. Day One, Greenie .

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Evelyn POV:

I awake to my hair whipping against my face mercilessly, my head throbbing violently and having not a clue where I am.

I jump slightly as metal sounds screech through the box I appeared to be heading upward in. I try to stand, immediately falling into a stack of wooden crates. I rub my arm, a bruise already forming. I look around quickly, taking in my surrounding.

I take a second look at the crates, stumbling backward as a pig squeals at me, almost as loud at the other sounds pounding their way through my ears. I try stabilising myself, peering out of the bar'd walls, looking everywhere until my eyes fall on the direction of upward. 

My eyes struggle to focus, based on how fast I was moving. At the end of the tunnel I was barrelling through, there was a... wall?! SHIT. I scrambled backward, against another stack of crates, holding my knees and burying my face, preparing for the inevitable impact.

Soon, I was flung, flung to the other side of the box, once again hitting my sides as the contraption came to an extremely sudden halt. The dingy and dark box was soon filled with a natural light as I looked up, seeing perfectly blue skies, no clouds In sight.

along with the light, I was met by faces of.. boys..? none of them could be older than early 20's to teens, their young faces looking down at me in shock.

"A girl?"

"Since when did they send those?"

I heard various murmur, mostly about me being a girl. was that not normal? where am I?

Soon, my eyes met a brunettes as he jumped down into the box, followed by a rather burly looking bloke with sideburns.

"Is that a girl?" The brunette asked, crouching down next to me, confusion lacing his voice. I can only imagine how I looked into this moment, scared? a mess?

"Day one, greenie" side burns spoke, holding out his hand for me which I accepted in a heart beat. Soon, I pulled myself out of the box, grateful to be on the grass or maybe just grateful not to be moving.

After what was probably only a few second of looking up at the boys making a circle around me, my fight or flight kicked in. A found a small gap in between two of them, making a run for it. 

I quickly glanced around, running toward the first thing I saw, an opening in.. another box? God I'm so sick of boxes. I kept running, faster than what I assumed I ever had. Just as was about to enter the gap in the wall, I tripped. I fell flat on my face, tripping over a small rock on the ground.

By now, the group had caught up to me, laughing slightly at me as a tall blonde boy helped me up off of the ground.

"Your fast, thought you might have had the chops to be a runner." The blonde one spoke, a British accent shining through. "Im Tommy." He held out his hand to me.

"Hi. Im, uh.. Fuck, who am I.!?" my heart rate accelerated as I looked around at everyone staring at me.

"Don't worry, It'll come to you." An older looking British man spoke, pushing his way through the crowd. His aura screamed leader. "Everyone get back to work, You've all seen a greenie before." He spoke loudly to the group as they all grumbled, walking in various directions.

"Charlie, you and the greenie can follow me." He spoke again, walking toward a large building.

I followed behind, noting mentally all of the names I had just learned.We soon arrived at the building, walking in and sitting on the chairs the room held.

"So, Im Phil, first in charge, Welcome to the Glade." Phil smiled at me.

"The what?" I replied, clearly confused by his words. What the hell is a glade? I thought to myself silently.

"The glade. Its where all of use gladers live. Once a month, a new glader is sent up in the box,"

"That's you, greenie." Charlie spoke.

"As I was saying," Phil cleared his throat. " You were our new member this month. Charlie here is second in command, he'll show you around and help you out for the first few days. Hell be keeping an eye on you... we've never exactly gotten a girl here before." he spoke nervously.

I nodded at his words slowly, looking towards Charlie as he smiled, walking out of the building. I stayed sat, confused. "Are you coming, or not, greenie?" He laughed, his voice echoing from outside.

"Coming!" I called, jumping up and running out the door, following after Charlie.


Based on the fact the sun is already starting to set, I have a feeling that it was already the late afternoon when I first arrived. By now, Charlie had helped me set up my sleeping quarters. The sleeping area is communal but he chose an area separated from everyone else.. weird.

after setting up my hammock, I watched as a group of boys ran through the walls. soon after, a loud noise echoed through the glade, almost mechanic, reminded me of the box. Instinctively I covered my ears, earning a chuckle from Charlie.

"What is that?" I ask him loudly, trying to overpower the metallic scraping sound.

"That's the walls closing, they close every night at sundown." He replied, barely even paying mind to the noise.

"And who are they?" I ask, pointing at the group who were now standing next to the closing walls, puffing and catching their breath.

"The runners." He replied once again, as if he had answered these questions a million times. He probably had by now.

"What are they running from?" I respond curiously. making eye contact with the boy in the middle of 'The runners'

Charlie laughed once again, "their not running from anything. Their running the maze." 

"The maze? You telling me we are trapped in a giant maze?" I asked, scoffing slightly at how ridiculous this sounds.

"Exactomundo." he responded, beginning to walk away once again.

"Hey! where are you going?" I called after him, quickly running up to walk by his side.

"The bonfire. What? you didn't think we weren't doing something special for you first night, greenie?" He laughed once again, walking toward a large fire I was only just seeing now.

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- Binky_Banks 

WORDS: 1086

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