. An Important Meeting .

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3rd Person POV:

"A runner, hey?" Teds voice was sceptical, as if he was making a 'Pros & Cons' list in his mind. "I don't know Evelyn... are you sure you want to do this?" His tone shifted to that of worry, his eyes searching her face as if looking for answers.

"Ted, Im begging. I need to get into that maze." If Evelyn was sure of anything, it was that she had to help get these people out of here. Like Ava Paige said.. Its what she was made for.

"How about this Evelyn. This evening, when I get back, All of the keepers will have a meeting. If its excepted, You can trail as a runner, alright?" As Ted explained the plan, Evelyn hoped deep down that they would allow her to do this.

"Sounds great, cheers Ted!" Evelyn exclaimed, pulling Ted into a hug.

"Yeah, yeah, thank me once you actually become a runner. Gotta run, the maze calls!" He laughed, turning tail and running into the maze with someone Evelyn had yet to meet.


Today, Evelyn began trialing jobs with Charlie, continuing to learning her role and how she could contribute in the glade.

First she trailed as a cook, helping Ranboo make stew for lunch. Overall, she didn't do too bad, only adding a little bit too much salt in at the last moment, causing the stew to turn out overly bitter. Ran wasn't too happy but still offered her a job in the end.

Next, she gave building a go. Shlatt was tasked with teaching her how to read the blue prints, showing where materials had to be set up and how their tools worked. The job was tiring but shlatt was strangely, A great teacher. The only thing that went wrong was when she dropped a hammer on her own foot. Shlatt was happy to propose her a job.

After the hammer incident, Charlie ended up taking Evelyn to the med-jack hut. Tommy showed her how to bandage her foot, even if the damage was minimal. She even ended up getting first hand experience with removing splinters from Tubbo's pointer finger; He got them from doing some kind of wood carving. Evelyn really enjoyed spending time in the med-jack hut. Luckily, Tommy ended up offered her the job.

upcoming, was the job as slopper. Evelyn was told that she didn't really need to try for this job as it was more of a plan-b for those who weren't great at any of the other jobs. She ended up trialing anyways, resulting in her dropping a huge stack of plates Tubbo had washed which promptly smashed. needless to say, she wasn't offered a position. 

Luckily, Track-hoe was last, with Charlie. She planted seeded, weeded the old crops, and watered some pumpkins. This job was simple for Evelyn and it didn't hurt that she got to spend it with Charlie, he was funny, Like, really funny. After some more VERY easy garden work, she began to wonder why someone like Charlie was stuck doing it.

As if on cue, Charlie got up, grabbing a bucket and shovel, motioning for Evelyn to follow him. Walking along-side him to the dead-heads, she noticed a limp in his walk. 'How did he get that?' It felt inappropriate to ask such an intrusive question, so, she kept it to herself as they headed deeper into the wooded area.

"So.. You taking me into the woods to murder me, or..?" Evelyn asked, chuckling along to her own sarcastic comment.

Charlie laughed, avoiding tree roots that protruded out from the ground as he walked further in. "Nope, Unfortunately Just showing you where the fertiliser is, Ev."

Evelyn nodded, noting mentally the path they were taking through the trees. She would have to memorise it if she wanted to be a track-hoe, as they hadn't paved it.


Evelyn sat by the open doors against the wall, drawing circles in the sand with a near by stick. She waited patiently, counting down the minutes in her head.

Soon, she heard a harmonisation of footsteps echo from the walls entrance. quickly, she darted up, scrambling off the ground toward the doors. looking down the maze corridor, She saw Ted and the other runners jogging back into the glade.

"Miss me?" He smirked, arriving by her side as he stretched and cracked his hands.

"Like you wouldn't believe." I rolled my eyes, chuckling. "Im just all worked up about the meeting tonight."

"Relax, Im sure everyone will love the idea of our only girl and 2 day glader running the maze." He remarked, sarcasm evident.


Evelyn POV:

Quickly, the meeting was called, All of the keepers piling into the homestead, confusion sounding like an echo through the room. I quickly took my seat, facing the podium where Phil stood, Charlie by his side.

Phil loudly cleared his throat, the room suddenly fell silent. "As you all know, We have someone new in the glade." He gestured to me, everyone clapping. 

"With a girl.. we have much to discuss." he started, "Firstly, I hope all of you will keep respect. You're not animals, leave poor Evelyn alone. Secondly, her job.. Evelyn has requested to be A runner. Obviously, she will be have to go though trials."

Murmurs spread around me quickly and I turned to Ted for support. He smiled, holding two thumbs up's toward me. I looked to Charlie, who clearly wasn't briefed on this before hand, judging by his concerned look and whispers to Phil.

"Are we sure we should risk it?" Shlatt raised his voice to pose his question over the whispers.

"Give her a chance, shank!" Ted replied, grasping my shoulder comfortingly.

"Alright, alright! settle down, you lot!" Phil continued. "All in favour of Miss Evelyn trialing for runner, raise your hand." The crowd went silent.

Slowly, I looked around. First of course, was Ted who already had his hand in the air, as far up as he could reach. Then, Tommy raised his, followed by Ranboo. Soon Phil also raised his, after a short debate. I looked between Shlatt and Charlie hopefully, begging with my eyes for them to at least let me trial. Soon, Shlatt sighed and slowly put up his hand, looking at me with a 'You owe me one' expression. 

I looked to Charlie, pleading with him silently. "Please." I mouthed, sincerely. He caved, raising his hand as the room erupted with cheers and applause.

"Congrats, Evelyn." Phil practically yelled over the cheering as he shook my hand. "Trails are bright and early tomorrow, so you best get some rest." I nodded, thanking him once again.

Soon, everyone left the homestead, heading for the dining tables where a dinner had been pre-made by the other cooks. I began walking over too, when I pulled to the side by Charlie. I looked at him in confusion as he let go off my bicep. 

"Why didn't you come to me about being a runner, ev?" His tone sounded sad and worried.

"I didn't think you wouldn't be too happy about it." I replied, shrugging. He sighed in response, looking at the ground, evading eye contact.

"Just don't scare me like that again, Evelyn." he chuckled, I knew it was a facade, it sounded so forced.

"Yes, sir!" I saluted him, sarcastically and he laughed, a real one this time, leading me toward the tables.

"You'll need some food in your system for tomorrow."

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Hey binkers!!



(I never know what to put in these LMAO)




- Binky_Banks

WORDS: 1285

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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