Waiting Ch. 22

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This confused everyone. They'd watched Kiyotaka take almost every hit, and hadn't lifted finger in retaliation, yet it was Hanzo that forfeited. They knew something was up, but none of them could figure out what, well except Hisoka and Illumi, who knew about nen, but were still clueless as to how he did what he did to win. Hisoka saw how intently Kiyotaka was watching the confused, and devastated face of Hanzo, even from the side lines. In response he brought Kiyotaka's head into his side, leaning down enough to whisper a quick "calm down now~" into his ear.

Kiyotaka felt the shadow of an ecstatic feeling with the discovery he'd made with his nen. This fight wasn't totally useless after all. He could manipulate his nen inside another's body. He was able to manipulate the idea of bungee gum to work like puppet strings, which is how he controlled Hanzo's body. He controlled his voice my wrapping his nen around the man's vocal cords and manually vibrating them. He was worried it wouldn't work but, these were better results then he'd expected on the first try. He almost couldn't wait to tell Hisoka about his discovery. Would he be praised? In the white room he was never praised, because they always expected more of him then what he could give, despite his outstanding results. It was tiring, but now? Experimenting was fun, and the man he was with loved power, he was uncomfortably hopeful that he would get at least a little praise at the end of that conversation. Now he just had to watch the other fights. Hisoka handled his fast, forfeiting the first match, and making his opponent immediately forfeit the next.

Even after his humiliating defeat, Hanson still acted all high and mighty when he had to fight Gon. Kiyotaka was kept focused by Gon's interesting ideals. The kid was a mystery to him, not one he needed to solve, but also not one that he could ignore. He watched as Gon stayed strong and earned both the respect and annoyance of the self proclaimed ninja who decided to cut his loses and fight the next opponent. Kiyotaka had been looking forward to Killua's match since he was interesting as well, but his eyes went blank and killed his opponent. Of course Kiyotaka had seen what happened between the boy and his brother a match before, if you could even call it a match, so he knew the manipulation going on. Kiyotaka was disappointed the boy couldn't fight it, maybe one day he'd be strong enough to, then his fights would be worth watching. Either way he killed someone and got sent home while the rest of us went to a classroom to get our licenses.

While they were sitting waiting for Gon to arrive, Hisoka decided to ask about Kiyotaka's fight with Hanzo. Though Kiyotaka only told him to wait since Hanzo happened to be, very unskillfully, listening in. Kiyotaka could see his boredom so he indulged the man in another, quieter, conversation. "What did you say to the blonde?" "I thought you worked with him? Wouldn't you remember his name?" "Sure" Hisoka sighed, sometimes it was like talking to a brick wall. "I told him I have information he wants." "And what information is that?" "It's about an auction you and I will be attending while also conducting an infiltration of the same group that massacred his clan." "Why would you go out of your way to give him ghat information? You don't know him?" "You're right, but he could be a useful ally in the future. I can sense his potential." "You made an investment not an alliance" Kiyotaka observed coldly. "Maybe so, but I don't really care either way." He said with a shrug while reaching up to lazily pet Kiyotaka's head. Kiyotaka realizing how long they might have to wait, opted to lay his head in Hisoka's lap and curl up on the bench facing away from everyone, his ears becoming available for Hisoka, and Hisoka only.

Kiyotaka had fallen asleep. He'd also started purring. There were several people who turned to observe where the noise was coming from, surprised it was coming the small boy in the clown's lap. Hisoka chuckled at the sudden attention that'd fallen on the boy, "He wouldn't like this outcome. (Hisoka thought aloud) But~ he's the one who fell asleep, so he doesn't have much room to complain!" The jester finished, hearing Kiyotaka purr even louder when he scratched the very base of his ear. That's when he noticed everyone in the room was looking as the boy in his lap. He didn't like it. He decided to wake Kiyotaka up by silently emitting some nen and cause him to put his guard back up. And he did. As soon and the nen brushed against his ears, he was up, opening his eyes quickly and evaluating his surroundings. He saw the people looking at him, now awkwardly since they'd been caught staring. He eyed all of them as he sat up slowly. "Do you all need something from me?" He asked, less as a question but to give everyone a hint to mind their own business. Many people took the hint. All except for the tall man in the suit, Leorio if Kiyotaka remembered right. "What is it?" He asked the man coldly. "Sorry, you see I'm trying to become a doctor and I've already started studying- (Kiyotaka gave him a pointed look telling him to get to the point) - anyway, how did you do that?! I mean I know people can imitate animal sounds, but that's while having a conscious control of their vocal cords and mouth shape, you were purring like a cat unconsciously! Do you know how incredible that is!?" "I don't" Kiyotakawas not at all amused. "Could I please take a l-" "I think that's enough~" Hisoka interrupted, pushing the hand Lerio had extended towards Kiyotaka away. "Ah! Sorry, I got carried away! If you ever feel up to it, you find me ok!" He went and sat back down next to the blond continuing to rant about how 'amazing' it was.

Kiyotaka sent a small glare Hisoka's way. "Sorry~ I couldn't wake you at first, you were too cute, but then people looked like they wanted to touch so I called it. So don't pout at me! Please Kiyo~" Kiyotaka rolled his eyes at the childish antics. He was about to ask how long he'd napped for when a certain green haired boy 'enthusiastically' opened the door and marched right up to Illumi. What a pain.

A Genius Thrown to the WolvesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz