Oh shit, sorry!

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Chapter 19 - Oh shit, sorry!

Cora was first to awaken from their nap as she heard a few small noises near them. Opening her eyes, she saw Vern placing two plates down on the coffee table in front of them but he'd knocked one of the glasses already there that Billy must have placed down.

"Oh shit, sorry!" He quickly exclaimed as he almost began panicking, trying to fumble with the plates.

Unfortunately for him, his fumbling continued as he knocked the other glass, spilling the water inside over one of the plates and the burger that was there.

"Oh shit, sorry!" He mumbled again as Cora felt herself laugh, this kid was a walking hazard.

Ace stirred by her side as he half opened his eyes, groaning a little as he looked over at Vern.

"The fuck are you doing kid?" He grumbled harshly, the scowl on his face.

But Vern was still trying to hold at least one plate away from the water that had spilled. Cora watched as he held it above his head, looking down at the water over the other plate and table, as it began dripping off the edge onto the carpet.

"Oh shit." He mumbled again as he somewhat shuffled on the spot.

"Vern!" Billy's voice shouted as he came into the room.

Vern let out a small squeal as he jumped, hearing his brother's voice.

"No the-" Cora had almost leapt up to quickly go for the plate Vern had but it was too late.

The burger and chips flew off the plate as Vern jumped. Ace's hands quickly reached up to Cora's waist as he yanked her back onto the couch with him, just as the burger and chips landed all over Vern.

"Oh shit..." Vern mumbled as he looked up at Billy, seeing the intense glare on his older brother's face.

But Cora was already laughing, looking up at Vern as most of the food had fallen off Vern and onto the table and floor but a few chips remained on his head and shoulders, a chip even sticking up out his collar.

"You're a fucking disgrace." Billy grumbled as he shoved Vern out the way and began cleaning up the mess.

"I- I tried!" Vern tried to exclaim back.

"Oh leave him alone Billy, that was hilarious." Cora spoke through her laughter.

Vern instantly looked over at her, unsure whether he should feel hurt and annoyed he was being laughed at, or thankful she told Billy to leave him alone. She reminded him of Teddy in that way. Apparently his face had showed he wasn't happy as Ace soon stood up.

"That better not be my wife you're scowling at kid." Ace spoke harshly down at Vern, who quickly rushed off out the room. To him, Ace looked scary enough as it was, let alone when he had a black eye and a little dried blood on his face.

"Fucking little pussy." Billy mumbled as he picked up the two plates and looked down at the towel he'd been using to clean up the water.

"Well we're going out to eat then. Go get changed doll." Ace mumbled as he half waved his hand at Cora.

She nodded silently as she got up from the couch and left the room.

"You sure that's best?" Billy asked quietly when she had left. "Ain't your uncle gonna be looking for her?"

Ace shrugged but shook his head. "He ain't gonna touch her. Call the others, get them to meet us at the diner."

Billy nodded as Ace left to go attempt to change.

Ace struggled a little with the stairs, his body still wincing in pain at an intense movement as he hobbled into Billy's parents room where Cora had changed her maroon dress into a blue one and was struggling with the zip down her back.

"Come here." Ace mumbled as he half went to her but ended up sitting down on the bed, feeling a lot more comfortable.

Cora silently moved over to him, still facing away from him as she soon felt his hands just above her arse, holding onto the zip as he slowly zipped her dress up, his eyes focused more on her back. It just looked so smooth to him...

"Thank you..." She mumbled as she turned to look down at him.

Ace simply nodded in response. "Do us a favour and grab me out some clothes." He grumbled as he pointed down at his bag on the floor.

Cora went over and rummaged through, pulling out a handful. "How can you tell what anything is? It's not folded and is just shoved in here." She mumbled, pulling out various clothing.

Ace simply smirked. "Well I'll tell you one thing, you're currently holding a pair of my boxers."

Cora looked down as she quickly chucked them at him, listening to him laugh as he caught them.

"And here I thought you wanted me without them." Much to Cora's annoyance, he still had that smirk on his face.

"You're such an arsehole." She muttered as she attempted to find him a clean shirt.

"I love you too baby." He laughed as he caught the shirt she chucked him and the trousers.

"Just get changed." She grumbled before getting up and going outside the bedroom as she pulled the door shut behind her so Ace could change.

It took a lot longer for Ace to get changed, his body flaring up in pain every so often as he winced each time he tried to massively make a move. But he finally managed to get himself sorted, looking in the mirror as he tried running a hand through his hair, in a wild attempt at sorting it out and making it look a little more presentable.

Walking out the bedroom, he saw Cora was still stood outside, waiting for him.

"Right so you'll stand out here and wait but won't stand in there and wait?" Ace asked with a smirk as Cora just rolled her eyes.

As if without thinking Ace looped his arm around her shoulder as the pair walked downstairs. Billy was just slipping his jacket on as he grabbed his keys, giving them a nod as they all left the house.

Cora didn't push Ace's arm off her shoulder as the trio walked down the street. Though she did take note of how tense he seemed to be, his arm remaining tight though it looked so casual. She even tested it a couple of times, daring a small step a little further from him but she was subtly pulled straight back into his side as he walked along slowly and steadily talking to Billy quietly.

Cora also managed to notice how his grip was loosening each time they were joined by another guy from the gang. Until the whole squad was there outside the diner and Ace's arm was hanging so loose she could have just flicked it off.

They all ended up taking up a booth, even though they had to pull a table closer so they could all fit around. They all ordered but this time, Cora noticed Ace's eyes didn't wander to the waitress, even when Eyeball made a comment about her arse and the entire gang looked over.

That was, until the bell over the diner door rang as the door was pushed open. Cora looked up as she saw Ace's uncle walk in, his eyes on them and the gang...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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