. Bonfire Night .

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Evelyn POV:

Turning corner, I was met with a blazing fire. It crackled almost as if it was alive, dozens of boys cheering around it as they stood in a sort of circle. I attempted to get closer, being thrown about slightly as I clashed against others.

"What's going on?" I turned to Charlie, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Fight circle; Shlatt runs the whole thing pretty much, I don't get to involved." He spoke, looking over the crowd, an un-readable expression painting his features.

"Hey! greenies here, get in on this!" I heard shlatt call to me as I made it to the inner circle. People seemed to cheered at the mention of me joining the fight.

"No shlatt. Not this one." Charlie yanked me back slightly by the shoulder, pulling me away from the circle.

"Oh come on, Charlie. She isn't made of glass." Shlatt laughed, pulling me in by my hand. Charlie grumbled to himself in response, letting go of my shoulder as I was yanked in.

As I re-gained my footing, I glanced around. I felt the fire to my right, heating on my face as I starred at shlatt's features. He was by no means ugly, besides the sideburns and uneven facial hair. I shook my head, returning to reality as I took a fighting stance, holding my fists in front of me.

"I'll go easy on you, greenie... This time at least." Shlatt reassured, a smirk playing on his lips. I nodded, waiting for the fight to start. 

Soon, I heard someone whistle to my left, it caught me slightly of guard, giving Shlatt a chance to charge at me. I darted out of the way quickly, him missing me by a hair. 

"quick on you feet, huh?" he chuckled once again, dusting himself off as he squared up, holding his fists in front of him, taking a similar stance to me.

with out really thinking, I swung at him. He grabbed my hand, catching the punch as he jabbed at my stomach, hitting it square on. I groaned, doubling over as he charged once again. As his legs fast approached me, I swiped them with my ankle, knocking him onto the ground.

we both made eye contact, beginning to laugh. Catching him off guard, I climbed on top of him, wrestling on the ground. He held my arms, flipping it so it was me on my back instead. 

suddenly, the air was knocked out of me, I wheezed slightly as my vision flashed to black.

"Evelyn. subject A1, take her in." A woman in white requested in an authorial tone, reading off a clipboard. Ava Paige, the woman behind the trials. "she'll be sharing with.. Charlie, A5." she spoke again, pointing the guard holding me still to a door just down the corridor. 

The man nodded, leading me, kicking and screaming into the room. He threw me onto the tiled ground, quickly leaving out the almost clinically white sliding door. 

"Are you alright?" A shorter boy with glasses stood over me. I recognised him as Charlie.. just younger?  maybe around seven or eight. He reached his small hand down to me, helping me up off the ground.

I noted that I was slightly taller than him, he had glasses and brown hair just down past his ears.

"Im Charlie, I think we're paired together." he stated, just as confused as I was about this whole thing.

"Hi. Im.."

"EVELLYN!" I yelled, startling myself slightly as I regained my consciousness.

I was on the ground, right where I had lost my breath although shlatt was now standing over me, looking worried along with the rest of the group.

"Who?" he asked, clambered to my feet, still in awe.

"Me. Im, Evelyn." I said, confidently as I looked around proudly.

Shlatt and Charlie grabbed my wrists, holding them up. "Evelyn!" they yelled, the surrounding boys cheered, begging to chant my name.


The rest of the night, I sat around the bonfire; Mainly with Charlie but I few people began introducing themselves, congratulating me on my name and such.

First, I met Tubbo. He was the last greenie before me, younger than me but not by a lot. It was the same with his height, quite short for what I assumed his age was. He was overly friendly, looking up towards the other boys in the glade, still learning from them I presumed.

He especially looked up to Charlie, speaking with him through out most of the night, having hundreds of questions to buzz out of his mouth. Charlie danced around a lot of them, instead choosing to answer the simpler ones that wouldn't affect Tubbo.

Then, there was Ranboo. They introduced themself as the glades head chef, having been the one who cooked the meal I ate earlier. They were tall, really tall; Easily towering over even Charlie.

Then, Soon enough, Ted walked over. Obviously I already knew who the was by the time he introduced himself. 'Im Ted, nice to meet you, Evelyn." I stared up at him. "The runner, boy." I stated, never breaking eye contact.

"I see Charlie already briefed you on the Runners. Im their keeper, the leader if you will." He replied, taking a seat on the log next to me.

I think I asked ted about a million different questions tonight at the fire, unable to stop myself, needing to know more about what's beyond those walls.

Ted stood up, using lots of hand signs as he gave me the 'greenie talk' as he called it, telling me all about the Maze. How it moves everyday, making it harder and harder to find an exit. I looked at him confused, "Why not just trace it at night..?" I asked, quickly realising something was off as him and Charlie stopped talking suddenly.

He turned to me, his bodacious smirk changing to that of a more serious one,a brazen look in his eyes, his tone shifting as he spoke. "We don't go in there at night because of-"

He was cut off, a loud screech echoing from the closed off maze, a metallic scuttle scraping against the walls. "right on time." ted laughed to himself, unaffected by the sounds.

I covered my ears, jumping at the sounds that seemed like something from a nightmare. "What the fuck was that?!" I practically yelled at Ted.


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- Binky_Banks

WORDS: 1096

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