact he was confident he could win, but Hisoka was right earlier when he said Kiyotaka still needed something from him, only it was directions or money, but information. He needed to figure out what gyo and nen are, though he'd already had some speculations. He also wasn't sure if he would be able to form a plan capable of allowing him to escape. Hisoka was strong, and his mental state and process were something that even Kiyotaka had a hard time analyzing and predicting. It truly baffled him, but he felt oddly intrigued and almost exited at the thought, he must be going crazy!

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